Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Tuesday Treasures!

 Louis Dean was 84 on November 16th.

Today he finally received his birthday quilt!
I had it all warm straight out of the dryer for him!

I thought he looks so cute in these pics, I decided to use both of them!

It's supposed to be a Texas State flag and it's turned sideways in this picture.
All that's left is to sew a big white star in the middle of the blue denim section.

While we were doing out morning coffee and Bible reading, we heard a knock on the door.

We had a delivery!

A cookie delivery!
TWO boxes full and they smelled like they were just baked and freshly packaged!
No card so I wondered.....
I sent a text to Louis Dean's oldest daughter and, sure enough, they were from her!

Since this was Tuesday.....and I was at Target picking up big bags of frozen corn for our Christmas Eve dinner....I decided to make a quick tour of just one thrift store - and I chose Goodwill.

I passed by these at first and then went back to take a closer look.
Brand new in the box from Dillards and marked 'Returned.'
Not bad for $3.50!

This 2011 Hallmark Keepsake ornament was just $1.25!
You can still buy these online for $14.99!

I bought the cute hinged tin for $3.
The thrift stores are weird in their pricings!
I saw some things that I had donated - new never used battery candles - I really don't like to use battery ones - and they were charging more than it cost new!
I was in the market for some tins to put Christmas goodies in - but they were priced $2 - $6!!!
That's more than some of those tins cost new - and filled with cookies!!!
Everything in the thrift stores is not a bargain but you can still find some good buys!

I came home to see Louis Dean still plugging away at his deck!

It looks great!
However, I noticed it was lower toward the house side.....
so I mentioned it. He said I told him just in the nick of time or he would have gone past the point of no return. It's still not perfectly level - but nearly and that's close enough for me!

Lillian has been very ill with the Covid virus and she is back in a quarantine room....without any of her personal comfort belongings. She's been really too sick to talk much as she has a horrible cough.
Yesterday I called and she didn't answer. I called again this morning and she said she was just so sick she couldn't. Then she called me this evening and sounded better. She was excited!! A dear reader and friend, Theresa, sent her a package a couple of weeks and it arrived today. Talk about perfect timing! Lillian was thrilled!!
She called and told me all about it - twice! It was good to hear her voice sounding so much better.
That may be Christmas for her. I'm not sure when I will be able to visit again. 

Thank you all for making Lillian's life a little bit brighter with all the cards you've sent.
Yes, she is still able to receive mail, thank goodness!

I stayed on task with the food prep I had planned to do today.
One last batch of caramels......yum yum yum.
A veggie dip that will go on top of some crescent dinner rolls - rolled flat and baked - and then cut into squares. I prepped the veggies for the vegetable tray. Cooked a pound of bacon and finished off the pepper poppers.

I used some of the bacon for this last thing on my to do list.
Bacon-Cheddar Loaves.

You can see the bacon pieces in there.

I stayed up late last night looking through the rest of my Christmas cooking books and have decided to cook from them during the New Year.

The loaves are cooling now and then I will wrap them up and put them in the fridge.
You let them come to room temperature before slicing them - and I am going to let Louis Dean do that with his electric knife.

And guess what??? Those two loaves will fit perfectly in my new hinged tin!!

Win! WIN!!!


  1. Louis Dean DOES look so good in these pictures; he is very photogenic. And he does not look anywhere NEAR 84!! Poor Lillain, I hope she is not having trouble breathing. Our doctor is in quarantine. The deck is looking good!

  2. Linda, How does an 84 year old look so much like a little happy boy? LOL LD looks cute in the pictures. Glad you caught the slant of the deck boards...you do not want rain running toward the house. It's a wonder LD didn't have it all finished by the time you got back. I noticed he did not have any bummed up hands in the pictures. One time I asked my FIL if he ever hit his thumb when building the sheds he sold...he told me, "what's the sense in that" LOL Wise guy. :) Your baking looks fabulous. Oh you know men love bacon, that bread won't last long. I am so sorry to hear about Lillian. I will send her a card . Merry Christmas to all of you there in Texas. Blessings always. xoxo,love you, Susie

  3. LD seems very happy with his quilt and the deck is looking good. Sorry Lillian is so sick and hope she gets better. Everyone will love all your baked goods and the tins were a hit.

  4. A very happy birthday to your loving husband and many many happy returns of the day. I share your love of thrifting. I live in Rosenberg ( suburb of Houston) and we have a thrift store chain called ' PennyWise' which supports victims of domestics violence.

    I love shopping and browsing there. I have realized that the kind of things I like, the styles I prefer, are no longer in vogue . When I visit stores like Home Goods, Marshalls or Ross, I can never find something in home décor section that I will choose even if they were giving it for free. At thrift stores, more often then not, I find things that are pleasing to me and I purchase them and display them in my home.

    This year, I have discovered a love for needlepoint and I have been lucky to find 6 different cross-stitch pieces- all framed and ready to hang. The irony is- I can not sew for love or money. This is one of those talents that has completely passed me by and I have great admiration for people lie yourself who are artist and creative. That Texas flag quilt is brilliant in its elegant simplicity. You are truly God-gifted and I appreciate you sharing the snippets of your life with your readers. Thank you.

  5. Oh, I’m glad to hear Lillian is better! Sad that she was feeling really bad for a few days!

    The quilt turned out just great! I can’t believe he’s 84! You found some good treasure, thrift stores do have funny pricing and you wonder who does the pricing!

    I’m enjoying seeing your prep for your family Christmas Eve dinner! You are smart to cook ahead!

    Merry Christmas Adam!

  6. Your quilt looks beautiful. I can only imagine how warm and cozy it is. Glad you caught ther error in the deck before the point of no return. It's going to look so good !Sounds like you'll have plenty of Christmas treats there Here I'm going to make sausage and cheese balls to take to my daughter the day after Christmas. It uses take some looking around the thrift stores to find a bargain, but you always manage to find some treasures !

  7. You definitely are the Queen of Thrifting. I seldom can find anything worth buying. I definitely agree that the pricing is wonky a lot of the time.
    LD's quilt turned out beautifully and he looks so pleased with it.
    You have quite a man there.
    I must get started soon to make a few things ahead for Christmas Day dinner. The dessert I am planning on making calls for a bundt pan. I can't for the life of me find mine. Got to get down on my haunches (a task in itself) and see if it's slid to the back of my lower cupboard. I don't know if it will turn out good (never tried this recipe before) in a 13X9 pan or how to adjust the time..TO BE CONTINUED...

  8. ld looks adorable in those pictures and the quilt is beautiful!! i have had davids cookies and they are always amazing!! we have davids butter pecan melt-a-ways that we got at costco and they are so good!!

    that's so sad about lillian, i hope she will have the strength to fight the virus!!

    and bacon-cheddar loafs, wow, they look and sound amazing!!! and 2 loaves, i would hide one for myself!!!

  9. thinking of Lillian - hope she feels a bit better by Christmas Day. Stay safe. Cheers


  10. Louis Dean looks amazing ! I would have never imagine he is 84, doesn't even look 74 !
    Love the quilt and how cozy LD looks with it on top.
    The food looks amazing my friend.
    Merry Christmas and many blessings for a beautiful couple.

  11. Louis Dean looks amazing for 84, and seems very happy with that beautiful quilt. Your goodies look amazing too.
    Merry Christmas!
