Thursday, October 27, 2022

Catching up With the Jack-o-lanterns!!

We woke up Monday morning to RAIN!!!
It was glorious and made good sleeping weather which may account for the fact that Louis Dean slept in even later than usual.

I got up and got busy getting things ready to leave. Our routine is - I pack it all up and drag it to the foyer and he loads the truck. He loaded some of it on Sunday so it was mainly the food and books and his music and my paintings!

After Saturday's meltdown and Sunday's quiet recovery, I was still feeling shaky.
I left a message for Doctor Abraham through the patient portal telling her about my circumstances and that I was crying every day and depressed.
She wrote back within the hour and suggested we do a video visit Tuesday morning since we were about to head down to the ranch.

By this time Louis Dean was up and we hauled all our trash to the curb even though they don't pick up until Wednesday. It's a once a week pick up now so we couldn't just hold it over for next week.

When it came time to kennel the cats - we couldn't find them!!
Finally I pulled Samantha out of the cardboard cat house in the den and found Tabitha underneath the chair in front of the den closet. Clearly they knew something was up. Neither one of them uttered even one peep when I  put them in their carriers.
They know the game by now and that they are going somewhere they will love - the country or the Bells!

We stopped by to vote early on our way our of town.

The rain had continued and cause quite a few accidents so we decided to stop for a late lunch at Cheddar's.

I love a good margarita and they do have good ones here!

I eat a lot of salads and this one came with the vegetable plate of FOUR veggies!
I only ate the salad and took the rest with us for lunch the next day.

You'll never guess what Louis Dean ordered!!!
Chicken fried steak, of course, with EXTRA gravy! 

The traffic had unsnarled itself by the time we were back up on the road.
We stopped at HEB so I could pick up a few things and then we were on the country roads to the ranch!

Louis Dean drives better at night than I do so he didn't have any trouble getting us here and Dean and Sherry met us at the camper/cabin and helped him unload.

We had our 'ah' moment! We are HERE!!!

I got right to work on my nightly pumpkin project!

Jack #24 is a tiny pie pumpkin.
HEB prices were higher than I've been paying so I  only bought two big ones and three littles.
Since it was late and since it was dark, we stayed on the property and set this Jack out by the little pond. On my way there, I walked through some stickers!!
We don't normally have stickers here and Louis Dean will dig these up so they will be GONE soon.....
but it did bring back memories of stickers when we were growing up.

A storm blew in shortly after we arrived and the wind blew hard all night long.
There was a tornado watch issued and I wonder where we would go that would be safe if we did need to take cover. We have a 31 foot travel trailer with a room built along one side and a bathroom and workshop on the end. There's a structure next to the camper side. Not sure what we would do other than pray and hang on. You remember a tornado did come through here two Easters ago tearing its way up from the meadow and missing both Dean and Sherry's house as it came up the road toward our place and skipped over across the field missing us and going on over to Mr. Jackson's where it did do a good bit of damage. We weren't here at the time and it happened so quickly that Dean and Sherry slept right through it!

Happy Tuesday morning!

I had my video visit with Dr. Abraham and she and I talked for about 15 minutes.
She called in a prescription for an antidepressant to the Walgreens in Waco.
Since it was Bee Meeting day, Sherry and I picked the Rx up on our way to meet Rosey for dinner.
I immediately took my first dose of half a tablet which is what I'll take for the first week and then go to a whole tablet every day.

I'm relieved to get something that will help me. I could feel myself sliding into depression - I've been there a number of times in my life. 

As it was on Tuesday night however, I was still in crying mode and Sherry and Rosey were such a blessing and comfort to me. I cried off and on all through dinner at Trujillo's on the Circle.
The food was excellent and our visiting together even better.
Dr. Abraham had asked me earlier that day, "Who is YOUR support group?'
Sherry and Rosey, for sure.
Sometimes you just need to talk and it's best to talk to people who love you and aren't judgmental.
I am grateful to have so many 'sisters' in my life including all of you who read my words.
I truly appreciate you.

We took Jack #25 with us to the bee meeting and left him out front beside the flag pole on our way in.

I'm wondering how many noticed him on their way out?

It was dark by the time we made it home on Tuesday night and Louis Dean was already in bed asleep.
He's loving being here and couldn't wait for me to leave so he could get out and mow.
There's nothing wrong with that now that it's not hot - but he still feels like he needs to sneak around about it! Silly man!

Our kitty cats are having a good time down here!
We don't need the AC so we are leaving the door open from the camper to the front room and they are loving going back and forth exploring everywhere.
I still say,  "Watch for the cats!!!" every time LD goes in or out the two doors in the front room - but honestly they don't seem to be in escape mode right now.
Their brother, Tarzan, who is the only cat here on the ranch other than the two mama cats, has been hanging out up here on the front deck where I give him 'free' food - food he doesn't have to hunt and kill! We don't let Tarzan inside though. Not sure how all three would get along.

I set art up on Monday night and did get some painting done Tuesday afternoon before we left for Waco. 

This morning (Wednesday) the first thing I did when I got up was to take the antidepressant.

I've been going through a box of old cards - ones y'all sent to Lillian as well as cards I've received.
I'm cutting the fronts off if there's no writing on them and using them to send notes to friends and family.

I found this card to Lillian from Nita in the stack.
She would always bring Lillian a chocolate milkshake every Sunday afternoon when she got off work.
That was so Nita - She was a blessing to everyone who knew her.
I'm so glad I have these cards and memories and photos of her.

This was 4 years ago and our last sibling trip together.

So today - October 26, 2022 - is Summer's 59th birthday!!

We were together this time last year at Bar-J Ranch in Arkansas.
I talked to her on the phone today and reminded her that this year she is STILL the 'old age' of youth while next year when she turns 60 - she will then be the 'youth' of old age!

Happy Birthday, Summer!!!

Sherry and Dean came down this evening just as I was beginning to carve tonight's Jack.
Dean suggested we take this pumpkin right down the road to the old Oklahoma cemetery.

We went while it was still light enough to see where we were going and what we were doing.
The cemetery is down a bit from the road but you can see the lights of a passing vehicle in the photo.

Jack #26! 
Sherry carved this guy and then gave him okra pod horns!

We placed him and drove on down the road a piece before going back to see if he can be seen.
Yes, sure enough!  He will be there smiling all night long.
Sherry and I may relocate him to a neighboring place where there's a 'passel' of kids living.
They will get a big kick out of seeing a lighted Jack-o-lantern on their way to school on Friday.

It's so beautiful in the country.
These telephone poles remind me of the crosses on Calvary.

I didn't do much but rest and read and do a little art today.
Ragweed is in full bloom and my allergies have kicked in.
I thought I had grown out of these allergies but it seems they are back.

Sherry brought Chicken Coconut Soup down for our supper and it was so good and perfect for this chilly night.

I had an art teacher who told me once a long long time ago -
'Stop one stroke short of being done.'
Sometimes we can overwork a painting and then ruin the whole thing.
So I stopped. I took the photo.
But then I went back and resized and toned down the gold gift box there by Santa's foot.

He's up on a shelf to dry before I glaze him and then I'll be ready for Amber to take a picture of him and I can order my Christmas cards! And a canvas print for a Giveaway  on the blog.
I guess the drawing will start on November 1st.
Wow! Time is flying by and it's almost time to decorate for Christmas!

I'll close tonight's journal entry by thanking you for the love and prays, kindness, compassion and comfort y'all have given me.

Today I didn't cry.
It's not that I won't cry again sometimes, but I am grateful that I am feeling more normal than I have in quite awhile.



  1. Just remember Linda, it’s ok no to feel ok.. I am still not feeling ok after losing our son 6 yrs.ago. I don’t think I ever will feel ok again. Yes, I am on medication .

  2. Your life has taken a turn after your takes time (and memories will Always be there). I catch myself crying about my mom's passing 1990! Compassion,sorrow,and feelings of loss are normal. Don't be hard on yourself dear Linda

    Love the jacks & kitties and Santa.

  3. Prayers…so many friends and family vent soon as they do the words are out the window…gone…forgotten…we go through so many tragedies…God bless you…so glad you called your doctor.

  4. Oh, Linda, I enjoy reading your stories so much. And I am so happy you called your Dr. and that the medication is already helping you. You amaze me at all the things you are able to accomplish even while not feeling totally up to par in varying degrees. And your Santa painting is so very very wonderful! You truly are an amazing artist! What a gift God has given you. I love the jack o' lantern fun you are having and that your little jack's are smiling at so many people in the unusual and fun places...even an old cemetery! Who'd expect to see THAT? LOL. Your kitties are so sweet too. I am sure they are a comfort and a joy. Thank you for being open and honest with us. We are here to listen and learn as well. We all go through sorrows in our lives sooner or later, and we need to learn from one another as we lean on one another. It is the way God intended it should be..."rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep" Romans 12:15. We are all sisters in Christ here on this planet, until He calls us home, where we will still be sisters in heaven... May God bless you with His peace continually.

  5. Linda, I wish you good health and cheerful spirits. I hope that the medication suits you and brings you solace and peace of mind.

  6. I hate to read that you have been struggling lately...but there are times in life when it happens.....take good care, feel better and think of all the wonderful memories you have made.

  7. I think what you are going through is normal and I am so glad you are getting help.
    Have a great visit. Love your paintings.

  8. So glad you made it safe and sound to the ranch and the kittens are with you and behaving. All your jack-0-lanterns have turned out so cute and don't you wish you were a little bird and could see all the different people's reaction to them. Glad you got some medicine and are feeling better and that is a great Santa for the give away and the cards.

  9. May Nita’s memory be a blessing for you.

  10. Yes and amen to the final quote.
    Our Lord cares and so do I.
    I am glad you are doing better and that your doctor understands you. It seems like she really listens.
    Enjoy your Ranch time and just relaxing and doing what you want to do.
    Absolutely adore your newest Christmas painting...Oh, that ai could do that.!!!
    Take care

  11. Sherry is such a good carver. Happy Birthday to Summer! Can I ask which anti depressant you are taking? We are both taking one, not the same ones though. Ours took about three weeks to kick in, so don't be worried if it does not work right away. Wow, you have a great doctor, to be calling you back so soon! I think that would never happen here.

  12. So glad you contacted your physician, Linda. We all need some extra help every now and then! Being in the country will be good for you.

  13. Had to look up what stickers were! Hope you don't stumble into too many more! Kia kaha my friend - one food in front of the other is all we can do. Cheers

  14. Trusting God to take good care of all of us. That is a great photo of Louis Dean in the chair with his mug raised. I'm glad that you have a good, kind doctor who listened to you and I pray that you will be feeling stronger soon. Summer does not look her age at all. So you know what helps with allergies don't you? Local honey! Do you have any of that?
