Sunday, July 3, 2022

I Trust God.....

 We have had a quiet weekend doing housework, laundry, and packing away Easter from the den.
We haven't used the den since April due to the new carpet install and putting a ton of stuff in there.

Taking care of Louis Dean is about all I can do now.

I am taking care of myself as much as I can.
A nice cold drink on a hot summer day in a pretty glass .....

with a sprig of fresh mint and a slice of peach, makes everything better.

Our sweet neighbor, Tamara, brought over a home made spinach artichoke dip and it arrived on our porch just as I had made our lunch of a sausage kolache and potato chips.
The dip made our simple lunch a special one.

So Saturday was a simple quiet day with no makeup, done hair or pretty clothes.
It was a day to BE.
I have been going out every morning to do some yard work and clean things up outside.
Right now I am trying to keep our landscape from dying and clean up the junk and debris as I can.
I fill up at least one trash bag every day - weeds, trimmings and j.u.n.k.

I went to see my sister today (Sunday).
My dear friend, Brenda, picked me up this afternoon and drove me over to the hospital in Fort Worth.

Since I was leaving Louis Dean home alone, I left notes all over the house letting him know I was gone. 
 Pam came over to check on him and they had a nice visit.
Even so - Pam reminded him before she left NOT to go outside,  he still went in the backyard and put potting soil in four pots to prepare for planting.
I know this because I have become a detective.
He tracked mud in on the white rugs in the bathroom and there were four fresh pots of dirt in his music room that were not there when I left.

I appreciate Brenda so much.
Nita is at day # 15 on total life support.
Brenda waited in the waiting room while I was in the room with Nita.
I prayed with her and talked to her. Brushed her hair, put perfume on my hand and held it up so she could smell it.
I played her song Inner Demons holding my phone to her ear and I held and kissed her hand.
I read the 23rd Psalm to her and told her people all over the world are praying for her.
I asked her to stay with us if she can.
God is with Nita and the breath of God is in her now....and I hope we get to keep her....I also know that Nita is with God - both here now and will be forever in eternity.

It was a hard afternoon. I called Deanie from the hospital after I had seen Nita and I do believe we comforted each other.

I found comfort in staying busy and doing the next thing at hand while never being far from tears this evening.

My active duty right now is taking care of Louis Dean.
He and I went next door to water for Stephanie and things like this make Louis Dean feel valued.
And he IS valued! Whether he does anything or not.
Still, HE feels better when he's contributing.
And he does love Stephanie

There has been other sorrows today.
I don't want to share what's not mine to share but a dear like a daughter to me lost her mother last night.

There's no escaping the sorrow and grief we are going through.
Nowhere to hide from it and not anything we can do to change it.

So I am crying and hurting tonight but I know this is all part of living.
I trust God with my life and the life of Nita and Louis Dean.
I trust God as he welcomed my friend into heaven last night and I trust him to comfort us in our sorrows. I prayed for my friend every morning as she was on my personal prayer list of widows.
Tomorrow will be the first day not to pray for her.
She is my second widow to go on to be with the Lord.

My heart is happy for her and yet I mourn for her family who is grieving tonight.


  1. Oh my, the sorrow just keeps on coming. I am so sorry, there seems no end to it. But God has got this, He knows and has all of it, and you know this as well. I will pray tonight for Him to lift you up and comfort you.

  2. I understand the pain you are going through. I am praying for you my friend. ~jackie~

  3. I wish I could give you a hug. Just know I’m praying and thinking of you. ❤️

  4. So sorry to hear these sad updates, Linda, Continued prayers and long distance ((hugs))

  5. I am so sorry you are dealing with so much sadness, so many sorrows, right now, but am thankful you can find comfort in the Lord. Keeping you and yours in prayer.

  6. Continued prayers and hugs. ((((Hugs))))

  7. This must be an incredibly difficult time for you....I am so very sorry....prayers to you all.

  8. Even in the midst of sadness, your humor remains..."I've become a detective." Yes, it seems as if you need to be one these days.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you. I wish that we could sit down with a glass of sweet tea and talk it over. I love that I can trust your sweet Texas real-life friends to minister. Hang tight, keep the faith, keep looking up. Thank you for your generosity in keeping your readers informed.

  9. Beth J. from IowaJuly 4, 2022 at 7:40 AM

    I am so sorry for your sorrows, for sickness, for stress in your life. God will walk through the valley with you and may you be comforted in that thought. Praying for LD, Nita and you.

  10. Praying for you all today, Linda. God be with you and give you strength at this very difficult time.

  11. Praying that God will be with you Linda and bring peace to your heart and mind. You are right, living this life brings pain as well as joy. Much Love to you and Louis Dean.

  12. You are loved.

    Linda, you are trusting yourself and those you know and love to the ONLY ONE who KNOWS all our days, and loves us so much. I am sorry for sorrows upon sorrows. You're right, your friend is with the Lord! But I know she will be missed.

    I wish I were there to hug you, ease your burdens a little, and walk along side you. I'm trusting you to God as he knows how to care for you better than I can.

  13. So sorry for what you are going through. Praying for you and your loved ones

  14. Sending you hugs and strength, Linda. I am praying for you and those you love.

  15. You are such an inspiration to me! Continued prayers for you and your loved ones.❤️🙏

  16. Linda, Sending many hugs and lots of love to you and your family. You will always be in my prayers. Blessings to all, xoxo,love, Susie

  17. Continuing in prayer for you and your family and friends.

  18. Oh, my dear! What a Valley you have been walking through! I know, as usual, you are trusting God to guide your steps, as always.
    I am so sorry you have so much sorry you have so much in your life right now. You're right, about all you can do is focus on Louis Dean right now and that is a full- time job.
    Know I am sending gentle hugs and prayers, and love -- and know I am thinking of you constantly, dear friend!!❤

  19. We have Covid again I. Our familyPrayers please
    Thankfully all vaccinated but this means out of ten of us 7 have had it and maybe 8 all because people are not iso,acting and masking and vaccinating…I am so exhausted from worrying and yes I do pray faithfully…I lived through polio…pleas eeveryone reading this encourage your loved ones and friends…brendab

  20. Your ending quote made me think of the old hymn "Trust and Obey"
    Trust and obey
    For there's no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey. And then...Great is Thy Faithfulness
    Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow...
    Great is thy faithfulness
    Oh Lord unto Thee
    Love you and continued prayers for your beloved Louis Dean, Sweet Nita and for you as you journey through this time.

  21. So sorry you have so many worries at the moment. At least LD is back! And making a mess - bet you were grateful he felt well enough to get into a mess! Kia kaha to you and especially to Nita.

  22. Sending love, hugs and prayers your way tonight Linda.

  23. With all the joys life brings, unfortunately come sorrows as well. Hold on to your faith, God knows what he's doing. Praying for you, LD and Nita.

  24. The only thing I can think of to do or say right now is to just send you big (((HUGS))). You are in need of some comforting, and I know that only God is able to give you all the comfort you need at a time like this, but it helps to know that friends are praying and caring as well. May the Lord bless you with His peace and tender mercies. More (((hugs))).
