Thursday, August 5, 2021

Home and Gone Again!

Louis Dean and I woke up Monday and were in 'Slow Go' mode. 

By the time we had done our morning routine and were getting down to the business of cleaning and preparing to pack up and came a truly heavy rain storm. The front room was as dark as if it were nearly night time.....and it was only noon!
Once that storm ended and we relaxed a little bit (we were concerned about being able to get down to the gate on the ranch road) then another one started. We got a LOT of rain!

It was about 4:00 when we went through the gate!
No problem getting out although we did drive a little faster and didn't stop all the way up there.

Since we didn't have the kitties with us, we stopped for a late lunch/early supper in Hillsboro at the Lone Star Cafe. By the time we got home it was nearly 8:00 and we were bone tired.
Summer had my fairy lights shining and a good welcome home when we arrived!
We unloaded what was necessary and went to bed early!

Looking through the mail the next morning was fun!
Our friends, Charlie and Denise sent us this BEE-you-T-ful garden banner!
They are in the very middle of closing on a house after selling their home of 40 years and moving a good distance away. Ripping up floors and putting down new ones and all the work that comes with relocating - and still they took the time to bless others! There's some pretty amazing people in the world and Denise and Charlie are two of them!

Tuesday afternoon, Summer and I drove over to Arlington where I had a EKG as a pre op for my surgery next month. We had stopped at QT for teas and it looks like my pink straw is stuck in my face mask!

This sign hangs in the home of my oldest son, Jesse.
Summer and I went over to see him after we left the hospital.
I love the ambiance in their home!
Warm, cozy, comforting, welcoming......

This was Summer's first time to see Jesse after his motorcycle accident.

We took in Sonic drinks for the family and Jesse sent some good bottles from his liquor cabinet home with Summer. She said, "Look what Sonic is serving these days!"

It was such a good visit!
Sam and Jaelynn are such a cute couple.
She's been such a help to Jesse and the family!
Sam's about to go to work and she had just returned from picking Levi up from the gym.
Jesse is still in bed pretty much 24/7 so she's taken up the slack of getting people where they need to be.

My beautiful girls!
Daughter in love, Leigh Ann, and Summer!

Here's Faith with  her puppy!

And Levi is in this pic of us at Jesse's bedside.
I got picks of everyone that day!

We left Jesse's and went to Tuesday Morning to finish up some shopping for Chandy's guest room and to Sam Moon's for a few pieces of bling for me.

Tuesday night Louis Dean treated us to On the Border for drinks snd dinner.

The food was good but the drinks were not.
First time in a long time that I have been disappointed in a margarita!
Service was not good either but the company was and that's what's important!

This morning we were up on the early side and waiting for the stone mason to come finish the work along the driveway. Summer is working miracles around the place getting so many repairs done!

One of the things I love the best is the address on the stone she designed.
We left the house around noon all packed for our trip to West Texas......

but first we stopped at Hollywood Nails on Beltline for manicures/pedicures.
Louis Dean got the best one he's ever had! Mine was excellent, too!

On to Fort Worth where we made it to the opening day of the Hatch Chili Fest at Central Market!

We had such a good time shopping all the Hatch Chili specialty items....
popcorn, cookies, chips and more. I didn't see any Hatch Chili wine in a green bottle like I bought a couple of years ago though.
When we were walking to the tuck after we finished shopping, the roasting was well underway and it smelled wonderful!!

Our last stops were picking up pizzas for Lillian and then visiting her at Trail Lake Nursing Home.
She looked happier than I've seen her in the last two years!
She said everyone loves and comments on her room and how warm and cozy it is.
She says it feels like home now.
She has no roommate and they even took the other bed out.
Lillian had them hang her large painting of The Battery on the wall opposite her area so she has firmly laid claim to the entire room!
We didn't stay long but I promised we would be back next week on our way home and we would bring food and eat together and have a nice long visit!

We made it to Breckenridge, Texas  around 8:00 tonight - well before dark.
I'll catch up tomorrow about Roy and Ruth Ann's beautiful home and the delicous meal she had ready and waiting when we arrived.
But for now, I am yawning and about to crawl under the comfy covers so I bid you all a good night.
Hope  you sleep well......


  1. So good to see your kids before your surgery, and it's wonderful Summer is there to have workers come to repair things. What great children you have, sweetie!
    Today, 8/5 is David's 17t birthday! I can hardly believe it. I wish we could be there but we can FaceTime.
    Love you kiddo!

  2. Marvin loves Hatch chilies...he would love to try all those products! Summer is amazing as usual. Glad she is helping you get things done. It is always a chore to schedule work then hoping it gets done in a timely manner. Have fun visiting Chandy and family.

  3. You pack a lot into a trip! I hope your son heals completely! Take care!

  4. You always make the most of your days. From start to finish each one is packed with wonderful times. Good to see Lillian looking so well and your Summer girl is definitely a blessing to you !

  5. It may have been a late start but it was definitely a full day. Hope Jessie heals up good and good to see Lillian.

  6. Whew...again such a busy and fruitful day or two.
    Lillian looks terrific..I'm so glad for her.
    Enjoy your time visiting and post when you can..BUT just enjoy!!!

  7. So good to see Mrs. Lillian looking so happy! Really love that address stone that Summer made. She always looks so sweet and happy.

  8. You mentioned not having the kitties and I wondered how many other things I have missed. I am assuming that they stayed home with Summer. I must pay better attention.

    Is Jesse like Mark Lowry who sold all his bikes after his second accident? Those bikes scare me. Ever time my kids or grands want to do something exciting, I ask them not to tell me until they get home.

    Miss Lillian is looking marvelous, Glad that you were able to tuck a visit in. Have a fine time with Chandy and her family.

  9. Wow, you sure have been keeping constantly busy! I guess that comes with having such a large and loving family. With your masks on, I can really see how much you and summer resemble each other! I love the house number stone! It looks like an artist lives there, and one DOES!

  10. linda What a wonderful week you had, I'm glad you're happy. And what a nice family you have. Hug
    Lady Samy

  11. Glad Lillian is settled. Have you got the kitties back yet? Cheers

  12. What a full life you have with family and friends, and what a wonderful prelude to your surgery! Best wishes to you and all those lives you touch with your thoughtfulness and creativity that blesses others.

  13. Summer is talented! I love your address on the stone!

    Lillian looks wonderful! So good to see her really smiling!

  14. You always manage to pack so much into your day! Hope Jesse is back to his usual self soon! Love the sign!

  15. You guys sure know how to fill a day!! Summer did a great job on the address sign, wow! love it!! Hope all goes well with your surgery, I guess I missed the post on what your surgery is for. I've been away much too long. Glad to see Jesse is doing well.
    It's nice to be back and catch up on all that's been going on.
