Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Guest Room Done! From Snyder to Breckenridge to HOME Sweet HOME!

By Saturday afternoon the guest room was a done deal!

I loved how the headboard turned out!

The next time we visit I am going to buy two more of the long white framed mirrors and stagger them on the wall, moving the black photo display to the other side of the window.

Chandy later added a garland of white faux roses to the headboard.
A strand of fairy lights would be pretty, too.

When I was all done, I lit the Mahogany Coconut candle!
My work here was done so now I went outside to see what I could see.

Chris has a salsa garden and then some.
He had a pack of seeds that featured all the plants you would need in order to make salsa.
Pretty cool idea! He also added pumpkins and okra and a few other veggies.

Next year I'm planting pumpkins!
Imagine having your very own pumpkin patch!

Just a man out in his garden.
While he was in the hospital (he lost his right index finger in a freak power washer accident) , the weeds tried to take over but he's back now!

Such a pretty little kitty!

The seasons are slowly changing.
There was just something about this scene - the drying sunflowers and the wall - that seemed to say 'August' to me.

Chandy has lots and lots of chickens!!!
Chris let them out and it was so much fun to see all of them running around and then running after him!

Late in the afternoon, Chris grilled burgers and hot dogs as we celebrated Jaxon's first birthday!

He's such a sweet happy baby boy!

There's that big water tank Chris fills with water from his well that is two miles down the road!

The guys prepared the smoker for the bisket that would cook all night and we sat out and watched them shoot off fireworks! It was a wonderful evening!

Sunday morning we all had scrambled eggs and that delicious brisket from the smoker!
Louis Dean and I watched Fellowhip church online in the guest room and Chris and the family was watching their church servise online in the living room.

And then, just like that, it was time to leave!

We could not have had a better time!!

I love this family and it was a joy to spend these few days with them.
The Johnson home is a busy place and I was impressed with the way Chris and Chandy parent.
I didn't hear one cross word between the two of them and even the children all played well together.
Kaitlyn is a beautiful sweet soon- to- be 17 year old while Piercyn is 8, Bella will be 4 in September and now Jaxon is one. I love how they all love one another!

All of them hugged and kissed us goodbye and we promised to be back in December to celebrate Kaitlyn's birthday!

Even this pretty rooster came over to the truck to see us off!

We drove the 3 hours or more from Snyder to Breckenridge, stopping to stretch our legs a time or two.
Ruth Ann had dinner in the oven when we arrived!
Louis Dean took a long hot soaking bath and then I took a nice shower before we all settled down in the living room to visit for a little while before we went to bed.
I cried Uncle first and went in and went right to sleep - only to wake up around midnight!
I finally got up and started loading and editing my photos and then finally got sleepy again.

Ruth Ann is such a good cook. She made waffles and bacon and sausage for our farewell breakfast.

We managed to get a selfie in with Louis Dean holding the phone and Ruth Ann pushing the button!

Their hospitality coming and going made such a difference to our trip.
We would have been worn out of we had not cut the trip into two segments.
I guess our age is catching up with us and long road trips take a lot our of us.

We stopped at Walmart in Weatherford to pick up a few things for Lillian and when we got into Fort Worth, Louis Dean and I ate at Jason's Deli and ordered a sandwich to take to Lillian.
Turns out she wasn't in her room when we got there - the nurse said she was down at the nurses station with her friends ordering pizza! And so she was! She has two new ladies who are really good company for her. I told her I had left drinks and snacks in her room and to stay with her friends since we were pretty tired and needed to get on home.

It was right at 5:00 when we got in and it was SO good to BE home!
We were thrilled to see all that had been accomplished while we were gone.
Summer had hired a couple of day laborers and practically moved every bit of Sanford and Son OUT of the back yard!! The stone mason had finished the repairs and the lawn guy had come so the whole place looked so much better! There's more to be done but it will take some time and I am so encouraged!

This was my 'Ah' moment!
My feet are propped up on the repaired stone wall and I opened a bottle of my all time favorite wine - Sunshine Bay's Sauvignon Blanc.

Here's to HOME!!

You can see the lighter colored grout on the porch - it will darken up with age.
While I am the Queen of Cover Up - it makes me so happy to NOT have the porch covered in welcome mats to cover UP the broken and loose stones!

Last night was 'Meet the Teacher' at Piercyn's school.

He asked his mommy to send both of his grandmas these two pics.

And this morning Amber sent me a pic of the fab four on their first day of 4th grade!!

"The magic thing about home is that it feels good to leave, and it feels even better to come back!"


  1. I love that head board! And that photo of the Sunflowers would look good enlarged on a canvas and hung on the wall in that same room.
    What a cute birthday boy! Arn’t they so fun?


  2. I know what you mean. I love going places and seeing special people but I'm always SO happy to be home. I love the guest room...gorgeous! And the back to school prayer is perfect! Take care! Enjoy your day.

  3. A blessed new school year to all. My grands, bless them, just started their summer vacation at the end of June so they have until the end of August to enjoy summer.

    What a nice trip you had out to Chandy's. The guest bedroom came out great.

    Lillian has really turned things around. Good for her!

    Hope that you have time to settle for a good while. I know there's a surgery coming up.

    Yay for Summer getting some things accomplished. What a help that must be.

  4. What a happy trip! Time with Ruth Anne, a family celebration with Chandy and family, Summer getting work done at home, Lillian thriving again!

    Lots of excellent things!

  5. I know you were glad to get home to all Summer's improvements. Maybe she should be a contractor for jobs like that for people who just need a few things done. I would hire her! Glad you had a good and safe trip. And glad to hear that Lillian has some friends. It makes all the difference.

  6. No matter where we go there is just no place like home. You had a lovely trip now enjoy your home !

  7. the guest room is beautiful, i LOVE the headboard!! family...friends, it's always so nice to have both, but there is no place like home!!

    the 4 "big" ones look awesome in their back to school picture!!

  8. The guest room turned out so pretty, so nice you could do that. Glad you all had a good trip and got to see two groups of loved ones. Glad you are home and that Lillian has some friends now, will be helpful for her. So glad all the kids can go back to school.

  9. What a lovely guest room!

    I know you all had a great time and were glad to get home. So glad things are going so nicely!!💕 It's always good to be home.

  10. This guest room is a treasured work if art!!! Wow. Delicious color scheme.
    Love the rooster.
    Love the beautiful family photos & smiles!!

    Yes there's no place like matter what a beautiful time had.

  11. What grade are the quads in now? Do they have to wear masks at school? the bedroom turned out lovely, especially the headboard! It is chic country farmhouse. The rooster is so pretty!

  12. As always, you fit in a lot of family and friends visit time, Linda, and how special they all were. I can just imagine how delicious that overnight smoked brisket must have tasted. hard to believe that school is already back in session in some parts of the country as our grands have until after Labor Day.

  13. What a lovely room... like a peaceful sanctuary. Picturesque rooster.. does not look real. All the kids are adorable, and I am so glad they get plenty of loving and care. So Mrs. Lillian has turned into a social butterfly.. hooray for her!

    May I borrow Summer? How thoughtful she is.

  14. Oh Linda, that school prayer is priceless.The thoughts about home is exactly the way I feel too.
    You have had such a busy, wonderful time with friends and family. That's the best way to live...filling the days with things and people you love.
    Summer did such a fabulous job on all the work on your place. Wonderful way to come home and kudos to Lillian having new friends and pizza to boot!
    Sue of photowannabe

  15. Oops, I forgot to say how awesome that headboard turned out. Perfect for the guest room and I really like the dried sunflowers and fence...looks like a painting of yours in the making..
    Cutie pie and his birthday cake.

  16. A field of pumpkins would be awesome. But your sunflowers are beautiful. After a trip, only good memories remain. But coming home is even better. I love your vacation diary.
    Lady Samy

  17. What lovely visits and experiences. And as joyful as those travels are, it is always wonderful to be back home. it always takes us about a week back at home to "recuperate!"

  18. Nice pictures of your trip and that very precious baby. Sounds like you had a great time.
    The guest room looks very comfy and inviting, and I love that back to school prayer.
