Saturday, October 1, 2022

The End of September.....

 While we meant to get up and get out on the road early Thursday morning.....
that didn't exactly happen.

We DID arrive in the afternoon and had a nice visit with Roy and Ruth Ann!

I miss her so much!
For years and years we spent our every Tuesday together.
On a perfect week, we would have lunch, hit up a Goodwill and take in a movie at the Starplex in Irving back when second run features were only fifty cents!
Then at 7:00 we would have art class at my house! It was an entire day we would spend together every single week.

We came in to the wonderful aroma of a pot roast cooking in the kitchen!
She had veggies to go with it and a dessert to boot!

Banana pudding of the rich homemade kind!!

We talked and visited and caught up on Life before going to bed Thursday night.

We all had a good breakfast of bacon, eggs and biscuits Friday morning before we headed out for Snyder, Texas - just a few hours west.

Thank you, Ruth Ann and Roy, for all your kindness and hospitality!

We got on the road heading west - NOT going by way of the Interstate - and I mentioned I needed to buy three pumpkins before we got to Chandy's. The great Pumpkin Project would start the next day and I needed to be ready!

Just around the corner we discovered H&H Nursery and passed it by only to make a U-turn and go back! 
BIG pumpkins at 3 for $15!
Win! WIN!!!

This was Louis Dean's expression when I told him we needed 31 pumpkins!!
While we meant to grow our own this year - that didn't happen. Maybe next year!

It wasn't a long drive to Snyder but I was glad Louis Dean was the one doing it.
We drove a pretty straight shot on Highway 180 and I dozed off more than once or twice.

We decided to stop for lunch once we got into Snyder before going on out to the country where Chris and Chandy live. No sense going in hungry in the middle of the afternoon!
I looked up restaurants and found this one!

It was a good choice!

I do love a good margarita and this was one to remember!

Jalapeño and it was SO good!
Not too hot but definitely flavorful!  

The food was excellent and truly Mexican!

Louis Dean isn't one to share food but that day he did.
One order of fajitas for both of us and it was perfect amount!
The AC was so cold in there (And I LOVED it!!) that he ordered a cup of coffee before we left.

On to Chandy's!!! 

I gave her a fall apron for a hostess gift!
She collects aprons and wears them every day!

Here's little Jaxon Dean - named after his great granddad!

Meet Bella - the birthday girl!
She was five years old on the 25th of September!
This is her 'creature' face.....

Piercyn read to me for 23 minutes after he got home from school.
I absolutely LOVE being read to!

I went out late Friday afternoon to meet all the critters!
Chris and Chandy have LOTS of ducks! And chickens!

Their big dog protects the smaller critters from the coyotes.

This turkey will be cooked and served on Thanksgiving.

It was so much fun to see the great grands!

Can you see Jaxon behind the donkeys?
They protect the other critters, too.

Jaxon is such a BOY!
Tough and so so good!!!

He drives his little green tractor all over the property!!

We visited and enjoyed being here with Chandy, Chris, Piercyn, Bella and Jaxon.
Kaitlyn had to work late so we wouldn't see her until Saturday morning.

We are in the guest room which is just as we left it two years ago.
Or was it just last year?
Time gets away from me.
I fixed us a late night snack of meat, cheese, crackers and fruit before we went to bed.

September ends and that's when we celebrate Amber and Mike's wedding anniversary!
16 years of marriage on September 30th!!

Happy Anniversary to Amber and Mike!!!


  1. Another lovely trip.
    Love the "J and the tractor" My favorite. That homemade banana pudding looks scrumptious.

    Jalapeno margarita?!? First I've heard of one.

  2. Happy Anniversary to your lovely daughter and her husband. You have such wonderful friends and family. It does make for a happy life.

  3. So nice you could spend the night with Ruth and Roy and catch up. The little ones are just too cute and loved the one driving the truck, what a little man. Glad you are able to visit and am sure they are glad you came. 31 pumpkins???

  4. Love Jaxon and his tractor...a true ranch-hand. It looks like this was a fantastic weekend...good food, good friends and good family times...nothing better.
    happy Anniversary to Amber and Mike.
    Such busy and fun filled times for you.

  5. Enjoy your trip. We are safe and getting back to normal. Praying for those a few miles south of us who have devastation. We did have a low key birthday for me...that is what I like anyway...a meal and gifts on Friday...yummy vegan cakes which are delicious. I hope others will pray for those people at Ft. Myers and the midst of this hurricane, we all realized, again, that we are blessed, and it could be us at any time. I did have to evacuate...and my son and family were ready to go if needed...hurricane turned...good for us...bad for others.

  6. The greats are so cute! They grow fast. So glad that you had some time with Ruth and Roy, too. And a Happy Anniversary to Amber and Mike. Happy trails home...

  7. Hapy Anniversary Amber & Mike - a great achievement. And all the best for your trip, Linda! Cheers

  8. What a fun trip! I love your gorgeous header and background. And you are looking especially beautiful today!

  9. It looks like you were doing the same as ourselves recently, visiting family and friends. And, it looks like y’all had a lot of fun with all the smiles. Congrats to Amber and Mike on their anniversary.
