Tuesday, May 18, 2021

My Tuesday Treasures!

It's been another rainy day here in the DFW area, and on the chilly side to boot!
Even so, Louis Dean and I sat out in the gazebo to have our morning coffee and devotions.
Love having outdoor living spaces!

Early this afternoon, I went over to Amber's to visit with her and Summer for a little while before Summer and I went off to the Goodwill on Midway Road in Dallas.

It was love at first sight!
Only $1.91 less 30%!
How could I NOT buy this???
It's on canvas with texture and very nice....and already hanging in our bedroom.

For her birthday, Logan has asked for things to make her bedroom cozy.
This sign with the battery powered crown hanging above it will look perfect in there!

Loved this gold blingy Halloween sign!
$1.91 less 30%!

Brand new from Hobby Lobby!
$4.97 less 30%

Brand new from Trader Joe's!
$3.98 less 30%

My favorite!!!
Brand new from Hobby Lobby!
The original price on it says $49.99......discount price said $24.99.
Today at Goodwill it was under $10!

One can always use another insulated casserole carrier!

A sleigh to go with my Woodland Santas for this next Christmas!
$5.97 less 30%

This sweet little book is already tucked into my suitcase.
I'll be taking it with me to Kansas City and will use it as my devotional book while I'm gone.

I think this book will be fascinating.
"Based on the secret past of the author's grandmother,
A Young Wife is an epic tale of a mother's sacrifice,
determination, and love spanning three continents.
See what I mean??? Fascinating already!

Summer and I only made the one Goodwill before I dropped her back off at Amber's and headed home.
I have a good bit yet to do before I leave tomorrow afternoon for Fort Worth.

Instead of a cocktail, tonight I made a fancy drink with Mango mint tea, a splash of rose water, and a big spoon of the honeysuckle syrup I made. Then I garnished it with fresh mint, a mango spear, lemon wedge, and a juicy strawberry! Tasty tea in a pretty glass! Drink the tea, eat the fruit!

I worked for awhile in the kitchen - and took down all the normal fairy lights and replaced them with LED ones. They last so much longer and I get tired of climbing up and replacing burned out strands.
These will last through the rest of this year and beyond!
My heart was so happy while I cleaned and puttered!
I'm loving my new counter tops!
Louis Dean COOKED while I was out and the only way I knew that was the smell.....the delicious smell of homemade hamburgers. Listen to this......he CLEANED everything up and when I came home, the kitchen was exactly the way I left it! WOW!!!

I put some of my favorite CDs on and it has been the nicest evening.
When I took a break, Louis Dean and I sat in the living room just listening to the music.
We got to talking about one of his favorite singers, Mario Lanza.....and his favorite album was.....

so before I started working on tonight's journal entry, I ordered it for him!

Music just has a way of making your heart soar......


  1. Ed and I have sitting, enjoying music tonight, too! 😻

  2. I remember Mario Lanza! And didn't he appear on The Perry Como Show from time to time? You really made a super haul; I have never seen a post from you with more brand new Goodwill items. Whenever I see things there with the tags still on them I always wonder what happened with whoever bought it.

  3. I always want to go shopping with you. This was the next best thing.

    1. This is the best way to shop these days, right? Virtually. And with a Linda as our guide. :)

  4. What deals you found Linda....I look forward to hearing all about your visit with your newly discovered family. What an addition for the book you are writing.

  5. You always find the neatest things when you shop! And music can sure set the mood. I'm loving the oldies when I drive my Jeep! Something lively to sing along with! Happy day!

  6. that photo of the drink is so beautiful, love the glass.. and you hit the jackpot on sighs, my favorite is the lighted crown. you have a built in radar for cool things at the goodwill.

  7. You find the best things!

    I'm praying for your trip. I know it's going to be special.

    Sarah Brightman has a beautiful voice!

  8. It sounds like a lovely day from beginning to end! Smiling about the clean kitchen when you came home. :)

  9. some of those signs are really amazing. i am always surprised that people purchase things and then never use them!! i really like the first one!!

    the kitchen looks so good with your new countertop, i wish i had your energy!!

  10. I'm going to shop today but for groceries instead of treasure, still I like looking for bargains too. It's an adventure in the grocery store every time I go. Treasures can be found when you look. I love mango juice in iced tea too~ unlike you, we are sunny and dry. It is definitely warmer too.

  11. Your Goodwill has so many neat bargains, Linda, and you always get great finds and thanks for sharing them with us here. Sitting outside on the deck and listening to music sounds like a perfect end of the day to me. How nice of Louis Dean to not only cook, but clean up too, win-win.

  12. You have the best thrift shops and goodwills. I love all your treasures. Something for everyone.

    Your drink looked so refreshing, and the garnish and fresh fruit, picture perfect.

    Can't believe I've posted two days in a row....maybe I'm back!!! Thanks for your inspiration.

  13. My mother used to play Mario Lanza - on vinyl of course. And Jim Reeves... Cheers

  14. i'm so happy you like my garden markers/rocks. make sure you show me yours when you make them!!

    for the paint stirrers and the rocks, i cut up the seed packets!!

  15. Love that quote about living in the moment.
