Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Tuesday and Wednesday......Allergies, Reading and Art....

Our electrical problem is still a mystery.
While we have water now in the camper and front room - the pump, AC, and a string of five ceiling lights plus the vent hood and light are still not working.
Dean (my step-son) thinks there was a power surge while we were gone and it knocked out the controls on the AC and the converter on the camper - which I don't understand enough to explain but it makes sense.

I have been ill with allergies to the point that I have done nothing along the lines of housekeeping or doing more than the minimal amount of meal preparations.

Tuesday I finished this Santa scene.....

This is a small painting - a 9x12 - and I think it will be easy to make it this year's Christmas card.

Then I started on a batch of glass Christmas ornaments.
It's been years since I painted some.
Long years ago I used to paint these by the dozens.

I still have several boxes full of glass balls so I am painting them all up for this Christmas.

It's a three part process......first the background color.....then the design....and lastly the details.

Sherry and I attended our October bee meeting and it was a good one....informative and interesting.
People liked the bee paintings I had for door prizes.
Sherry and I went out to eat after wards at El Quistador and enjoyed that but by the time we were back at the ranch I was not feeling well. Maybe it was the night air or allergies or whatever but I came in, went through all the rituals - netti pot, nose spray, Vick's and hot tea - and went right to bed. 
Alas, at 2:30 I was coughing so much Louis Dean came in and made me a hot toddy of lemon juice, honey and whiskey. That did the trick and I slept until 10:00 this morning.
The dream, though, were not good. still chaos and confusion.
I would wake up and go right back to the dream.
It felt like I made a decision to wake up and stop this dream process this morning.
(But later in the day I took a nap and picked up right where I left off on this troublesome dream.)

Louis Dean was up really late last night working on his music notebooks.
He is organizing them and making a lot of progress.
That's why he was up and getting a hot toddy for me.


I made us a satisfying breakfast (about noon) of toast, avocado, and sliced boiled eggs with cottage cheese and more avocado and some cantaloupe.

Then all that I did after that - this whole entire day -was read and paint.

Once the oils have dried up so much you can't really work with them - you just have to throw them away.......

except I used some turpentine to thin them out and based in some more Christmas ornaments.

Then I laid a fresh palette with my all new set of paint.

So many clever ideas for Christmas ornaments of Pinterest!

Still need to add details to 8 of these and the other four will need to dry before I can paint the red trucks and such on them.

Tomorrow I will will go back to the Christmas canvasses.
I called Don - the master electrician - yesterday and he is supposed to come out sometime tomorrow.

I have an update on Linda's daughter and grand baby.
No details but they have both been released from the hospitals and are recuperating at Linda's.
I think they are expecting full recoveries.

In other news - Amber is back from her trip to Nashville!

She looks like a rock star and had such a good time!

Summer is not doing well and may not be able to get down here to celebrate her birthday.
She has an appointment early in November to set out her next step.

I hope I have made some sense of this journal entry tonight.
While I have not even been down to see the critters yet - I did get to see Rufus tonight.

From Facebook....

"My sweet grand dog, Rufus! He came down tonight for a visit and he was in for a treat! Remember the steak dinner at Sherry Schick Adams-Morin back a few weeks ago? We save the t bones from the steaks that night and I have kept them in the freezer until we got down here to the ranch. Rufus is loving one now and I think I hit the jackpot of being the best grandma to a sweet Rufus!!!"

That's it for tonight.
Hope you all have a lovely night's sleep and wake up with plenty of energy for tomorrow!!


  1. Hope that you will be feeling better soon, Linda, and Summer too. The Santa painting is beautiful and will surely make a wonderful card. And, I liked seeing the scenes you were painting on the glass balls. It was sweet of Louis Dean to fix that hot toddy for you.

  2. Oh dear, between your electricity and your allergies you are having quite the time! At least you got to your bee meeting and were able to do some beautiful art. I love the idea of the Christmas ornaments. Maybe I will try to do that too. Hope you feel better soon with no bad dreams. Still praying for Summer.

  3. I am so sorry you are not feeling well. Maybe a hot toddy each night is in order! Your ornaments are gorgeous! I love the ones with birds on them. And the trees are so pretty. I hope by the next post your electric problem is finally fixed!

  4. Prayers for recovering and feeling well again Linda. Loved seeing all the painting you have been doing. Hope the electrician can find out what the problems are.

  5. Jacquelyn Saali MitchellOctober 24, 2019 at 12:18 AM

    So sorry you are under the weather. Allergies are terrible here in MO.
    Give me a call if you want & we can talk about the spine stimulator.
    My numbers are
    Home: 314-739-1715
    Get well soon
    Jackie Mitchell
    St. Louis, MO

  6. Amazed at how much you get done, even with no AC and bad allergies! Amber looks wonderful, as usual!
    So thankful Louis is looking out for you, but hoping no more bad dreams for you!
    Sure hope Don can fix things very soon.
    All the paintings just give me a big smile!
    Hugs, Trudy

  7. Oh I am so sorry that you have been under those allergies. Sometimes I have had those kinds of dreams that seem so difficult to shake, Recurring dreams are often not pleasant. I had one for years where I drive in reverse everywhere. 🙃 Crazy I tell ya!

    Yes, Amber does look like a rock star! Such a beautiful gal she is!

    Sorry for Summer’s ongoing struggles, yet believing for answers. She needs relief. Praying for her...

    May the master electrician get to the bottom of the troubles there. Sometimes we just need to call in the expert. My sister called in the plumber once her husband went to Iowa to visit his mom. She couldn’t take it anymore and, even though husband was saying he could fix it, it wasn’t happening. I would think that he’ll be relieved, but maybe not. 😉

    Yes, you are a good grandmother to all your grands, furry ones and all.

    Love those ornaments!

  8. drove in reverse...I no longer have those dreams...they ended when I married John and never came back...

  9. Oh, I hope you feel better soon. Allergies are just awful here this year and people who don't usually suffer with them are having trouble.

    Your ornaments are so pretty. I especially like that one with the sweet little chickadees on it. They were my grandmother's favorite bird.

    Have a wonderful day!

  10. Linda, I pray that you are feeling better soon. My grand doll is extremely sick right now too. She has been to the ER twice and was told she had an upper respiratory infection and the second time was told it is just allergies, but she is coughing, vomiting, runny nose, fever and she is so lifeless it is scary.
    I love your Santa painting and those ornaments. How sweet!
    Amber is absolutely stunning and I am so glad she loved Nashville. My friends and I did as well.
    I hate to hear that Summer is sick again. I will add you all to my prayer list.

  11. Trouble at the ranch...I am so sorry to hear this Linda...hope you rest and feel bettr and that the dreams become a bit more calming! Hugs!

  12. Linda, I am so sorry to read you have not been feeling well. Please take care of yourself. I know that is so easy for us all to advise but it's important, we care. Glad Amber is home safely and I am praying for Summer girl. Breaks my heart for her. I love the ornaments you are making. The painting will be a beautiful card.
    Linda I still can not load new photos and have not found my old ones...but I want to tell you of our newest great grandson. His name is Finnlee and he is our grandson Jake's baby. His mom is Abby, sweet as can be. . Our baby is one week old. :) I am in love . Blessings to all of you, love you, xoxo, Susie

  13. Linda, those Christmas ornaments are just beautiful. I have a craft project I hope to get to this weekend. I saw it on Facebook and I had to try it. Will post the results if they turn out and will caution everyone if they are a fail. So sorry y'all are having all that aggravation. One of our neighbors went out of town and her tankless hot water heater leaked, fell off the wall upstairs and into her kitchen. It was a big mess and she is still dealing with that. I hate those problems in the house...that is where we are supposed to rest and relax. Hope that cold/allergy is doing better. Glad you have a doctor who can fix you a toddy for the body.

  14. You really do get a lot done even when you aren't feeling good. Hope that master electrician masters the problem there and the master physician sends some healing your way and you get some relief from your alergies soon. I love seeing all your Christmas painting, I haven't gotten any thing done at all. I'm not sick and have no excuse except that the mood hasn't hit me yet, but I've made myself a promise today to aleast get some base coating done. We'll see how that goes. Time is getting short and there will only be so few days now to get it all done!

  15. So sorry you have been bombarded with being sick and no electricity but maybe it is God's way of slowing you down to accomplish other things like your beautiful paintings:)

  16. I like seeing what you are painting. Hope you feel better soon!

  17. I'm praying for you and Summer. I'm sorry about those dreams, its so unsettling when that happens.

    Also hoping the electrician can figure out and repair the electrical issues!

  18. I'm so sorry your allergies have put you under the weather.
    I am amazed how you keep going despite feeling lousy.
    Your painting for your Christmas card is just perfect. Lucky people that will receive it.
    You are so clever with those ornaments...such priceless treasures.
    So sorry also that Summer isn't doing well. I do hope she gets some answers soon.
    Tae care Linda.

  19. For someone who is under the weather, you have done a lot! Your ornaments are so pretty and I love the painting of Santa! I hope you feel better soon Linda! Hot toddies always help me out too. I hope you can break the dream cycle. I have recurring nightmares often and it's not fun to wake up from one.

  20. I hate those dreams you can't get out of - sometimes they restart even if I have gotten up and gone to the bathroom. Hope you feel better soon. Cheers
