Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Last Two Days.....Tuesday and Wednesday....

Tuesday was Election Day across our country and Louis Dean and I showed up to do just that.
I read all 10 constitutional amendments and asked a dear friend for further clarifications before we went to the polls.

I just read the results of the election and am pleased that the ones we voted FOR passed.

To celebrate our Get Out and VOTE - we had lunch at Irving's newest restaurant and one of our favorites in Waco - The Catch! This is not the exact same set up as in Waco but we like it.
This location has a full bar and is laid out a bit differently but it is going to be a favorite of Irvingites, I am certain!

Louis Dean was all ready for some fried catfish!

Yummy! Yummy!
We had a list of errands on Tuesday.....Vote, lunch out, fill up the gas tank, mail a package at the post office.....and then I dropped Louis Dean off at home and I headed to Dallas to pick Kailey up after tutoring at school.

Isn't she such a big grown up girl now??
She and I enjoyed our special one on one time together.

We drove back to the Bell Home slowly admiring the fall colors.

We don't have much but this looks good to us!

Nothing to write home about if you live with real true fall colors.
This is what we have......

When we got back to the house - the other kids had already finished their homework so Kailey and I sequestered ourselves in one of the bedroom and she proceeded to read for 40 minutes! Then she did her paper work. Trystan slipped in at the end and sat on the other bed drawing and I got a pad and pencil and joined her.

It was a fun and productive evening.
Amber and Mike are getting new flooring in downstairs so we were all huddled upstairs until Amber called us down for a pot roast dinner. We stayed busy folding and putting away some laundry.
Laundry is a never ending chore when you have quadruplets.

Washing - 30 minutes
Drying - 60 minutes
Putting Away - 7-10 business days!

Baths followed dinner and I made up three out of four beds with flannel sheets.
I always put the top sheet print side when you fold it back to slip into bed.....the top and bottom sheet match. If you use blankets, comforters or bedspreads - the top sheet is never seen if it is print side up. any way the kids were all impressed and said they love the way their bed looked when I turned the covers down.

Each child has a layer of favorite blankets, covers and throws to go on TOP of the bedspread.
Family friend, Carla K,  made each one a very special quilt shortly after they were born and all FOUR of the children use them on their beds. 3 out of 4 had the denim quilts I made them on the top so  they could use them if it was really cold.

It was nearly 9:00 when I left for home and I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of being with Amber and Mike and the grands.

I came in and visited with Louis Dean before changing out the bottom bunk in the guestroom to flannel sheets. The change towards winter has begun.

I'm slowly packing away all the fall textiles from table clothes to tea towels to rugs and covers.
I am determined to put all away in a decent and orderly manner this year which will make it easier to take it out next time.

Thankfully, Louis Dean and I both had a good night's sleep!

However, I was sitting up in bed sipping my coffee and doing my prayer time with my prayer journal on my lap when he came to the bedroom door with an impish smile on his face.

 He has been messing with the TV and remotes every morning for the last 5 days trying to do something to connect the TV with the sound bar. He keeps messing it up and then finally fixes it only to do a repeat the next day.
He came in and said, "Houston, we have a problem! I've messed the thing up so bad that we need to switch back to Frontier because I can't find the book to fix Direct TV but I did find the one for Frontier!"

NO, I am NOT switching cable companies just because he's messed up the sound bar and remotes. It's a good thing I have a sense of humor and not addicted to watching TV!

So he moved on to repairing an old chair that I’ve been trying to take to the curb for ages!
Gorilla glue and an extension cord to hold it in place while it dries! I think I’m living in a Nut House! And it’s a real good thing Louis Dean is cute and charming....,just saying.

With no TV, there’s no telling what he’s going to do next. I think I need to take him with me when I leave the house....

This is the chair..... I admit....he fixed it. 
But that glue looks awful dripping down even though it is hard as all get out.
Still - this chair is in the music room and we all know anything goes in there!

I only have one more thing to say about the TV situation.
The one and only channel we can get is Fox Business.
So he has been happy as a lark since that's what he watches anyway.
I said why couldn't it have been the Hallmark Channel???

Life is always an adventure with Louis Dean.
Last night I came home and said the night vision glasses are such a help but mine were so dirty it was safer to drive without them. So he jumped right in and said he would clean both my sunglasses and night glasses  - which he did. And he put them in a zip lock bag to keep them clean. I thanked him.....
but when I left this evening to go help my friend Brenda prepare for a garage sale happening this weekend.....I could NOT find my glasses. I knew it would be dark by the time I got I called Louis Dean (he was at Home Depot buying the two things I sent him for yesterday and he had come home with two things but NOT the two on his list!) and asked him where my glasses were.
He couldn't remember where he put them!
I made it home safely.
Can you tell I am not in the best of moods??

So I am going to do art therapy until time for bed.

I do love Louis Dean and I am not mad at him.
It's just sometimes he gets on my last nerve - just as I get on his occasionally.

I am closing tonight's journal entry with a couple of quotes - since my emotions range form one extreme to another right now.....

And that's all I'm going to say about that......


  1. Rick and I drove to Ohio this past weekend - we went on the 31st and it rained the entire trip. Came home yesterday. I am in the same place with him - love him, but is he on my last nerve.
    The little ones are adorable! sandie

  2. Oh my goodness! If anyone can laugh things off, it is you, with your contagious laugh!! What else can we do? It is not what happens to us in life, but how we react to it! And of course I read this to Phil, so now we are both laughing! I see the glue dripping down the chair, but I think it will not be noticeable unless you are actually looking for it.

  3. We all get on each other's nerves sometimes...just part of being Hope you find your glasses.

  4. Oh Linda - you are SO right. A few smiles of recognition happening at my end tonight. Hugs.

  5. Oh I love a good fried fish supper! Love it with cold cold slaw, hush puppies, and french fries! I love my fish with EITHER doused in fresh lemon, or doused in the malt vinegar! LOL I love either. How bout you??? And a big glass of sweet tea to wash it down...

  6. Oh girlfriend! Do I feel this. Lots of "last nerve events" happen around here, but mostly we manage to keep the tone light. After 53 years, one comes to expect certain things.
    One thing I know not to expect is for hubby to get a notion to "fix" something unless there's an emergency. (Like Alabama football games!) He hasn't got that inherent fixing gene!

  7. Oh dear! Can this marriage be saved? 🤔 I certainly hope so for all of us readers out here who adore you both! ☺️ Hope that one of your geeks can get the tv situation straightened around and that you have found your glasses.

  8. I am in total agreement. Laughter saves lots an lots of relationships.(lol) Kudos that your candidates all won. I wouldn't say I'm addicted to television for real, but I watch a lot of television because I'm seriously into pop culture, so I may have been a tad but upset about the no cable thing at first.(lol) But then I just would have moved on to reading, which is always the best thing ever. Please pass along those French Fries to me the next time you're out. Hugs, RO

  9. Oh how I can understand! If I didn't laugh at mine, I would probably be in jail. Why they feel a necessity to make life an absolute mess for us is beyond my imagination! I hope you find your glasses soon!!

  10. Linda, I love that you helped with the Quads. So cute and growing . Your colors are pretty. Ours have just about all blow away. I raked our backyard , have the biggest pile of leaves along the fence and two huge piles under tarps weighted so they do not blow back over the yard. Ted says he will fix the lawnmower to pull our trailer around, so we can haul them to the woods. So he spent time in the shop with me begging him to get some help or go inside away from the dirt and dust in the lean-to. He finally takes the instruction booklet inside to read...I tell him "When all else fails. read the instructions. " yes you love LD and he makes you crazy, many of us belong to that club. LOL . Plus Ted has messed up our TV's too. I do not get to watch my normally watched shows in the evening. So LD is not the only Mr. Fix-it around. LOL. Blessings to you both, love you guys, xoxo, Susie

  11. You two are so lucky to have each other and yes, it is often better to just laugh together. No since getting up set. Life would be so empty without him. I often forget where I put things, and the only person I can laugh at is myself. But it's better than crying anyway!

  12. I have to laugh when I read your blog as I can totally relate:) I am not sure it gets better as we get older:)

  13. Oh and you can call or go on line and get a Direct TV book:)

  14. Oh my gosh I can relate to Louis Dean misplacing your glasses, my husband likes to do that all the time with my car keys! He uses them for one reason or another and then the next day when he's at work and I get ready to go somewhere they are nowhere to be found and he doesn't remember where he put them! And sometimes he's taken them to work with him! He's my rock in life for sure but sometimes GRRRR! Hope your glasses turn up! (Oh and completely agree that if I only had one channel it should be Hallmark!) Have a great Thursday!

  15. Oh no, not Gorilla Glue again....Please put it under lock and key from Louis Dean! LOL! Linda, I can so relate to your stories of husbands that can get to our last nerve at times (I know I get on his sometimes as well). I can laugh and joke about it afterwards but during the time I am ready to choke him.

    Two nights before Halloween, I commented that we had forgotten to put up the laser night projector outside. The one we have comes with different scenes for various holidays and the Halloween one has little ghosts that dance around on the exterior of the house. I told my hubby to nevermind doing it but of course, he jumped right away and went out in the dark to set it up. Fast forward about 20 minutes and my phone rings. Its him calling from outside to come and help him as he as fallen in the driveway! I think he tripped over some cords.

    Long story short, he did hit his head but was okay but it could have been a different story as falls are nothing to laugh about. I scared me and I think it scared him too. I told him that night under no uncertain terms was he EVER going out in the dark again to work or set up lights. I love that he always wants to do things around the house to make me happy but he has got to slow down and stop jumping at things too fast. After all that, the lights weren't working right so they ended up in the trash.

  16. Just as well we all have our quirks... Just go with the flow... and get a kid to sort out the remotes. Cheers

  17. those quotes. there is a whole lot of truth in each one.
    TV and remotes and all the gizmos will be the death of Dave and I...they make me totally crazy.
    I do hope the directions for Direct TV will be found as will your precious glasses.
    Your Quads are adorable and you definitely are special to them. The detail in pleasing them is so thoughtful.
    Love coming here and reading your adventures.
    Sue of photowannabe

  18. Walking walking walking relieves stress
    I have several bone diseases and force myself with every pain 5 miles in steps per day in and out of apt
    Maybe more time doing your own thing and the getting on nerves will end
