Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Tuesday's Treasures!

 Tuesday morning was my last school run!
As soon as we get in the car, we all make note of the time and then we each guess when we will arrive. Harrison and I both said 7:30 and we were exactly right!!!

I returned to the Bells and did my Quiet Time before stripping the sheets off the bed and putting them in the washing machine, loading all my various bags - because I am SUCH a bag lady!

It was after 9:00 when I left and since it was Tuesday and since there is an excellent Goodwill not far from their house - I decided to go Goodwill Hunting before I went home.

I'm so glad I did!

The green Michael Kors bag was just $2.99 less the senior discount.

The sunflower plates came from the Dollar store originally and I already have a set - but I can always use more. I seldom ever use paper plates so it's nice to have enough sunflowers to go around!

I fell in love with THESE!!!!

Quality plates at a mere $0.75 each!!

The matching bowls were less than fifty-cents!

I love this kind of lamp!

Brand new - never used coffee pot for $3.29! 
And another tall lamp!

I was in the Goodwill all of half an hour!
Home to regroup and repack and reload.

I made good time getting to Mart stopping only once at the Rest Area.

I always admire this house as I come in on Hwy 939.
It has a little guest house in back that I would love to see!

Getting closer!

I had called Louis Dean when I got into Mart so he was waiting for me at the gate!

Before I left home, I cut a big basket of honeysuckle to make up a bouquet.

Louis Dean had weeded the rose garden and the peach roses were blooming like crazy!

I gathered up some wildflowers to fill in the bouquet.

I'm sure our bees are gathering nectar and pollen from all the flowers around here!

I hope to have honeysuckle growing here next year!
It smells heavenly!
The scent of spring and summer!

This is a cutting from the peach rose bush.
Sherry heard about rooting it in a potato!
Never hurts to try something!

Tuesday was our bee meeting night in Waco but I was beyond tired and Sherry was, too.
Rosey had been swamped by work so she wasn't going to the bee meeting either!

It's good to be back in the country!


  1. Your bouquets are always so beautifully arranged. What a Goodwill haul! Our Goodwills here just do not have the kind of things that they do in Texas!! I will be going to one tomorrow. I always think of you when I do.

  2. You missed the bee meeting? That's a first I'm thinking.

    It's always fun to see what you have found at the Goodwill.

    The bouquet is beautiful. The roses are as well. You have provided
    your bees with a nice buffet.

  3. You definitely deserve some time in the country! What a week or more you've had! Love your pretty flowers and great thrift finds. Enjoy your day sweet lady! Sleep in!

  4. I loved seeing the flowers. We can't even plant anything here yet. But it is starting to warm up so hopefully by mid May we can.

  5. The rose bush seems to be doing well in the potato and all those flowers are so pretty. Glad you made it safe and sound back to the ranch and how sweet LD met you are the gate.

  6. Linda, You will have to tell how well your potato rose does. So funny. What a time you had at the G.W. The gateman was happy to see you. :) Take care and enjoy those beautiful flowers. Love you, xoxo, Blessings to all, Susie

  7. Welcome "Home".
    So happy you are back at the Ranch and I know LD is too.
    What a welcome sight at the gate...Happiness all over the place.
    Love your purchases, especially those Sunflower plates.

  8. Pretty, pretty flowers!!! L D looks mighty happy to see you. And the goodwill finds are indeed treasures. Now, I hope you keep us posted on the rose procedure!!!

  9. your goodwill haul has your name written all over it!! i am glad you are home in the country!!

  10. I buy plates at charity shops too - or I used to - but only in singles because they were for food posts. Maybe one day I'll get my cooking mojo back.... Cheers

  11. You found amazing deals at Goodwill!

    Glad you and LD are back together at the ranch.

    Your flowers are beautiful and won’t it be lovely to have honeysuckle at the ranch.
