Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Fellowship Church on Sunday and the Ranch on Monday!

I love Sundays!
I get up early enough to have some quiet time before Louis Dean wakes up and when he does - he goes in his music room and puts on some gospel music for us to listen to as we get ready for church.
This particular morning it was Elvis Presley and the Statler Brothers.

We met up with the Bells as we arrived at just about the very same time.
We all love Fellowship Church and I love that we attend together.
There's something special about families worshipping together.
We are about to start our Christmas services and I am looking forward to being with all my children and grandchildren at the 3:00 service on Christmas Eve.

The Bell girls are singing in the children's choir on Christmas Eve and they had their first practice after church on Sunday and Granddad and I stayed to watch.
All three girls are up there but you can only see one.......Let's play I Spy!
Can you spot her?

We all decided to go out to eat at Cheddar's afterwards......

I do love their margaritas!
We enjoyed good food and good service and then Amber ordered two of the Cheddar's Monster Cookies for the table!

It just so happens that Amber worked at this very Cheddar's back in her early college days at Northlake before she went on to Texas State. Back then, when a customer ordered one.....the server actually made it for them. First they put the order in for the cookie and then as soon as it came out of the oven - these were freshly baked back then - the server would put the sundae together and serve it in the hot skillet the cookie was baked in. They don't go to that much trouble anymore. It was still good but not nearly as good as they used to be!

Louis Dean took these rolls home with him!
As a matter of fact - he is eating one right now as I write this.

After we got home, I went straight to bed for a good long nap while Louis Dean settled down to some serious football watching.

Apparently Tabitha had been napping as well.......
she is such a good kitty but she is NOT a lap cat!

Unless it is Louis Dean's lap!
She has never sat in anyone's lap but his......and my feelings are just a little bit hurt about this.
We were up until 1:00 in the morning watching Home Alone movies while I finished addressing all my Christmas cards. Pardon the handwriting on the ones that are at the end of the alphabet as my handwriting had started to deteriorate by this point. I actually ran out of cards before I did addreses so next year I will order 250 instead of 200.

I was up early this morning to finish up a few things since we were leaving for the ranch later.
This sweet poinsettia on our coffee cart made me smile.
Rayne gave that to me on Friday and I just love it.
It's a real one and I am hoping to keep it alive.

It took us awhile to get ready as Louis Dean slept late and rightly so.
A working man needs his sleep!
We packed up the cats, locked up the house, stopped by the post office to drop off all the Christmas cards and then picked up a couple of my prescriptions and headed south, making one potty break stop outside Hillsboro and then another stop for milk and wine and a rotisserie chicken at HEB.

Watching Louis Dean unlock and open the gate is one of my favorite moments!

I came in the front room first so I could turn on the porch light on as it was dark at 6:00 when we arrived.

The first thing I saw was this beautiful evergreen and rose arrangement on the table in the front room.
Beautiful AND fragrant!!
I'm so happy I saw this FIRST!!
AND Dean and Sherry came down and we had a nice visit.
I have sure missed them!!

Then I unlocked the camper and discovered we'd had a massive invasion of MICE!
SO happy to have Samantha and Tabitha with us!
I knew we had seen evidence of mice on our visit last month but Louis Dean thought he had dealt with that. I knew he had NOT since I heard them in the pantry while I was doing my make up as we prepared to leave here in November.

I was NOT prepared for the mess they had made and the damage they did!
They completely destroyed the pantry!

Louis Dean was my Knight in Shining Armor!
He unloaded the pantry, cleaned it.....

took everything that could be saved - as in canned goods and such - and washed them down.
He bleached everything and then washed all the dishes that were in there.
I fixed him a supper of chicken and baked sweet potatoes and he ate and went right back to work.
It's now nearly midnight and I hope he stops soon as I am so ready to go to bed. 
Tabitha likes to sleep at the foot of the Girl Bunk and that is perfect for me.
Not sure I would sleep in the camper tonight if the cats weren't here.

I will close tonight's journal entry with this photo of a beautiful honey bee necklace, earrings and pin.....

I received this in the mail a few days ago and have been wearing them ever since and have them on now. The only problem is - I don't know who to thank!
I couldn'tfind a card and I really LOVE that someone sent these to me and THANK you!!

PS.....Just ordered a bundle of Grandpa Gus's Mouse Repellent Pouches and spray.
Thank you, Debbie M!!


  1. The jewelry is perfect!! And your poinsettia, if you can keep it alive from season to season,please let us know how!!!
    Love the kitties of course, but what a shame about the mouse invasion.

  2. We had to deal with mice at Mother's house when we were there taking care of her. They come in from the cold!! Thankfully my sister Kristi is a master mouse killer. She set all the traps and dealt with them later. Leta and I are such babies.lol That Rayne is so sweet to leave you a poinsettia. I have one on my dining room table and like you, I hope I can keep it alive. Have fun at the ranch.

  3. Oh what an awful welcome...mice! Glad they hadn't eaten the roses!

  4. a perfect day except of course the MICE.. yay for LD taking charge of the cleanup.. not sure how to fight that many mice. we get a rat now and then in the garage, in the trap bob sets, they come in from the rain, they live in palm trees..

  5. Mice sure can make a mess and make you feel bad! How sweet of Louis Dean to take care of the pantry. Hope you get rid of them ...pronto! And you did HOW many cards? Oh my! You are Santa's little helper!

  6. Thank goodness for Samantha and Tabitha,(I feel like I'm in an episode of Bewitched!), and for Louis Dean, who is indeed a Knight!
    I'm so grateful for my Christmas card! I treasure each one I get from you.💕
    Please stay well and you two enjoy every moment you can!!

  7. Oh mice! They make a mess.

    We usually get a few trying to find a warm winter spot. We put traps out and got one already. Glad LD cleaned it up! What a guy!

    Enjoy your days at the ranch!

  8. Mice and I are definitely not friends...what a stinky mess they can make.
    Louis Dean sure is your Knight ... not the most fun way to start your time down on the Ranch.
    What a great gift of the jewelry..it's so you and I know you will wear it to your Bee Meeting.
    Love the photo of your kitties on the mice patrol!!
    A great start to your Sunday morning with Elvis and the Statler Brothers. I am big fans of both.
    Enjoy your time and I love my Christmas card!!!

  9. The bee jewelry is beautiful. Oh my, that would sure be creepy to hear the mice. I want a report on how your kitties are as mousers! How many will they catch? I wish we had a Cheddars here! I have never even seen one- anywhere!

  10. Your cats will sort out the meeces. LD is a treasure. Cheers

  11. You always pack so much into your days! So nice that you can attend church with your family. I would like that! Sorry about the mouse invasion. Let me know how Grandpa Gus's works out for you. It sounds like the perfect solution for our RV. Enjoy your stay at the ranch!

  12. That certainly was a very unwelcome home surprise from the mice. Hope all of the hard work by Louis Dean and the mice repellent solves the problem. The necklace and earrings were certainly a nice surprise and hopefully you will learn who sent them.

  13. Thank goodness for Louis Dean and the cats. Sounds like you all arrived just in time to scare those mice away. They do like to move inside for the winter. One of sons got me these Ultrasonic Mouse repellers that you plug in around the house and so far they seem to be doing a good job and I haven't seen any signs of any try to move in here.

  14. such a fun entry, you have been a busy bee, haven't you??!! it is no wonder it is appropriate for you to wear bee jewelry!! you tend to them and you are one!!

    messy mice...are they paying rent?? we are having trouble with gnats and we can't see to get rid of them!!

    thank you so much for the beautiful christmas card, it is always one of my favorites!!!

  15. The bee jewelry is amazing and so pretty. Mice are my enemy. I can't stand them and to think of them being anywhere that I am sleeping gives me the creeps. I would not be there even with the cats. LOL!!

  16. Enjoy your Christmas and stay safe.

  17. Ps...Linda. I rec'd your wonderful Christmas card today...thank you so much. I've been collecting them and plan on making a holiday collage for the wall come Christmas. This one will definitely be part of it.

    Thanks so much. Mayyou two be blessed and happy this Christmas and stay healthy & happy in '22.

    I finished my pencil sketch of the nativity a few days back & posted it on my blog.

  18. I have misplaced Lilyan address, Can you please send it. Thank you!

  19. HI linda!...Just been thinking of blogging again... thought I would check out a few blogs... Nice to see alot that I followed almost 4 years ago are still blogging...Good to see life has not slowed down for you and Louis Dean!... Take care...Love Bev
