Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Sunday to Wednesday.....Busy Days!

Sunday was a beautiful day at the ranch and we were dragging our feet about leaving.

Sherry and Dean had been down working on a culvert in the road on Saturday and they had a flat time on the tractor.

Sunday they were back at it!
They took out the old one and we are looking forward to when we come back and see all the improvements. There's always something going on down there.

We are a tiny bit sad when we close the gate but at least we know we will be back soon!

The drive home was easier on me than the drive down - guess I am improving day by day.
We stopped to pick up hot wings and bread sticks at Little Caesars and settled down to watch the Super Bowl! Congratulations to the Kansas City Chiefs! We stayed up to see all the after game festivities so it was late when we went to bed.

Still, I woke up about 9:00 and went straight to the kitchen to bake some mini Pistachio Crack Cakes....aka cupcakes. A tin for the staff, one for friends and the green one for Lillian.

Originally, we meant to visit Lillian today (Wednesday) but freezing rain with possible ice and/or snow was in the we decided to go on Monday.
I stopped on the way at a Tuesday Morning for another set of drapes for the sewing room. 
These drapes are doing a good job of keeping the cold out and hopefully this summer it will help keep the heat out and the cool AC in!

Then we hit up Walmart to get groceries for Lillian. 
I was pretty sure she was out of cereal, sandwich fixings, snack food, chips and dip and breakfast bars as well as A&W Creme Sodas! I was right.

Once again, we stopped at Little Caesars to pick up a couple of pizzas as it was about 4:30 by this time. We set out the pizzas and cakes in the living room there and had ourselves a little party.

Louis Dean was our entertainer!

And Lillian was hanging on his every note!

It broke my heart last week when I was talking to Lillian on the phone and she said, "I was afraid you would forget all about me."  I think she really knows better than that!

It was a good evening and everyone was all smiles when we left!
It was nearly 9:00 when we got up and I came in and went right to bed!

Tuesday morning I got up at 8:30 since I had to be at out patient physical therapy at 11:00.
It went well. My therapist said I was doing really well and only 8 degrees from having a straight knee. He gave me a print out of exercises to do and I go back next week at which time I may very well be released.

I met my sister Luann for lunch at PJ's Cafe and we had a nice visit!
Since it was Tuesday - we went thrifting together!!

We shopped Irving Thrift and Goodwill - both on Beltline Road - and I hit the jack pot!

I could NOT resist these Portmeirion Pottery Birds of Britain pieces!
They were at bargain prices.....the most expensive was $6.99 and the least expensive $1.98.
Then I had the 30% senior discount making it even more of a bargain!

I never pass up nice poinsettias since I use so many of them at Christmas.
Or nice fall garland! I got two really pretty ones for $1.98 each less the discount!

Then there was all this!
I LOVE that pumpkin pillow and am keeping it out just because I want to!
Same with the green fabric pumpkin.
The other two pillows are for the front porch bench.
Louis Dean asked for a small coffee pot and I got him one!
I have no idea what I will do with that wire basket but I will think of something.
Now that CHAIR! I do love that chair!!!
Distressed just like I would have done with it.
$19 less 30% and she now lives in the sewing room with that pumpkin pillow sitting on it!

I was gone from 11:00 to 4:00 Tuesday and I came home happy but exhausted  and went straight to bed where I stayed until 7:00. Louis Dean and I stayed up to hear President Trump give the State of the Union Address and so it was nearly midnight by the time we went to bed.

This morning (Wednesday) we woke up to cold freezing rain but no ice or snow
Since I had three busy days in a row - I decided to camp out in the den and keep the fireplace burning.

It was a good day to watch a good movie and this certainly was one!

I rested most of the day and stayed in my gray flannel sleep shirt and warm robe,  a pair of Louis Dean's black socks and snug booties. I did my exercises and got up from time to time to putter about the den dusting and putting things to rights.

I displayed my new dishes on a shelf in the den book case and stored away all the photo albums that were there in the two trunks out there. I should put a note in my diary and kitchen planner reminding me where I put all those old photos!

The Santa wall is still up but I will get to it sooner or later.

This is the cleanest the den has been since Christmas!!

Now it's nearly 10:00 so I am going to take a hot shower and put on a clean flannel nightgown.
Then I think a warm bed sounds like the perfect ending to this day.


  1. I love that verse you shared at the end! I’ve clung to that verse at times in my life!

    Lillian is a lovely lady. I’m so glad you all have each other!

  2. You really did hit the jackpot thrifting this week. I love everything you got. And how fun to do it with your sister.

    I am so glad to hear the good news about your knee. You have healed so quickly. I do believe all the prayers on your behalf helped things along.

    Enjoy your time at home.

  3. Your den looks beautiful! My favorites are the bird dishes and the pumpkin cushion. The cushion is gorgeous, and I have seen similar ones for $25.00.

  4. You mop up when you go thrifting! Beautiful dishes and pillows and chairs! Wow! And such a fun way to get excersize.😏
    Hey,your Santas are cool all year round.
    I have heard that "I was worried you might forget me..." thing many times from many people I've visited in nursing homes. I know how Mama was - -kinda always wanting me there and it was hard at times. You know exactly what I mean, too-- you have been there! I am so glad Lillian can look for y'all. It means the world.

    Haven't seen that movie, but I love "Luther", the British sow with Idris Elba!! Hope there'll be another season of that. 💕
    Glad--so very glad--you're healing so well, my dear!

  5. So glad to hear your knee is healing so well! Oh, thrifting...I like to hit the stores when I can. Sometimes I get lucky and find a few things, but our thrift stores sure never seem to be like the ones I see others posting about. Those dishes are gorgeous! All I managed to come home with after stopping at two stores yesterday was another stack of books.

    Thanks for sharing your world with us in photos...always so pretty and inspiring. Have a blessed day!

  6. I'm glad you are now able to do all those things you love and it sounds like you are pretty much pain free too. Visiting Lillian, going thrifting and cleaning up your space. You have been very busy. We have freezing rain here this morning but I do have to go out. Going to take it slow and easy.

  7. It was good to catch up with your and Louis Dean this morning. The rain continues here this morning and while I like an occassional rainy day, this is starting to get to me. I told Marvin I was ready to go to Florida or anywhere the sun was shining. I would even take colder weather with some sunshine. Ok, enough of the whining. So glad you got to catch up with Lillian. I know she was glad to see you. And lunch and shopping iwth a sister is always a blessing. I am meeting my friends for breakfast at Cracker Barrel so hopefully that will cheer me up!

  8. I saved that last little image on my's so sweet! Glad you are home during the bad weather and what a blessing you are to your friends and family. Enjoy your day sweet lady!

  9. Good to see Lillian once again! Life becomes so small once one is in nursing care that it is no wonder that she fretted a bit. You and Louis Dean widen and brighten her world a lot!

    I am convinced that you ALWAYS hit the jackpot when shopping. 😊

    Excellent good news about your’ll be back to normal (whatever that is) very soon indeed.

  10. It's funny I was just thinking about you visiting Lillian and that it had been a while with the surgery and trip to the ranch. You are so good to her and I know she appreciates it. What a big haul you made at the goodwill. I wrote down the title of that movie, may have to give it a try.

  11. I am so impressed with your haul from the Thrift Store.
    I never seem to find the treasures you do. Those plates are gorgeous.
    So happy to hear how you are healing and I'm glad you pay attention to your body's need for rest.
    Lillian is such a lovely lady and her smile brightens up the place for sure.
    I love that distressed chair and the pumpkin pillow too...You have such good taste.
    Enjoy your day of rest.

  12. I loved the book that the film was based on but can't quite visualise how they made it work as a movie... Cheers

  13. Was good to see Lilian! (you can tell her I am her Charleston fan, ha ha!). Love seeing all your thrift store goodies, I posted some of mine yesterday. You sure are recovering from that surgery SO GREAT!! and so fast!! I had a feeling you would, but my gosh, you are just a star patient! Keep it up.

  14. You have such a cozy home with cute dishes!! Louis Dean is such a treasure! He sure knows how to charm with his singing. Yes!! Congratulations to the Chiefs. My husband and I always pick opposite teams and I picked the Chiefs. To say the least I was so ex cited!! I'm happy to know you are receiving well YAY for you!!! Have a great weekend my friend!!

  15. busy weren't kidding, and i know it is always hard for you to leave the ranch!! you are so kind to lillian, it is surely a special relationship the 3 of you have!! i have seen the mountain between us and i agree, it was a good movie!! the house/den looks great, so cozy and welcoming!!!

  16. Hi Linda :)) Oh I nearly broke out in tears hearing what Lillian said to you! She values your company that's for sure, what a sweet lady. You dishes are gorgeous what a find! I love the idea of spending the day in a flannel sleep shirt by the cozy!

  17. Linda, I love that LD has so much music in his soul, to share with ours. Lillian looked so happy. How wonderful that your sis and you had a day together. I sure miss my sisters and our good times. Looks like you found some treasures. :) Blessings to all of you. xoxo,love you, Susie

  18. How precious your friendship with Lillian. She is lovely. Louis Dead is such a delight with his music. really made a haul at the Thrift Store...Since we have been "housebound" we've really missed the Thrift Store visits. But never find the kinds of things you do....I need to come to Texas!!

    So glad your knee is almost straight...Yeah.

    Love and Hugs.

  19. You and Louis Dean both amaze me with your love and generosity toward others and yourselves, you make a great team! Love all your pretty treasures, everything looks so warm and cozy, your recovery has also amazed me! Thank you for sharing, and for your encouragement through your blog.

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