Monday, October 18, 2021

Santa Wall is Up!

 I enjoyed every day of last week spending most of my time at home.
It is my favorite place to be - followed by the Ranch with Dean and Sherry.

The Santa wall is up and this is its earliest appearance ever!
Normally I put it up a week or two before Thanksgiving but all my 'normals' are changing and more with every year. It was easier last year - I simply switched out the canvases. This time I took everything down and started from scratch.

It was amazing to me that most of my Santas are all displayed in the den this time.

I grouped all the larger ones on the gallery wall.....

and I like it this way.

Every canvas has a story.....
the Santa wearing the wreath on his head feeding the birds in front of the tree was painted from a puzzle I did long long ago. And I painted this one back in the early 2000's at Mineral Wells State Park where Louis Dean and I had gone camping in one of their shelters.

We had fun painting this one not that long ago in art class.
I played Christmas music and we sipped hot chocolate.

Once upon a time when I was 11 years old, I had a red velvet coat similar to this one.
The painting reminds me of that.....I loved my coat. That was the Christmas Mother gave me a bottle of Arpege perfume. I felt so elegant......

Square canvases are expensive to frame as they must be custom made so I painted the edges of them and hung them together.

Instead of mixing all the smaller paintings in with the gallery wall, I hung them in a group on the den closet door. It's a big closet and at first glance, it blends in with the cedar wall.

By the time I went to bed Saturday, the wall was done and all the frames and canvases I needed to store away were all neatly stacked in one of the many deck boxes we have. This one held my fall wreathes so now I must find another place to store those.

It was a busy week of doing one project after another with the Santa wall being just one of many.
Wednesday morning I opened the French door in the sewing room and the left one - which is supposed to be stationary - opened too. That right there kept Louis Dean busy the entire day! But he fixed it and I am so grateful he knows how to do things that are not an eassy Kosher fix!

Then in the wee hours of Friday morning, I could not sleep and was searching in my closet for a robe (the weather has finally turned cooler here in Texas!) when the mirrored slding glass closet door came off the track! I caught it and propped it up until later in the day when Louis Dean had to address that repair! It took awhile but it was a relatively eay fix!

I do not know how we stay so busy but it seems there is always something to do, some place to go or some people to see......and that's a very good way to live LIFE, don't you think?

While I went to church by myself last Sunday, Louis Dean went with me yesterday.
The day before he was telling me that he did NOT enjoy eating out at restaurants anymore.......

but then, as soon as church was out and we were walking to our car, he suggested we go out to eat!
Cheddar's Scratch Kitchen was his first choice but that's where we have gone the last three times we ate out - at HIS suggestion, mind you. The eating out. So I suggested a Chinese Buffet place he loves - King Buffet - and we arrived to find it is no longer there. So we ended up back in Irving at Uno China.
He took a picture of me and kept snapping away.......

until I finally took the phone away from him!
One time he had his finger on the button and took over a hundred pictures!!

We got home and I cleaned up the guest room changing sheets and removing all the cobwebs Halloween decorations. The kids were playing their first regular hockey game of the season and now they play on full ice. We did not want to miss that and yet I did not take one single picture.

But wait!
 There was another hockey game right after that one at another rink across town - 
and this time Mike was playing!

Once again, we did NOT want to miss this! 
Kailey has much longer arms than I and she loves to take selfies.
Can you spy our beautiful Amber in the background?

Mike is #12 of the War Hawks!
Easier to cheer for than the Swamp Donkeys!
But I will cheer for whatever team he chooses.

Most of his games are late at night so this one being at 7:15 was perfect for us and it was an easy route for us to get home because by the time it was over - it was dark!

It was fun to have the whole family out to support him.
Can you guess which grandchild this is?
My Logan.....I would know her anywhere from just the way she stands....the way she plants her feet, the tilt of her head.....isn't it amazing how each child is so different and yet you can catch glimpses of their parents and even grandparents in them?
That was in Pastor Ed's sermon that morning. Harrison has Mike's walk. Trystan has so many of her Grandmommy's traits and expressions.....Kailey is so very much a mini Amber.

Amber is a genius in the way she provides for all manner of activities.
The kids had just played their game (they are all four on the same team this year)  and were starving.
I had taken a batch of pumpkin muffins and they disappeared in a hurry!
They all wanted to go to their daddy's game so Amber got them Chipotle and made it possible for them to eat, support their daddy and still stay somewhat on schedule for a school night!

So this morning I took Miss Samantha and Miss Tabitha to stay with their Aunt Amber for a couple of weeks while we go to the country.

I think they thought they were in for a long drive to the ranch but it's a rather short trip to the Bell's.

Amber and I loved this movie so much that we saw it again today.
Excellent and we understood a bit more about the plot than we did the first time around.

A good movie makes the audience feel like they've journeyed with the characters. 
Rich Moore

And now it's time to start my Santa Express Giveaway.....
for the first time - it is a canvas printed from the original painting.

I will have to llok back to see how many years I have been doing this Christmas Painting Giveaway....
but it's been awhile.
To enter the drawing, comments left on posts from now to Halloween will be counted.
I will announce the winner on November first.

It's been fun to share my art with all of you.......
and this is my Christmas card for 2021.
If I do not have your address and you would like to receive a card, please send me an email.... address is on the blog side bar.


  1. I love the wall!! And one of my favorites is the one with the couple, and the woman has a beautiful long red coat and hood. So why what reason did Louis Dean give for not liking restaraunts anymore? I love the pic of you reaching for your phone, you look so beautiful and happy.

  2. I so love seeing the Santa's every year and enjoy remembering the ones you have shared on the blog as yoh painted them.💕💕 It s nice to see the process each time.
    I love seeing what is going on with the Bell family every time we can! They are a lovely, awesome family, and nope, I didn't catch a glimpse of Amber until you asked! It's amazing to see how much the kids are growing, and I love seeing g what good posture they have so straight and tall! Since we've seen them from the beginning, I feel like I know them.
    I know the kitties will (sort of) miss you two while they stay with the quads! Ha! They all will enjoy having them and you and Louis Dean won't have to worry about them slipping out the door, and you can stop and eat there and back without having to leave them in the vehicle, too. You and Louis live and look so much younger than your agez, dear!
    Love you!!

  3. Hello Linda!!! I love your Santa paintings!!! You are incredibly talented in so many,many ways. I am ready to send you the gift I have for you….just have to find where I laid your address down!!! Mary in Colorado

  4. I love all your Santa pictures but this one is my very favorite.

  5. My morning always starts with a big smile when I see you have a new blog post. Each year when you share your Santa walls is a blog post I always look forward to. This was a treat, that it was earlier this year. That was a lovely surprise. You are a delight Linda. Enjoy your time in the country. Blessings, Shari

  6. Kitty portrait? She's beautiful!! Here's a hint...paint her on canvas!!!
    And, OF COURSE, I love your Santa walls/room. How terrific Linda.

    The hockey photos are perfect...sweet, sweet family.
    Fingers crossed for Anni winning the painting!!!

    Moved from Indy

  8. Great painting. You are a busy woman. Have a wonderful holiday season

  9. All of your grands are so cute and so individual - love it.
    The Santa wall is outstanding; you have such a good eye for painting. I think I'm going to start Christmas decorating early this year as I enjoy it all so much. Didn't do much last year, but want to "do the house" this year! And hopefully, the twins will be able to come over and help me just a bit in the front yard. Devin continues to improve and get stronger - he's a fighter!
    Can't wait for my Christmas card. I'm looking for small frames to frame them all and start my mini wall!

  10. Your Santa Wall is so fun to look at! I do not remember the canvas of the man and the woman in the red coat. I love that. Red is my favorite color. We just finished Elliott and Landon's soccer seasons and now Elliott will be playing basketball. Landon is taking a rest until spring soccer. Have fun on your travels!! Looking forward to going with you via arm chair.

  11. I have followed your blog for a long time but this is my first time commenting. Your paintings are beautiful!

  12. The Santa Wall looks great. I was trying to figure out my favorite and couldn't. I do like the drape of the red coat. ☺️

    Happy Trails back to the ranch. My favorite is your home, too. It is an endless source of blog fodder. Nevertheless, you and
    Louis Dean enjoy time in the country and with family there.

  13. The Santa gallery is amazing! I know it makes you smile every time you walk in the room. Love seeing all the family photos and fun to hear about what you and LD are up to. Thanks for a chance to win this Santa painting. It's my favorite one...with the train! OH MY! Sweet hugs!

  14. So many beautiful paintings and how wonderful you take the time to display them each year. I bet each one has a special memory for you. Glad you could spend time with the family and see the game and what a sweet picture of a Dad with his kids. Safe travels to the ranch.

  15. The holidays are coming, I know because the Santa wall is up! Its so fun and cheerful. You have done a lot of paintings of Santa! I do love the one of the gal in the red velvet cloak! Elegant!

    How fun to go to church, eat out (grin) and go to hockey games! Win Win Win!

    Your kitties are so beautiful!

  16. Sounds like you got everything finished just in time to go back to the ranch. Hope you enjoy your trip and the time out there too. I love all your paintings but don't put me in for the drawing, I already have enough Santas here. Let someone else enjoy your Santa express. You do live a fulfilling life. Keeping busy and enjoying your family.

  17. I love your Santa wall. Beautiful job of hanging them. I really think my favorite is the one peeking over Santa's shoulder while he is drinking his hot just speaks to me.
    Well they all do for different reasons.
    You certainly make an adventure over everything happening in your lives.
    Louis Dean is the Best of the Best and comes to your rescue with perfection.
    I just love coming here to see what you are doing and how fun that you got to go to both hockey games. Precious family.

  18. I enjoy your blog! The train painting reminds me of Polar Express, one of my favorite movies!

  19. I love all of the Santa paintings, actually all of your artwork and would be honored to have one. Hope I win!!

  20. I would love to be entered in your drawing as I love your Christmas paintings !

  21. Great post - lovely to see the kids so grown! Cheers

  22. Thanks for sharing your beautiful Santas. Great memories, great stories! Beth J from Iowa

  23. You never cease to amaze me dear friend! That paintng is absolutely beautiful as well as all the others. You are so talented in so many ways. I want to be you when I'm your age........;)

    P.S. How bout those COWBOYS.......

  24. "It's a Wonderful Life" and I don't mean Jimmy Stewart...It's you and Louis Dean!!
    Love all your paintings. And the thought that you will have a give a way is very exciting!
    Your quads are turning into young people...I can't believe how they have grown. What a lovely family.

    You and Louis Dean look wonderful in all the pictures!!

    Blessings and hugs

  25. I LOVE your Santa wall! I have always been a huge fan of snowmen, but last year found that I enjoyed Santa a little more. I LOVE this one with the train and I hope that I can win it this year. My granny lived right next to a train trussle and so many of my childhood memories is of the train. Also, we always went to the Santa train, where he would throw toys off to the children. I am sure that my granny had her children do the same as they were poor.

  26. Wow. You are amazing! I love that 'red coat' painting! So nice to see your quads all grown up and enjoying life.

  27. Well, Linda, love hearing about the kids, as always, and seeing your Santa wall come together! Have fun at the ranch!

  28. That painting is beautiful and reminds me of The Polar Express! A well-loved memory from when my son was younger...that was always our Christmas tradition!

  29. Hi Linda, love your artwork and your precious kitties. My son is an artist living in Houston, wish I had his talent and yours. It's GOD's gift. Have a great evening. ~ carol
