Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Home, Movies, Masks and Laundry!

Monday dawned and Louis Dean was up and out working on tapping down the fence posts.
He came in and told me, "Linda, I think I am beginning to feel some of my 83 years."
Then he wanted me to text Dean and ask him if he would come up and do the job.
And he was there just minutes later!

He spent the entire afternoon and into the evening.
Thank the Lord for family!
Dean and Sherry are always there for us!

While Dean worked and Louis Dean napped in the camper, I cooked potato soup.
I use Ma's recipe from On the Bright Side!

Except I added carrots, leftover cream cheese corn, onions, and mashed potatoes plus a package of fund raiser potato soup mix. And bacon. I'll never be able to duplicate this soup.
It.was.good. Seriously good.
We ate our fill along with homemade cornbread and then I froze the rest for us to have next week.

Fast forward to the wee hours of Tuesday morning.
I went on to bed in the girl bunk around 10:00.
Louis Dean stayed up. Remember, he had slept much of the day while his son worked on the fence posts. Around 1:00 in the morning - I heard a loud thump - that woke me up even though I was wearing ear plugs!
Come to find out later - Louis Dean had been unable to sleep so he got up and decided to defrost the little freezer!
However, the soup I had put in that freezer had not frozen solid yet .....and it was dumped out - every last bit of it - on the deck!
There is always something to be grateful for and I am thankful he took the freezer outside on the front deck to defrost it! Alas, I am still in mourning over losing all that soup!

Stormy weather was coming in on Tuesday night so we decided to leave early.
We came down to the ranch last Tuesday - a day early - to beat the storms - and now we left a day early for the same reason.
Once again, Dean was back up at 'our' place working on those fence posts!

I had no intention of leaving any earlier than I had to so I spent the day cleaning the camper and watching Justified.

I love this show!
The music. The characters. Everything.

We left the ranch around 5:30 yesterday and drove straight through to exit #405 which is a QT where Louis Dean filled up with diesel at a ridiculously low price - and I got to go to the bathroom!

We were home in our driveway by 7:30 and he unloaded as I put up.
Started the first of 5 loads of laundry and heated up some leftovers for our supper.
He took a long soaking hot bath and we went to bed early!

The stormy weather missed us and we only had rain and some high winds.
Dean said they got much the same at the ranch.

I had an appointment for my yearly check up on Thursday by way of Telehealth and that was the only reason we came home. My bloodwork was scheduled at a safe clinic for healthy people the very same day. I checked in online and filled out all the forms only to have them accepted - and then a new message popped up saying I would need to reschedule as the office would be open next week for regular visits. So I did. On the 12th of May.

Louis Dean got way too tired while we were at the ranch so he has napped a lot today and that's a good thing. He said he is afraid he is getting old and I told him, "Not yet!"
It just takes him longer to recover these days.
There's something to be said for pacing yourself and not over doing.

While he slept, I worked on making some more masks.

These are all children size.
A couple are for Rayne and one for Piercyn and the other four are for the quads.
The ones I made for them previously didn't fit.
I can fix them but made them some extras.

I love to see my friends wearing the masks I made for them!
Susie of She Junks and her Teddy Bear - which is what she calls her husband Ted- sent me this pic of them in their masks.
Ted has been on a health journey and thankfully is doing well.
It's taken a toll on both of them, however.
Plus they are without Wifi and she hasn't been able to communicate with the Blog Neighborhood in over a month. We have resorted to snail mail and text messages.
I have kept her letters and stapled them into my Country Diary.
Diane at NANA DIANA TAKES A BREAK   gave an update on Susie -Louis Dean and I call her Susie Q! I'm praying one of the young people in their family will be able to get them connected again with the Internet! Isolation can really be a problem and they need to know we are all here praying for and thinking of them!

I've been in the sewing room all evening cutting out and sewing face masks.
We go back to the ranch on Friday so I was in a hurry to get some more made.
To keep me company, I have watched or listened to a couple of good movies while stitching.....

Sheila Hancock was 84 years old when she made this film.
Amazing story and I loved every minute of it!

Another good movie!!!

I close tonight's journal entry with a pic of Mr. Jackson's cows as we left the ranch yesterday.
We will be back soon!!!


  1. Too bad about your blood work! So you really wouldn't have needed to leave the ranch, if the appointment itself was by video. BUT Louis dean probably needed the rest, and may have pushed too much at the ranch. I am glad you can return in just a little over a day! I love your pretty lacy background! You tell him I said that everyone overdoes and conks out, no matter what their age!

  2. Yaşlanmak insanları korkutuyor ne yazık ki. Daha az iş yapmak anlamına da geliyor. Olsun her yaşın ayrı güzelliği var. Maskeler çok güzel olmuş.:)

  3. That's too bad about that soup! You'll have to try and replicate it when you get a chance. Your masks are so pretty. Boy, I hope we won't need any masks but so much longer.
    Louis Dean gets more done than a lot of guys half his age. Y'all just don't age; I'm always amazed at how much you get done.💕
    Oh, we just love Justified, too!
    Be careful going back to the ranch!

  4. Oh my goodness that soup sounds wonderful! Too bad about the leftovers. Your hubby is a good worker, but yes, he should pace himself. I suspect a lot of men struggle with that and the frustration of getting older. I know my stepdad sure does. Cute masks. So many are stepping up and making them. It's wonderful. I'd help, but I don't sew. :( Prayers for Susie and her husband. Enjoy the rest of your week and be safe and be blessed.

  5. I'm so glad to hear you have stayed in touch with Susie! I have missed her! Love seeing her and Ted with the masks on! How sweet you are and what a good friend. Take care and get some rest, both of you! Hugs!

  6. Oh if I did not have my internet friends, I would be very sad during this quarrantine. Yes LD needs to pace himself. He is very active for an 83 year old. I find I have to pace myself these days. Loved seeing the cow picture. Marvin has our girls in their hives so he will do some mowing and head home tomorrow. It was raining a lot yesterday. Hope the weather cooperates today. One of my old friends is coming for coffee this morning and I am so excited.

  7. Well, I am always impressed by LD....hope he can rest and recover nicely...I am certain the soup was terrific and how sad to loose it on the deck....oh dear....y'all stay well and be safe!

  8. In our mind we are always young and sometimes our bodies remind us that we are no longer 30! Hope Louis Dean feels better, and rested.

  9. It is time Louis Dean slows down a bit. Glad his son could take over the fence job. It will be nice to have a fenced garden there. Too bad about the soup, It sounds like the adjustments you made with with it were really good. Leftover soup in the freezer would have been nice to have on hand.for a quick lunch or dinner. But we can't cry over spilt milk. It is what it is. Good to hear you will soon be headed back to the ranch. Take care!

  10. I looked at those masked faces and thought...I recognize that I am chuckling that I recognized Susie. I just sent a card to her this morning. Isolation is tough enough without being isolated from our cyber friends as well. I like your idea that a young family member computer geek might be able to help them out.

    Ohhh...the loss of the soup would dismay me as well, but you've shared so much of the recipe that I hope you'll be able to duplicate it.

    Rest up, Louis Dean. Pounding fence posts is hard, hard work. (I know that he's going to be up to something soon.)

  11. Dear, Dear LD...I hope all of his rest will recharge his batteries and you can enjoy your time as you go back to the Ranch tomorrow.
    So sorry about the soup but you are so creative I'm sure you will concoct another amazing soup.
    Now you have made me hungry for a good ole' comfort soup.
    Have a great day

  12. Oh no. Sorry about the soup. That must have been most distressing.
    Your masks look lovely. I don't sew, so had to make the non sew ones with the rubber bands.
    LD sounds to be in very good shape for his years.

  13. Oh, that soup sounds and looks heavenly. I could almost smell the aroma.

  14. Oh, you made me giggle singing the praises of pacing oneself!! Take care. Cheers

  15. The soup sounded sooo yummy. I love that you are making masks for friends and family too. It is always good to try and help others. Have a wonderful weekend. I hop that you and Louis Dean both have the opportunity to rest up. Stay well.

  16. Loving the look of those masks! I'm sure your friends and family will be grateful for those. 💜

  17. So glad y'all made it home safely! That is too bad about the soup.....and it looked SO GOOD TOO!! Maybe you can write it down while it is fresh in your mind, and try to make a new one. Loved all the pictures. The country is such a pretty place and I know it IS YOUR HAPPY PLACE!! Hugs! Have a wonderful weekend my friend!
