Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Wednesday Things and the Astronomical Clock in the Center of Prague Puzzle.....

I think it just dawned on me today that I AM the elderly.

How did that happen??
Yes, I have seen it creeping up slowly.
I no longer have children in my home and I am no longer responsible for anyone other than myself and Louis Dean. But ELDERLY???
I think I need to reprogram myself.
I KNEW this but then I didn't.
Now I do...... the spirit of redeeming the time......Louis Dean and I did our 2020 Census online and it took less than 10 minutes!

I have been cleaning room by room and finished the guest room and our bedroom and my bathroom.....

or so I thought!
I forgot about under the bathroom sink so I did that before going on to the hall.
The upside was finding more Foaming Hand Soaps from Bath and Body Works.

Plus I have several bars of fine soaps! I keep my mouthwash in a pretty tequila bottle.
Is it wrong that I choose the mouthwash by its color??
The sunflower bottle holds Pine Sol....

I moved on to the hall this afternoon and my denim closet.

I have a LOT of denim but not as much as I did before purging!

The red polka dot bag holds the lightweight denim......
and the picnic basket holds the heavier ones.
Then I have a white trash bag full of sturdy jeans.
All will be whacked into squares and stacked up to make quilts.

In other news......
Summer is keeping busy over in Rowlett....
She is a lover of jigsaw puzzles and Sabrina sent her a very special one!

It's a WOODEN puzzle of the Prague Clock!

How cool is that??

I can't wait to see it completed because I have never seen the Prague clock before....

But Amber has!

She and Mike visited Prague in the winter of 2010.

What amazing adventures they had!
And how wonderful that Amber and Summer connected over this puzzle!

Louis Dean and I watched this movie today.
We would watch awhile and then go do some work and come back to it.
What a great movie! 
Summer put us on to it a few years ago and it is well worth a second or third viewing!

We had cabbage, baked sweet potatoes and ham for our dinner tonight.
I forgot to take pictures of that .....

....but this was our dessert. 
I'm telling you - once you plant mint in the ground - you will ALWAYS have fresh mint!
Whether you want it or not!

I advise you to grow in a container.
Beware of putting it in the ground!!
My mint will be growing profusely long after I am gone.


  1. No No No!--we are NOT elderly....we are just "antique little girls"! Right?? That's my story and I'm sticking with it, ha ha! LOL Oh, I had forgotten about that movie, and I did want to see it. Does Netflix have it??

  2. Hidden Figures is such a good movie and showcases women that were not given the recognition that they deserved. I am glad you watched it. I had thought of planting mint this year, if I can find some to plant.

  3. I loved that movie too and had a big patch of mint years ago! I loved keeping it to put in Raspberry tea...cold! You're getting things done around the house, that's so nice when you have time for projects like that! Hugs to you and L.D. both!

  4. First of all, I am loving your background for your blog. So pretty.

    I've read reviews of that movie, must watch it. And your fruit salad for dessert...scrumptious.

    Oh my gosh, that puzzle would be a disaster for me, I'm sure of it. And I love working jigsaw puzzles.

    You two take care...stay safe, and healthy.

  5. As long as you never get your mouthwash and Pine Sol mixed up! 😣

    One thing about a home is that there are so many things to do! Apartment dwellers have it rough.

    I like that puzzle. I live under a rock. I had never even heard of said clock.

    Stay well, stay busy, stay happy. (I certainly don’t think of you as elderly. Maybe I have elderly and invalid confused.)

  6. Hidden Figures is such a great movie! I've seen it twice and I wouldn't mind watching it a third time! And you are definitely right about mint -- I planted some back in our first house and it took over my flower bed! Have a great Thursday!

  7. I keep forgetting I am one of the elderly people. So we have to be extra careful, stay home and stay safe. Take care, Linda.

  8. Glad you are all doing well. We must keep our minds and our hands busy!! Love that puzzle.

  9. That is such a pretty puzzle it would be nice to hang as a picture when done. It will be nice to have all your cleaning done when you return to the ranch.I haven't started my Spring clean yet, but it needs it here.Nice you havae a good supply of soaps on hand. I love bath and body.

  10. perfect dessert and I like the smell of mint but not the taste. don't even like chocolate mints. still smiling at the buying mouthwash by color and the bottle it is in. that is you to the bone. nothing wrong with that for sure. all my stuff is in the bottle it came from, but I hide the bottles so it doesn't matter what they look like. I have never seen a wooden puzzle like this one. can't wait to see the finished puzzle.

  11. It's a shock to be called Elderly...I can't be that...That's for OLD people !!
    I'm only 76 1/2 years young...notice I inserted the half in there..haha...
    But sadly it is true ..I became elderly at 65 according to our Gov. Newsom..Who would have thunk it?
    Your food always looks so yummy. I think I would be ten feet wide if I ate all the goodies you create.
    Happy Spring cleaning..I guess i have to get started on that myself. Now I have no excuse since we ELDERLY are suppose to Shelter in Place for the duration...

  12. What an amazing clock! I did our census yesterday, too.

  13. Another fun day with Linda. Your "purging" is going well. I love the foam hand soaps from Body Works. We are out right now, so using up my variety of bar soaps.
    That puzzle of Summer's looks amazing. I love the cute individual pieces in different fun shapes. I was never very good at puzzles, too impatient I guess.

    I agree your food always looks good, and most of the time "healthy" haha.
    I surely miss the cookie kids coming to my door...but we are all on lockdown at the Villa. Guess I'll just have to eat them.

    You are truly the "denim" queen....Know everyone that gets one of your denim quilts treasures it.

    Made potato soup yesterday, and a batch of scones...What shall I make today??

    Stay healthy and and hugs.

  14. Off to order that movie from the library. Thanks for the recommendation. Cheers

  15. Oh my gosh so true about mint-- I was laughing out loud about that. It grows at the edges of our property and I'm forever whacking it back.

  16. Don't say the E word it's not nice haha. Man I love Bath and Body Works, it's kinda my addiction. I would be embarrassed if you saw my laundry room closet. It's similar to a small version of the Bath and Body Works store, Ok I said it, it's out there for the world to know, but in my defense they make great gifts. I've never grown Mint so thanks for the heads up. Your dessert looks amazing. I saw that picture and wanted to gobble it up. What an organized girl you are, you have you're clothes and denim in the proper order your my kind of woman!! I love that puzzle and how cool for them to actually see the real clock.
