Thursday, October 8, 2020

Country Time and Cards for Lillian.....

 We meant to drive down to the ranch yesterday but I just didn't have it in me to do it.
I was still so sad over Lillian....

I spent Wednesday puttering around the house and taking a ME day to pray and compose myself.
I went to bed early and spent some time in prayer and then finished a good book.
David Baldacci - The Simple Truth.
Losing yourself in a book that takes you away from your real life for awhile helps.

We woke up this morninng and got with it!
Packed and loaded the truck, closed up the house and we were on the road shortly after noon.

We took the long way out of town so we could drop off a Happy Birthday tin of Fruitcake cookies to June. Covid has robbed us of spending time with the ones we love.

June's birthday is one day after mine - September 25th!
This photo was last year.....June is now 89 years old....and we did not get to celebrate together.

I am determined to celebrate her birthday though and when we get home I am hoping to have Kimmy and June over for a Birthday dinner. If not that - then I told Kimmy on the phone today that I will cook a meal and drop it off on their front porch - as I did the cookies today.

Construction and traffic on I35 is a given.
Still.....I was excited to be getting out of town!

This HEB is 119 miles from our house!
Louis Dean stayed in the truck with the kitties while I had a good time shopping all by myself.

The closer we get to the ranch the happier I am!

Love seeing the crop changes through the growing season.

At last!!
I snapped this pic after we came through the gate and on down the road......
I absolutely LOVE that moment when we pull through and I know we are welcomed to be here.
This is a dream come true for me and the new never wears off.

And, sure enough, Dean and Sherry - and Blue - were there to welcome us back to the country!

We checked out the garden we did not plant and it is full of melons!
I am wondering if next year - the ones we plant on purpose will be as good as these.
Louis Dean brags about the sandy loam soil he had brought in and there is a certain magic to it!

AH! We are HERE!

It is our Happy Place!

Unloaded, put things up, the kitties are settled and the wine is poured.

The icing on this cake was seeing the International Space Station tonight!
We have been out every night at home watching for it but did not see it!
Out here we can see so much more of the sky!

Thank you all for the encouraging and comforting words regarding Lillian.
This was the last picture of her with Louis Dean in February of this year.

And this is the last time I was with Lillian in March .....

March 10th to be exact!
At Jason's Deli.
The last time I held her hand and the last time I hugged her.
As far as I know.....this was the very last time she had physical contact with anyone outside of caregivers from that time to now.

Today - October 8th - is Lillian's 86th birthday.
I called her on our way to the ranch this afternoon.
The Internet Extender I bought was programmed and plugged in and she can now use her iPad.
I told her to expect a belated birthday card and package from me in the next few days!
HEB had some super soft pajama pants like she loves so I bought a pair and a top to go with them.
They are comfy enough to sleep in and pretty enough to wear during the day.
I may not be able to give her a burger and shake but I can give her a pretty outfit to wear!

Some of my sweet friends have asked for her address and she would absolutely LOVE getting some belated birthday cards from you!

Lillian McDowell
Trail Lake Nursing Home
7100 Trail Lake Drive # 512
Fort Worth, Texas 76123

Thank you from the bottom of my heart if you can send her a card.
I asked God to send her joy and you may well be part of his gift to her.


  1. I read your blog all the time. Used to live in Lubbock and now back home in Montana. I will definitely send her a card.

  2. You chose a wonderful gift for her, I know this will make her so happy! And I think it must be a great comfort to her just knowing you are THERE and thinking of her and praying for her. That she has a best friend like you.

  3. Welcome back to the country! Sometimes I wonder why you don't live there all the time, and then I think of your pretty house and all your family near your city house. You have the best of both worlds.

    I will try to find a pretty card to send Lillian. Thank you for her address. I hope a lot of cards will cheer her up and let her know there are people who care about her and are praying for her.

  4. Lillian couldn't ask for a better friend than you, sweetie. I know she'll love her gifts, but your love is the best thing.
    I hope youall have a sweet time down at your Happy Place. You truly are deserving of all the happiness you can get!

  5. You are so fortunate to have good friends and family. I envy your adventures.

  6. Linda, I am going to send Lillian a card. I am sorry you can't hug her or give her even a sandwich. I miss the human contact with friends and family. This is not how our world was to be. I pray God will rid this world of the Virus and let us become families again. It is too sad. Be safe at the ranch. Blessings to all, love you, xoxo, Susie

  7. Hi Linda,
    It's Betty from Massachusetts. I'll always remember your kindness because you sent us 4 masks earlier in the year. We were at a loss as to how to get them and you came through for my husband and myself.
    I have a card ready to put in the mail to Lillian today. I will also be sure to send her a Thanksgiving one and, of course, a Christmas card in December.
    You really are an amazing person. You do so much for everyone you know and deserve all the blessings God sends your way. You are such an inspiraton to me.
    God Bless you and your family,

  8. Thanks for sharing Lillian's address!! Will put a card in the mail to her. Enjoy your time at the ranch. We leave on Monday for Grimmwood.

  9. So glad you are able to be back at the ranch your favorite place. Don't you know that Lillian is going to be over the moon with all the cards she will be getting:)

  10. So glad that Lillian has you for a friend! I am sending her a card today from where I am...Canada. I am also a wee bit envious of your lovely melon patch. We are already at 0 this morning, so our gardens are already finished for the year. Enjoy your "little bit of heaven" at the ranch!

  11. I'm so glad you are back in your Magical Place and are settling in.
    Thank you for the address..I will pop a card in the mail today.
    The burger fiasco really upset me too. I do know there is caution but really?? a Cooked burger...okay, enough...moving on.The PJ's will be so cozy for her too. Great choice.
    LD looks so happy at the ranch. Enjoy your wine, the starry, starry night, your kitties and your little bit of heaven.

  12. Thanks for including Lillian's address. I will send her a card or two. I have a penpal in the same situation. Her nursing home has been in lockdown since late Feb or early March. At some point her roommate tested positive for the virus and my pal was moved to a private room for quarantine. She remains there today. They all have to eat their meals in their rooms and have very little, if any, interaction with others. My pal's problems are physical; her mind is still just fine which I think makes it all the harder for her. I try to write her a note most Sundays. Lillian is lucky to have you.

  13. It seems as though our life stopped back in Mawrc, as least life as we know int. Everything has changed and if nothing else I've learned we never know when the last time we be that we see someone, so it's best two show your love and appreciation when you can be with them. And you've done that with Lillian. It's not your fault that you cannot see her, and it's so nice you care some about her. The pajama pants and top should make her very happy ! Take care and enjoy your happy place !

  14. I know you are happy to be in the country! Enjoy your weekend my friend!

  15. I. Just seeing this post but I will send her a card and some encouragement! What a great idea!

  16. You have found the best way to encourage your friend in these difficult times! Such a good idea. Enjoy your time at the ranch.

  17. You are such a good friend not only to Lillian, but to many others, Linda, and Lillian will surely enjoy the thoughtful gift you are sending her. I was so sorry to read about the restrictions at Lillian's nursing home which while certainly precautions are not doing much to help the resident's spirits. It is so upsetting to see and hear of others in similar situations to Lillians who are not able to see friends. Hopefully, getting mail is permissible and I will send her a card this coming week. Glad that you and LD and the kitties are back in a place which gives you so much happiness.
