Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Lunch With Brenda, Tuesday's Treasures, and I Started the Santa Painting for this year!

 This has been a good Tuesday!

Tabitha has now laid claim to the small Halloween basket favored by Samantha.

It's like now that they are back home, baskets are now up for grabs!

I am absolutely LOVING the postcards and tags from Donna B.

I'm putting them one place and then another.
I found string this afternoon so I will replace the elastic I used here to attach the tag to a large gourd.

I adore sunflowers!

And these TAGS!!!

It was nice coming back from New Mexico to my fall decorated home.
I am totally aware that it is WAY too early for most people - but I am finding comfort in all my decorations. Only the gazebo is left and in triple digits I am not about to go out there and decorate.
It will be all Halloween themed so it can wait a bit.

Tuesday is normally the day Brenda and I thrift and have tea.
We used to have lunch once a month and now we have upped that!
She usually gets off early on Tuesday but not this week so lunch it was!

I fixed grilled turkey and provolone sandwiches the way Faith taught me when we were at the cabin last week. She uses mayo instead of butter to grill the bread and it makes it so toasty!
The hour for lunch flies by and I am so happy to get to visit with Brenda, hug her neck and just be together. She is a comfort to my heart.

I didn't plan on thrifting today because I don't need anything .....but I had to get out and go to the bank anyway......so I stopped at Texas Thrift on my way!

I scored on the nice Foley and Corinna brown leather satchel bag.
That's going to be my Fall go to bag this year.

Louis Dean had gone to Home Depot while I was out and he came back with something for me....

A special candle for September First!
It's just 15 days and a wake up to Neil Diamond singing September Morn!
Louis Dean asked me the other day if it was nearly time for me to play 'that September song' over and over and over??

I think we are going to get a break in this triple digit heat soon - like tomorrow afternoon - and I can't wait. Our water bill is scary and still we have barely kept most things alive.
I have lost nearly all the liriope I divided and planted in the spring.

I realized I was dragging my feet about doing art - it's been nearly two months since I had my paints out. Sometimes you just have to START!

And so I did.

I nearly always base in my canvas....the entire thing.

While it isn't even supposed to look good at this point - I was relieved that you can tell it's a Santa!

I found this framed print by Susan Comich in a thrift store earlier this year and have chosen to paint this for my Christmas card this year.

I continue to pray through the cards y'all sent to Lillian and I know I don't have all the addresses of those who sent her some. She often threw the envelope away at first so, if you would like a Christmas card, please email me your address. 

I wasn't sure how I would feel about painting a Santa this year and briefly considered not doing one.
You see, Nita loved the Santa paintings more than anyone and, with her not being here, well....
yes, I am crying a little. I can't seem to help it.

We do have a date for her memorial service and it will be on November 5th - what would have been her 69th birthday. Sometimes I forget she's gone for a split second.

I'm leaving the art table set up for the rest of the week and will paint every day for a few hours.
When we go down to the ranch next Monday, I'll pack it up and take it with me.

Art is good therapy!


  1. Great finds and so nice to have lunch with Brenda.
    I love your Santa.
    It will be wonderful

  2. What impresses me the most about this painting is the globe Santa is holding! It looks like a real delicate glass globe, I don't know how you did it! Magic, I guess, plus lots of talent for good measure.

  3. Love the photo of kitty in a basket!!! And, Linda...your Santa painting is a masterpiece!!!

  4. I seem to remember Nita with last year's Santa painting! Am I wrong? My memory's been affected some. I am relieved you have started this Santa -- it is comforting to see him, and to know you are back home where you belong! You and Brenda look wonderful. (Yes, my speech is somewhat affected, honey.)
    Love y'all!

  5. Your Santa painting is going to be wonderful...and yes, that is good therapy...and I think a Santa in honor of and in memory of your dear Nita would be perfect, even if it is difficult and bittersweet to do. She would want you to do it I bet. I didn't know her, but that's just my thoughts on it. Oh, I love your sunflowers and pretty fall things. I pulled out an orange colored dishtowel this morning to hang in the kitchen and thought, yes, it's time. I can use this one again! LOL. I am looking forward to fall so much, if it would bring us some cooler temps...here in Florida we don't get much cooler until maybe late October, but we can pretend. Love your thrift items and that you had lunch with your friend. I am sure you needed that. Have a blessed rest of your week. Always a breath of fresh air here!

  6. You always find fun things at the thrift stores where you are. Charly and I love to go to thrift stores too. I love the Santa painting. I hope you still have me on your Christmas card list. You have sent to me several times in the past, and I love your Santa paintings. I hope you have a good Wednesday. See you again soon.

  7. Love your art. Love your attitude. Love that you fill our lives with joy.

  8. Love that comment about painting. It is how I feel about my stitching. It calms my heart and helps me to quiet myself in times of trial. I have never lost a sister and I cannot imagine what you are going through Linda, but I will keep praying for you. It has bene cool in the mornings here as well. I went out to mail a letter this morning and it was so refreshing. I am ready for fall too!! I have put by a few things from Hobby Lobby and I will be bringing down my fall boxes from the attic before long.

    1. Arlene…I keep saying this. I miss your stitchery pictures. You are an artist. Amazing. Maybe a blog of just stitches and no family pictures. That should be safe.

  9. I'm glad you're painting. What better way to honor a thing that Nita loved so much?

    I'm thinking about fall and planning out what I want to do. I have glass pumpkins for inside and use real ones outside. The real ones don't get purchased until October because September is still often too warm!

    That is a sweet candle from LD. You are dearly loved.

  10. Thanks for your Santa inspiration. I've been looking into what I want to do this year. If I don't start soon, it won't get done in time for Christmas. So far I haven't found one that I haven't already done. But I'm not giving up. Good you have such a great friend to go shopping with. That bag looks perfect for fall. It won't be long now and I'll be digging out my fall things. I wait until September 1st. It's about to get very busy here, and I will miss the lazy days of summer.

  11. Everyday is a good day for Tabitha and Samantha. Love all the Santas.

  12. You are a genius at painting. You have my address. Prayers

  13. Thanks for the prayers you pray for those who write you and Lillian. Prayers are welcome and much appreciated any time. I pray that you will have joy and peace in your heart. Hugs, Beth J. from Iowa

  14. What lovely decorations for the seasons . . . I think of sunflowers and pumpkins as harvest and around here harvest starts in last August :) This is such a lovely post and your photography is wonderful. You have many gifted talents; I am totally impressed.

  15. The 5th November - puts me in mind of a nursery rhyme

    Remember, remember, the 5th of November,

    Gunpowder, treason and plot.

    I see no reason

    Why gunpowder treason

    Should ever be forgot.

    We still celebrate Guy Fawkes Day - although it seems silly these days to shoot off a whole lot of smoke causing fireworks!

    We are in the middle of a multi day rainstorm so no shortage of water here!

    Kia Kaha

  16. Oh that candle sounds amazing! Good selection, Louis Dean.

    Wonderful for you to be painting your Christmas Santa. Don't let anything go that you don't
    have to. ♥️

  17. Adore your future Christmas card and those sweet kitties in the basket.
    They just cry for another oil in the making.
    Continued prayers for you and your tender heart.
    Love you

  18. So happy that you are able to paint again. What a wonderful Santa picture.

  19. Your cats are adorable and you find some of the cutest things at thrift stores. Jan
