Wednesday, May 20, 2020

A Hair Cut, Pound Cake and Thriving Bee Hives! We are Back in the COUNTRY!!

I was so excited about getting my hair cut today that I woke up EARLY!
My hair stylist, Yulisa, is the BEST and always works her magic on my hair even when it is in really bad shape! It had been a long time between hair cuts!

No need to worry!
I don't think there's ever been a head of hair that Yulisa could not make pretty!

I fret over mine getting so thin but somehow she can make it look good.
I bought a wiglet a couple of years ago and added a real hair top piece last year.
On Sunday I colored my hair - and colored that real wiglet, too!
I want to look as good as I can for as long as I can.....and that's not an easy thing to do!
A good hair dresser helps!

Louis Dean had loaded up the truck while I was out getting ny hair cut and doing errands.
I packed up our perishable food and we headed to the ranch for a week.

Alas, Louis Dean had left his pocket knife at Summer's last night and that is equivalent to me leaving my phone at home! So we drove to Rowlett to retrieve it and got a big bonus!

Summer knew we were coming and she baked us a CAKE!
Her famous pound cake which I will get her recipe for soon and share!

We drove with that cake still warm from the oven and smelling so SO good all the way to the ranch! We stopped just once to get diesel at a ridiculously low price and then at Walmart in Bellmead to pick up some groceries.

As soon as we got here, Louis Dean unloaded while Sherry and I suited up and went out to check on our bees.

We have been worried about our hive #1.....our hive from last year.

Last time we checked, we saw a queen cell in the making and knew the queen must have died or something. We already lost one hive this winter and feared we might lose this one as well.

However, they must have done what God has programmed into their beings to do and requeened the hive on their own!
I am in awe at how this whole beekeeping thing works!
It's so exciting!

So I close tonight's journal entry with this thought.....

And I'll throw in this one for good measure!

Sleep well! Tomorrow is another day!


  1. Your hair looks so good, and the back is just as pretty! I would have had to eat some of that cake right there in the car, you have willpower! Bees are amazing critters for sure!

  2. You look so good!
    And so did that poundcake!
    God made bees so wonderfully, like HE did everything. We've watched a couple of bee documentaries, and they are amazing. So glad to hear more about them.
    Have a wonderful week. Our son and dil came down and did some shopping for us this afternoon. Ed usually does our shopping and he's kinda laid up right now. Family means so much, doesn't it.
    Katherine turns 13 I'm the 23rd. Our grands will no longer be "under teen aged". But we've got 2 greatgrands 2 and 5 months, so life goes on! Corona or not!

  3. Kek çok güzel görünüyor ama ben şu sıra çok kilo aldım. Bu tarz yememem gerekiyor.

  4. That cake...was it as good as it looks? Summer is a sweetheart.

    Were you required to wear the mask or was it a preference? I am just wondering. We are an unruly bunch up here. No one wears a mask anymore, but then we do have a major outbreak of Covid in the very nursing home where I have spent so much time over the past two years. At times like this, I'm glad my loved one has gone on to Glory.

    Your hair looks great! (Though I seriously doubt that anyone could make my hair look good. It needs time and lots of it. 😣)

  5. Your hair looks great! I am so jealous. Still no haircuts here in PA. Sigh.

  6. A haircut can indeed give one a boost. Great surprise that cake and back to your favorite place:)

  7. How you drove to the ranch with a warm pound cake is puzzling to I would have had to cut a piece....nothing is as good as warm pound cake. Glad you girls are doing well. Ours are good for now as well. Hoping for some honey to replace the jars that are running out. Your hair looks good Linda. A hair cut is a great thing especially after all we have been through!

  8. I'm glad you are back in the country and can enjoy the fresh air and nature! You look very cute with your new haircut....I am SO jealous! heehee! Hugs!

  9. Your stylist does have a magic touch. My thinning hair is in the back--age plus a subcutaneous cyst that killed roots before I had it removed. I'm with Ginny. It would be a struggle to leave that cake untouched! Sounds like Summer--and the bees--are doing well. Enjoy your stay!

  10. Absolutely love your quotes at the end...
    I like that I am a work of art...sometimes a Picasso..but always God's masterpiece.
    Terrific job on the haircut. I sure wish things would be opened up here, I need a perm so badly. My hair is too thin and now I just look like a limp mop.
    So happy you are back at the ranch, enjoying that yummy pound cake and that your bees are humming along.
    Enjoy your time.

  11. You always look good! I’m getting thin on top from thyroid issues.

    Happy Bee Day! How fun to be at the ranch on this day! Enjoy your time there! I’ll look forward to Summers‘ recipe for that cake!

  12. Good afternoon Linda. Just read you comment on my blog and want you to know I love you right back. We have much in common to be so many miles apart and lived such different lives. But some things are the same. Love for family, husbands and grandkids. Love for our Lord and Savior, love of life, the good the bad and the ugly, Journaling, cooking, loving to clean, candles, debris....ect!!!

    Love your hair. I've been chopping on the front of my own, and have almost ask my dearest to try on the back...Yikes...I must be needing a haircut...haha.

    Have a great time at the ranch. Look forward to lots of stories and pictures.

  13. Great cut and glad the bees did their thing. Found a wee dead bird at the back door this morning - suspect it was a present from next door's cat who has adopted us.... Is fine but cold here. Cheers

  14. Linda, I am surprised LD didn't use that pocket knife to slice a piece of cake for eating on the road. LOL. Hi my friend, I am back on line as of 7:30 tonight officially. The phone company finally got it right. With the distancing , not being around anyone, suiting up to grocery shop, at the old folks hours , it's been so sad and stressful. hen no internet made it even more crazy. Today seems a new day. Ted saw his cancer dr, they set up next week for chemo. His Who's Who came back and it's 98.3 % out f 100 % . That's the donor marrow taking over, which it what we all want. The better that stays and Ted starts to mend, he will be getting less and less chemo. God is good. I loved seeing the bees. Hope the hives make it. I love the mystery of how the bees can do such things. Blessings to all of you, please stay safe. Tell your family, I have missed all the tales and stories. I am ready to hear of them again. Love you so much. Susie

  15. That's so cool how your hive just naturally re-queened itself. Mother nature will take care of things herself!

  16. A man and his favorite knife. David has misplaced his and we haven't found it yet. I still have to get me hair cut and maybe colored. I haven't decided if I'll continue to color or not. Oh the decisions. LOL Hugs
