Saturday, July 16, 2022

Mini MiMi Camp - Day #1

 Louis Dean is home alone this weekend!

We kissed goodbye this morning as I headed down to the ranch with my son, Jesse, and Grandsons Sam and Levi. 

It was 8 years ago this month that I held the last MiMi Camp 2014.....
and I am one excited MiMi to be hosting a mini MiMi Camp!

Our first stop was Lone Star Cafe!

I treated myself to the first margarita I've had in a long time and it was good!

I ordered the senior taco salad.....

Jesse had the chicken fried steak and ate only half!
He brought the rest back to the camper and had it for supper tonight.

Now Sam ordered the chicken fried steak....

and ate every single bite!

This was Levi's dinner of choice and he only ate half!
Plus we had fried pickles for an appetizer.
Lots of good food and the very best company!

Next stop - HEB!
I bought food for the weekend instead of hauling stuff from home.

We arrived at the ranch and they marveled at all the changes.....
the last time they were here it was just the camper and grass...
no decks, not red roof, no carport, no front room or bathroom!

They unloaded the truck for me and then they got their gear ready to go fishing!

Look how CUTE they are!!

The big tank is as low as it's ever been but there's still water in the middle.....

and there's fish in them thar waters!!
Sam caught two.....

and Levi caught one!
Catch and release!

Next on their list was a visit to Tradinghouse Creek Reservoir!
Alas, they had more water but they caught no fish.

While the guys were gone, I unpacked and put up laundry, made up the beds with fresh linens, washed up the dishes that I had piled in the sink when ran out of here on June 26, cleaned out the fridge and generally spruced up the place.

At the Golden Hour I poured myself a nice glass of wine and strolled around seeing what I could see.
The garden is a mess and most of the sunflowers are done for....
but here and there is a pretty one!

This bumble bee was filling up his pouches here!

The okra is still green and growing.....but the rest is toast.
I was happy to see Dean's garden is still going.
Not as hardily as it started but it's hanging in there!

When the guys got back from the lake, we ate all our leftovers plus a rotisserie chicken and baked potato for dinner and then for our evening's entertainment .....

we watched Man of the Year with Robin Williams.
I had never seen this before.

The boys enjoyed it even though they said it had been SO long since they had watched a DVD!
Old school....

So Day #1 of MiMi Camp is done and I'm looking forward to tomorrow.

And by the way, Louis Dean had a very good day.
Two pretty ladies took him out to lunch and then came back to the house to play music with him for awhile. Thank you, Brenda H. and Ilene for making him so happy!


  1. What fun you are giving the boys, wonderful memories. I have never heard of this movie, and thought I knew most of Robin's movies.

  2. Sounds so delightful! How wonderful to spend this time with your grandsons and son! Making wonderful memories for sure!! Happy Summer Days!!! And just what you need right now, I am certain! Enjoy every moment! Those boys grow up so fast!

  3. What fun to have your two grandsons there and Jesse too. Looks like there will be plenty of fun days ahead for you all. Hope you have some good weather this week. Have fun and enjoy!

  4. Looks like good times! I know that you having a happy weekend and Louis Dean is, too. Perfect!

  5. What fun with your handsome guys.

  6. I'm so glad you could be at the Ranch with your son and grands..precious memories.
    So sad that the water level is so low..hope you get some rain soon.
    Glad LD is having a good time being loved on while you are gone.
    Good for both of you.

  7. Everyone looks like they are having a great time! And it sounds like Louis Dean is as well! Have a wonderful weekend with your family, you definitely deserve it!

  8. This is so great for you all!

  9. Hi Linda. Thanks for the update. I am so glad to hear that you are enjoying some time at the ranch, while LD relaxes at home. I hope that all goes well, and that you accomplish everything you need to. See you again soon!

  10. Glad you are having some time at the ranch. LD will be missing you. Cheers
