Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Happy 37th Birthday to Amber on Monday and Tuesday's Treasures!

I woke up Monday morning - June 6th - with Amber on my mind!!

Look what I found on Sunday afternoon!
I was cleaning out the drawers in one of the dining room buffets and here was her birth announcement!
Talk about perfect timing!

I can't find my photo of me holding her for the first time but I will never forget that moment.

Amber was a beautiful baby and she's an even more beautiful woman!
Full of grace and wisdom....and as beautiful inside as she is outside!

I prayed for 5 years to have her and the 'new' has never worn off.....and it never will.

I wish I could tell you the story of her day.....
but if you follow her on Instagram or Facebook - perhaps you have heard!
She persevered and made it to the pool! Sun, heat and water = Amber's Happy Place!
I'm happy to tell you that her Tuesday was much better!!!

Our Monday was good. Much less traumatic than Amber's was, that's for sure.
We dropped the heart monitor off at the cardiologist and then shopped Home Depot for landscaping plants.

Whataburger for lunch!!!

By Monday night the dining room was all put back together again!

Every dish and glass has been washed.
Every surface has been cleaned.

All my 'debris' is back in place.

I'm loving this room!!!

Our vintage memory wall!
My relatives and Louis Dean's......

Monday evening after the sun went down, we went out to pull weeds and do some yard work.

That's when I heard it!!!
My first locust call of the season!
Monday, June 6th, 2022 at 7:30 PM.

While this is most likely NOT the one I heard - he was on my front door!!

Tuesday Treasures!

It started with a salad lunch with Brenda.
My first time to actually eat at the dining room table since we got the new carpet installed.

It was a garden fresh salad with a few greens and herbs and onions from our garden.
All the rest was fresh from Aldi!

Fresh fruit salad.......

It was a Salad Lunch for four!
Jesse decided to work from home this afternoon and Louis Dean joined us as well.

It was a memorable moment!
I am so happy to have my dining room back!
That whole carpet thing has been so much WORK and I still have the sewing room to clean up.

Brenda and I went off to the thrift store since it IS Tuesday and the 30% senior discount day!

While I did not make a big haul - I still found a few treasures.

An Ellen Tracey makeup bag......I keep all my daily cosmetics together so when I go somewhere overnight.....I just grab my bag.

I dearly LOVE this book and already own it - but this one is in pristine condition!
I bought it to give away and if you would like to have it - just leave a comment and I will send it to you!

I bought the burlap vase and greenery separately ....
and they look so good together.

LOVE this plaque!
I am going to take down what is over the mirror above our bed and hang this in its place tomorrow when I make up the bed.

I'm loving my Tuesdays With Brenda!!
She will be retiring soon and then we will get to have the entire day together to do adventures!

After Texas Thrift we had to decide if we would hit up Goodwill - or go to Whataburger for tea!
We love shopping together but my favorite thing is when I can sit across from my friend and talk. Everyone needs someone you can talk to.
Someone who loves you and yours and is a 'safe' person with whom you can share concerns and problems - joys and accomplishments.
Everyone needs a 'Brenda' in their life!

""We cannot tell the precise moment when friendship is formed.
As in filling a vessel drop by drop, 
there is at last a drop which makes it run over:
so in a series of kindness, there is at last one which makes the heart run over."

James Boswell


  1. I would love this book! But probably lots of others want it as well, so that is O.K. Amber is just amazing to me, I really don't know how she does it all. Wonderful World is one of my favorite songs. Your locust looks like what i call a cicada. I have not heard any yet this year. But we sure have plenty of earwigs!

  2. Ginny, the book is YOURS and I will mail it out to you on Thursday! You will love it!

  3. I know Mama had that book,but my SIL asked if she could have it, and of course I said yes. Mostly I listen to audio books now, because small print gives me such eyestrain followed by headaches! I am so thankful for the audiobooks, although they can't quite replace the pleasure of actually holding a book you enjoy and reading it page by page -- and hopefully with a good ending! I have always loved to read, and Mama took us to the library every two weeks or so. She was a voracious reader, and I followed in her footsteps in that way. Usually we finished all the books we'd borrowed in less than the two week lending period and went often in the summer. My favorite summer day was being taken to the library and left for two or three hours to walk around or sit and read a magazine or two. I loved the ladies who worked there -- they loved their jobs and kept them for many years. I don't blame them; it seemed like a perfect job!
    Amber is still so beautiful. Oh, I love your carpet, and the fact that all the furniture is back in place! I'm glad you are enjoying it, and you will for many, many years! Most certainly, it is the last carpet you will put down in the living and dining rooms now. Glad you have enjoyed your time with Jesse, no matter the circumstances, our times with our kids is always so important and cherished.
    We haven't heard cicadas yet this year in Virginia!Have a great week and weekend!

  4. I used to have that book…I do not need another but thanks…I have a cadre of friends like your Brenda and I am Brenda…my best ever is Linda…there is just something about the names..l

  5. Happy Birthday to your daughter ! I have that book too and thoroughly enjoy it. It's one I read over and over. My best friend is my daughter and we love to go shopping together. There is nothing like a best friend that is always there for you.. Your home always looks so nice, warm and welcoming. Glad things are coming back together for you !

  6. I'm glad Amber's Tuesday was better than Monday!

    I'm glad too, that you have Brenda and that you both can thrift together and share life.

  7. I have that book and love it too! Sounds so good shopping and eating with a good friend! I've missed that! Enjoy your day.

  8. AND Happy Birthday Amber! I hope this coming year is filled with blessings and some time in the sun!

  9. Happy belated birthday to Amber🎈 Glad that things have improved. Yes, she is a lovely person in all ways.

    What fun to have a Tuesday shopping buddy. You girls will have so much fun on Tuesdays! You may expand beyond

  10. Happy Birthday to Amber and although I don't know all that happened I am glad to hear it improved and she had a good birthday. What a shopping trip you had with lots of good finds.

  11. I know that this comment is going to come up as UNKNOWN..I still haven't been able to fix my problem.
    I really am Sue of photowannabe
    Love your post and all the wonderful things you do.
    Your home looks so inviting and I'm glad you have a friend like Brenda.
    My go to person is Julie. We don't actually get together too often but when we do ..look out world its a "catching up on Life" marathon.
    I don't know what happened to Amber but glad her day is better and Happy Birthday to her too.
    Love you Dear Blogging Friend

  12. I have to add that my very best friend is my daughter and the three grand girls and ,y daughter in law…lol

  13. Dining room looks lovely! It always did, but now it's even nicer, right? I bet y'all are so glad to have this DONE. Happy birthday to Amber! Love the picture of Mr. Louis Dean in his overalls! When were little, us kids called those "over-hauls", LOL. Hope y'all are having a nice week!

  14. Happy Birthday to Amber. We have cicadas in the summer - I think they are similar to locusts?? Cheers
