Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Doctor Visit, Jaxon Released From the Hospital, Pumpkin #12, and Quilting on the Driveway! That's our Wednesday!

I went to bed late and yet I got up in 8:00!  That's not my normal but here I am doing today's journal entry around 10:00 PM because I am about to go to bed!

Louis Dean had a 2:45 appointment for his annual check up with his primary care doctor.
He was still asleep at 11:30!
I used this time to do some quiet and devotions....watered some in the flower gardens and picked today's bouquet of sunflowers. That bush won't be here much longer. It is pretty much spent now and I am starting to cut it back.

Louis Dean was in a good mood today as was I....
We did address the dementia situation and Dr. Maddox was all prepared.
We will be going to a neurologist for some testing and finding out more about what we are dealing with and how to find some solutions to our new normal.

Our land line is up and running thanks to son Jesse and Louis Dean knows how to both answer a call and make one - to me.
Right now I am the only contact in the directory until I learn how to add more.
Technology is not easy for me and I am so grateful for children who step up and help me out on this front!

Another aid I will be getting is called Tiles and that will help Louis Dean keep track of his keys and wallet. I need to go to the AT&T store to cancel his cell phone. Funny how easy it is to ADD a service and how extremely difficult it is to CANCEL one!

Then there's the GPS tracker I will get for both car and truck.

Where there are problems - there are also solutions or at least ways to deal with the problems.

Thank you all so much for the texts, comments and emails and PRAYERS for our sweet Jaxon!
He was released from the hospital late this afternoon!
That RSV can be deadly - and especially so with infants.
He's two years old and I was grateful for that.
Back when the quads were born, before we could be caretakers, we had to have extra immunizations since the four tiny babies were at such risks of things like RSV.
Another reason they quarantined for nearly a year - back before everyone started doing that with Covid.  

I didn't get one photo but Brenda came over after work today and we had tea in the den along with a muffin. We do try to get together every week now - it used to be monthly but we have moved on from that!

 Jack-o-lantern #12  is smiling tonight under a bush at our local fire station.
I forgot to post about #8 which we left at what we THOUGHT was our station.
Nope! That one is used for administration only!

We have a brand new one just a few short blocks away from the old one on Metker.
I hope this Jack gets a smile from the firemen as they change shifts.

I came home to work on a baby quilt for a Baby Bell Boy!
The shower is Saturday and I need to hurry!

So that's the short and sweet journal entry for tonight......
and guess what? I haven't cried today.


  1. I prayed for little Jaxon, and am so glad he is home now! Please keep me posted on Louis Dean's tests.

  2. So glad little Jaxon was released from the hospital. I hope he's feeling better. I'm sure his mama and daddy are relieved. I so love the way you're spreading jack-o-lantern happiness everywhere. Such a neat thing to do.

  3. You are finding strength from your loss and accepting what God has handed you. Moving on takes time

    Love L D's smiling face

    And of course the jack-o-lantern.

  4. So glad your doctor was helpful Linda. Katy has ordered a gps tracker for Baylor after our scare on Saturday. Hugs and prayers!

  5. You are wonderfully proactive! I am praying that good answers will be found.

    Yay for Jaxon getting sprung from the hospital. Love seeing that sweet smiling face.
    He's a cutie pie!

  6. I hope the pumpkins have been good therapy. We always do so much better when we are helping others but live your life that way! Sweet hugs!

  7. Sounds like all is looking up and things are going well for you . Technology is tough on me too and I always have my kids or grands give me a hand with it.

  8. So glad the little one got to go home and that you are finding ways to address the dementia. It is nice you share with us as we all are facing a little of that these days. You are so right about canceling things being harder than adding them. That pumpkin brought a smile to my face with his big grin.

  9. Okay, as you know I have been gone for a while. Does Dean have Alsheimer's? I hope not, but I feel that is what you are saying. I am so sorry.

    I am glad you are getting help and some devices to help.

    Glad the baby is home!

    How old are the quads now?

  10. Happy pumpkin faces and happy Louis Dean face too. I am glad you are in this "new normal" together...makes things a wee bit easier.. prayers always.
    So happy Jax is home too.
    Love the quilt and love you and your gentle, generous spirit.

  11. So thankful to hear that Jaxson is home and doing well. That is a real answer to prayer. Praying with you as you go through the steps re: dementia. May God give you strength and patience and much much love for the days ahead. He will go with you all the way. That quilt is gorgeous! What a blessing to be able to do things like that! You are so very talented!! Sending you (((hugs))) for all of the above and other things you are dealing with.

  12. So glad Jaxton is better. I’m glad. You are getting help with Louis Dean. ❤️

  13. I am now following. What a lot you have been going through!
    Glad Jaxson is home.
    Glad they have new techie things to help with dementia issues.
    Best to you and yours. I'll be back. :)

  14. Glad to know Jaxson is home

  15. Hurray that Jaxon is home!

    I'm loving your pumpkin adventures, and I am guessing they are bringing smiles everywhere you've left one!

    I always learn from you and I am following the things you are doing for and with LD. Since my parents live with us now and my dad has some memory issues, I'm tucking the information that you're sharing away for when I'll need it!
    Thank you!
