Wednesday, July 31, 2019

"And it came to pass.....", Yellow Meated Watermelon, and Art! Our Country Wednesday....

I have always loved this verse - actually these MANY verses in the Bible that says.....
"And it came to pass...."
I am so grateful that it doesn't come to STAY!

Louis Dean woke me up at 9:00 to tell me he was going into Waco to buy a tool he needed.
He is trying to blame it on the Great Pyrenees pups - and they do tend to take off with just about anything if you leave it laying around. But it's more likely that he set it down some place and can't find it now. So it was nearly noon by the time we had our reading this morning.

He brought me flowers!
My favorite!
Pulled up by the roots at the side of a country road because he left his pocket knife here.
Better than flowers from a florist!

In return, I fixed him an open faced roast beef sandwich on toast with a side of potato salad.
Since I am celebrating 'Christmas in July' - I served his lunch on a Christmas plate!

He went out to work on the bathroom - he's put a wall up between the shower and the sink and put in a shelf up at the top of the shower to hold his toiletries.

I wrote some more on my book.
Just plugging along at it.
I'm always reading a book and as I was reading today, I noticed how many words are used to describe a simple scene. I suppose writing a novel is a far different thing from telling your story. Or maybe not. I need to join a writer's group. The author I met in Galveston highly recommended I do that. But I am a bit reluctant to have another 'thing' to do. We'll see.

For our afternoon snack - I cut open the watermelon.

It is such a pretty color.
Yellowish orange. I have had some in the past that were flat out plain yellow.

This one is delicious! And it was a HEAVY thing!
Louis Dean took the rinds down to the critters this evening along with a bag of table scraps.
It feels good to know that nothing is wasted here.

I've painted off and on all day.
The front room is warm but not unbearably hot.

This is going to be my Christmas giveaway this year.
It's a 9X12 reclaimed canvas. I had painted peaches on it long years ago and used Easy Off Oven Spray to remove the oil paint, put a coat of Gesso on it and it was ready to paint on.

It doesn't look like much at this point but next week I will start pushing paint around until the details start to show. It is a process. Oil dries so slowly and that's why I work on several paintings at the same time.

Remember that awful Santa I could NOT redeem???
Well, I redeemed the canvas!

And I thought it was fitting to paint something fun on it!
My friend, Christi sent me the link to this amazing artist.
Don't you know that gal is as fun as she is talented??

Our day is done here.
We burned our paper and Louis Dean used that to start our campfire.
Fresh from our showers - I LOVE that we can use the shower now - and ready for a glass of wine and some stargazing.

Goodnight from the country!!


  1. what a wonderful day, start to finish. i like the idea of christmas in july, but right now, i think i am too tired. we just had a regular watermelon and it had a lot of seeds in it - yours appears to as well!! i don't think i have ever seen or eaten a yellow one!!

    i know these paintings will be gorgeous when they are done!!

  2. I love this cute donkey begging for some wine! So will you be taking your first shower here? I have never seen a watermelon like this, it is very pretty! Does it taste just like the red ones?

  3. Another good day Linda.
    Did not know that an old oil painting canvas could be cleaned off with Easy Off Oven Spray, add Gesso and start again

  4. Oh, so glad your shower is installed. Another victory for Louis Dean.
    I know the critters loved the watermelon rind. The ranch is such a wonder, isn't it. It almost cleans itself, as far as recycling food to the animals and paper to start the fire. The Heavenly entertainment is all completely free!
    The ranch sounds heavenly when you're there!!

  5. Christmas can be on any day, so enjoy it. Louis Dean is such a handy man and he can do almost anything! Delicious looking yellow watermelon.

  6. Mmmm, painting, good food, a loving, thoughtful husband...then wine & stargazing. I'd say a most perfect life!!

  7. Linda, I love that nothing is wasted there at the ranch. Scraps feed the animals, paper starts your campfires, and you salvage canvases. We have misplaced tools here before. Just yesterday , Ted says where are the channel locks? I say right where you just put them , on the l;adder. We worked together on the flag pole, the hoisting rope had to be retreaded over the pulley. Easy 10 minute job , together. LOL I say 10 minutes, for as you well know there are no 5 minute jobs. Blessings, xoxo, love, Susie
    p.s. the watermelon does look good.

  8. Another day packed full of good things. Losing tools...I know John lost a whole bunch because I found them all. 😌

    So that’s the color of the watermelon...very nice. I suppose that there are many color variations. Glad that it was a tasty one...sometimes they’re a dud.

  9. I think it would be so fun to be able to take scraps down to the critters and they feel it is such a treat...I call that a win, win situation. It is a good idea to be working on more that one painting since it takes so long for them to dry. That watermelon looks yummy!

  10. You and Dean are so sweet. So does yellow watermelon taste the same? Christmas in July - I think that is a good idea. Have a good one. sandie

  11. Louis Dean really can do anything! Love your art of course and I'm happy you are writing too. I've started writing down some of my hiking stories...feels good! I know I'll forget if I don't! lol Enjoy your day!

  12. The first time I had a yellow watermelon it was like playing tricks with my mind and my tastebuds. I expected something very different than what I got. I still tased like watermelon that was red and what I'm used to. Maybe a little sweeter, but that was all. Love the sunflower ! Nice big one for sure !

  13. Well I learned something new this morning...Easy Off Oven Cleaner for your old canvas...Amazing...
    Love how the Santa is coming along and the mule painting is going to be wonderful. I can see the personality coming out already.
    Flowers from the side of the road..Priceless...LD is always thinking of you....
    Love your Ranch Life and the yellow meated watermelon.
    Hope your day is spectacular as it comes to pass....

  14. I love yellow watermelon. It's so tasty! Those paintings look great too.

  15. Linda, you know I'm always free with advice - especially about things I'm not expert in - ie almost everything. But I think you should finish your first draft and get some friends to read it before deciding whether or not you need to join a group - it would be a shame to lose your special 'voice'. There, lecture over... cheers
