Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Thursday Things.....

It rained today. And stormed some but not enough to get water in the house. Perhaps because the ditches Louis Dean has dug around here the last week has given all the water a place to go.
The drains are in place and that's encouraging. I'm grateful not to be sucking up water tonight even as I have been concerned about my friends in Oklahoma, Ohio and Indiana have been dealing with dangerous weather. Other states as well.....

Last night we started Tombstone and we finished it just a little while ago.
I remember that was a favorite of Amber and her friends back in the day.
We loved it and I think it was the very first time Louis Dean saw it.

Has anyone seen this series?
We thought it looked good and I love Pierce Brosnan!
I set it to record.
Louis Dean loves westerns and I am trying to find some I will love as well.

In other news......

Louis Dean has been unloading all the pavers our friends, Dee and Gerald, gave us on Sunday.
He decided to weigh one!
25 pounds per stone!!

Then he proceeded to count them! 
At least 150!
That's 3,750 pounds that he has lifted TWICE!!!
Now that's what I call a weight lifting program!

Glad he went out to weigh them before the storms came in.
I went to get my third of four knee injections late this afternoon.

Big Lots is just next door so I stopped there on my way home.
LOVE the Tropical Bungalow fragrance.

I bought another bag of these.
We have had them before and they are so good with coffee.
I saved four for us and will take Lillian and Margaret one tomorrow.

I have everything ready for the luncheon at the nursing home......

These cupcakes are for the staff......
and I have several cold salads for our lunch together.
Potato salad,chicken salad, pasta salad, fluffy salad, and watermelon.
Crackers and tea......
I'm taking back their clean laundry and am looking forward to showing them all my photos.
At the end of every month, I take my laptop with me and show them all my pictures.
That way they get to 'see' our life and I think it makes them happy to get to window watch what's been happening. Plus THEY are featured in OUR life as well!
I'm taking a smaller scale walker to Lillian and we are hoping it will fit under her bed.
It was Reaoma's and I know she would be happy to see someone else get some use from it.
Pam gave it to me along with her wheelchair.
Someday I may need these. You never know.

Tonight's our steak dinner!
They just finished cooking on the ceramic grill.

Baked potatoes are ready!
Corn on the cob is in the microwave waiting for me.
After dinner I have one more thing I want to do before calling it a day.

I'm sewing a denim quilt for Stephanie's oldest daughter, Caroline.
I will be seing a baby quilt next week for her baby boy to be born on September 1st.
I will be so excited if he really does make an entrance on my own personal holiday!
I'm all ready to be his second grandma!!!!

And with this I will bid all a goodnight!


  1. I just love the way you ended this post; both the quote and the picture! I think I will put the quote on our church prayer line. Louis Dean must be SO strong! I will go to Big lots tomorrow and look for these croissant cookies. You must have been cooking all day! You will all have a feast. You are so good to your ladies, you treat them like queens. How wonderful.

  2. Hope everything is well and the water will stay away from your house. We are also having our share of rain and heavy downpours. Louis Dean is still strong and healthy to be able to be active around the place and being a great handy man. Hope your knees are doing well. Stay safe.

  3. I got excited just thinking about your visit to Lillian... You always make those visits special. (No more waxed bath balls, though!)

    All those pavers were labor intensive. Wonder what plans Louis Dean has for them. And so good that the ditches and drains are working for keeping the rain out.

    Yes, the weather has been awful in the midwest. I have been watching Franklin Graham’s reports on Instagram. Praying that those storms dwindle to nothing.

  4. I can't believe how much each of those pavers weigh! Go Louis Dean!

    Praying for those affected by these damaging storms.

    Enjoy your feast with Lillian and Margaret! You'll have quite a few photos to share with them!

    I'm hoping that the drains are what are keeping your rooms dry!

    Have a great day!

  5. have a bad comment above this one but hopefully you'll find it this morning! How nice to get the heavy pavers! What a chore for LD! But he's THE MAN!!! Hope you have a nice day my friend!

  6. Yes, we've had some bad storms in Ohio, but thankfully I wasn't affected. Only lots of rain here. On the bright side we're to have a sunny day tomorrow! Your Louis Dean is hard worker for sure. What a blessing he can do all he does. Hope your trip to the nursing home is a good one/ You do a great job of seeing to their comfort. All those salads will make for a great lunch!

  7. My daddy loved westerns too. Growing up it seemed that every night there was a western show on our tv. ( Forget watching Lost in Space as The Virginian was on at our house.) However we were watching Jeopardy the other night and there was a western category that I did great in! I told Marvin that watching all those westerns paid off. And who would NOT like watching Sam Elliott. He was on the Memorial Day Program on PBS Sunday night. He is still good looking man.

  8. So glad that you aren't have to clean up after the rain and hope the drains take care of it permanently. My hubby loves westerns too and western series but they are few and far between. Those steaks look wonderful!

  9. I had no idea that pavers weight 25lbs. Lordy day!! That's plenty of exercise and then some, moving those.

    Poppy seed cake is my very favorite cake in all the world. I always used to make it using the recipe found in my old Better Homes & Gardens cookbook. Delicious!!

    I love a "salads" meal. I could live off them, to be honest. The ladies at the rest home are sooooo lucky to have you, dear heart. Those steaks look mighty delicious too, altho I must admit that the older I get, the less appetizing meat is to me. I used to absolutely LOVE it but lately not so much. I think I get tired of chewing. *haha*

    Love, Andrea xoxo

  10. LOVE that movie and all the stars in it. I love poppy seed muffins, my favorite but can't eat them now.. phooey. yowsa on the weight of the stones and all that lifing, I could not do that at all

  11. I've said it before and I will say it again...
    Whew...even on your lazy days you do so much.
    Lillian and Margaret are so fortunate to have you, the Visiting Angel, coming to see them with all the goodies and clean laundry, etc.
    Now I am drooling...those steaks look divine. What a way to end the day.
    Oh yes, that is quite a weight lifting program LD was on...a whole lot of pounds and to do it twice...OH MY !!

  12. Wishing you restful sleep. It's a wild stormy day here today so am hunkering down. Cheers

  13. Wow, that's a lot of pavers to lift! I am amazed at all the things you get accomplished, I too enjoy seeing your daily life! My Dh loves westerns, like you I try real hard to find some we both like, if it has romance I'm in.
    Enjoy your day.

  14. We love the series "the son". Being from Texas, you are sure to enjoy it.


  15. I like the old westerns with Randolph Scott are you old enough to know him?

    And that oh so handsome man Sam Elliott I always wanted a good looking husband like Sam Elliott or even a boyfriend LOL now i'm to old for either one LOL

    You have a good busy life, I have been happy busy now that I semi retired
