Sunday, December 19, 2021

Cold in Texas and Prepping for Christmas Eve

 I woke up at 6:30 this morning with the realization that I have not made my Fruitcake Cookies yet!
I could NOT go back to sleep so I got out of bed and started my day!
We sleep with our backdoor from our bedroom open unless it is freezing cold.
It was 35 degrees by the time I checked the weather while the coffee was making and it said it feels like 29! I was excited and took that first cup outside to sit on the driveway
I loved the cold crisp air - we haven't had much of that as of yet this season.

I looked over at the window and saw Miss Samantha keeping watch beside the electric candle.
You can't really see it, but she's sporting a new Christmas collar....WITH an extra bell!

It was another fireplace morning and I loved every minute of it!

I spent the rest of the day in the kitchen!

Prepping for my Christmas Eve dinner......
The sweet potato casserole is all ready to pop into the oven.
Sherry's mom had sent a big bag of sweet potatoes to me and I cooked up every single one of them and that made for a large casserole dish FULL of goodness!

Next up?

I love this recipe and make it so many times that I know it by heart -
but I pulled it out today just to double check myself and dated it.
I don't actually go by the measurements and I added a good bit of the HEB Texas Steak Seasoning to it.
Louis Dean taste tested it and pronounced it perfect!

I had a bag of pretzel 'O's' and dipped them in white chocolate and then in what small amount of colored sugar I had. Tomorrow I must stock up on the sugars and sprinkles for the sugarplums.

The most time consuming thing was the Fruitcake cookies!

It took hours to make the dough and then bake it all up!

Recipe is from Hood County Women's Group and my Aunt Irene gave me the recipe book in 1985.
I have used it so much!
Can you even see where I dated it this year?

Cats really know how to nap, don't they??
I thought sure I would take a nap myself today but I stayed too busy.
I purposely didn't even make up the bed assuming I would be back in it before too long.
I guess I still get excited over Christmas and I love that all my children and all my grandchildren will be here at home on Christmas Eve!
That's going to be the very best Christmas gift!

I'll close tonight's journal entry with a better pic of Tabitha and her new bow!

All my gifts have arrived and all the stockings are filled......except I need one more fun thing for a certain someone and I plan to get that tomorrow when i go out.

While I owned the kitchen today - it will belong exclusively to Louis Dean tomorrow.
As in all day!
He will be making cinnamon rolls and it's best if I am not home while he is working.
SO I will use tomorrow to do last minute errands, go to the bank, buy groceries and pick up a card table and chairs from Amber.
There will be 19 people here and I like to have table settings for everyone.

Hope you all are enjoying these last few days before Christmas as much as I am!!


  1. What especially adorble pics of Tabitha & Samantha today!! You are like a whirlwind getting things done, you have super energy! Just reading it has made me tired, so I am going to bed now...happy shopping tomorrow!!

  2. I'm all done except for baking before my sister arrives in a couple of days. Your group of 19 sounds extra fun!!! It's 42° in our yard this morning...oh happy day!!
    Love all your photos, and Linda, have a glorious holiday!!

  3. Listen, any gal who is so excited about cool weather that she sits out in 35° weather to enjoy her morning coffee, is a happy Keeper of Christmas. I am so excited about seeing the company potatoes recipe because I had no idea that I could make them up days in advance. I am serving a roast for Christmas with mashed potatoes and gravy. I'll be making the potatoes up on Thursday. Yay! Merry on now!

  4. It's all just wonderful Linda...your baking, the delicious cookies...the precious kitties, all your decor, the fire and Christmas socks...I so enjoy each and every post..may your Christmas be filled with joy and happiness...warm hugs!

  5. I had never thought about dating a recipe when making it. I wonder what some of my favorites would look like. I don't do a lot of cooking these days but enjoy reading recipes and the potato one sound yummy. Thank you for my card it is awesome.

  6. I love the recipes you've used over the years...tried and true! Enjoy your week. Holiday hugs, Diane

  7. Oh yes, I so enjoy all the days of Christmas prep work. Getting ready is half the fun ! Enjoy and try to take a nap now and then. Your kittens have the right ideas there.

  8. My Sarah is home so we are all celebrating! I love Christmas. I love being together. I love WHO we celebrate. I know you do too!

    Your day in the kitchen sounds amazing. Louis Dean's cinnamon rolls sound wonderful too.

  9. Those wonderful, well-used recipes look delicious! So glad you are having your whole family together for Christmas. Have a wonderful week!

  10. Amazing how you got so much done!!!💕💕

  11. I so admire your energy and get it all done attitude..Amazing and so wonderful to read about.
    I love seeing all those dates on your recipes. What a fun way to keep track of traditions.
    Having your whole family for Christmas Eve will be spectacular and I can't wait to see all the photos of happiness galore!!
    Love you

  12. Hi Linda! It sounds like your Christmas prep is coming along. I love all the dates in your cookbooks - so sweet and memory filled.

  13. We are having Christmas lunch at my sister's this year - so all I have to do is bring the bases for the pavlovas and cream and berries for putting on top. Easy peasy. Glad you are enjoying yourself

  14. We have a daughter and son in law here right now....Christmas will be alone this year...

  15. We are at Grimmwood...had Christmas with Charles and Nancy yesterday. We stopped in Ellijay for some Apple Cider and an Apple Pie for Christmas dinner. Visiting with Mother in the nursing home this morning and concerned that the new covid variant might shut down visitation. You have been there, you know how that is and I am finding out first hand now. We go back to Nanaland tomorrow...visit with Ben and Katy on Thursday then Christmas eve to prep for Christmas Day with Amelia. So a busy time for sure. Marvin and I are taking a day to ourselves the week after Christmas and heading to Oxford MS for an overnight stay. We just love that little town. Hope you have the best Christmas, to LD as well.

  16. Just popping by after I posted my last blog of the year to wish you all a wonderful holiday season.

  17. Those "company potatoes" sure sound good........what time can we stop by??!! ha ha LOL Love the pictures of the kitties, they are both so beautiful! Hope your week is going great my friend! hugs from Charleston!
