Wednesday, April 17, 2019

A Home Day at the Camper/Cabin, Visit From Summer and Bracing for the Storms.....

We worked hard yesterday and stayed up late last night so we took it slow and easy today.
Our meals were easy - cereal and bananas for breakfast and simple sandwiches for a late lunch.
I'm sure Louis Dean will be hungry in a little while so I'm thinking maybe leftovers for a late supper!
Easy peasy!

After our morning coffee, reading and prayer time - we both went back to bed for three hours!

We have added an afternoon reading time to our routine.
It's amazing that neither one of us have ever read To Kill a Mockingbird.
Well, we are reading it now and loving it!

We just finished Strawberry Girl. I knew Louis Dean would enjoy it since he liked the Little House books so much. Another book we are going to start soon is one by Louis L'Amour. Another author neither of us have ever read. As much as Louis Dean loves old western TV shows, I figure he will enjoy reading some of his books.

It doesn't take long to clean the camper. The trick is to not let it get too messy in the first place.

The changes in the front room made for a few changes in the camper.
I added the table/lamp to our reading corner in here.
I'm loving having my Bible Basket back!

Summer came out to visit us this afternoon.
She hasn't been here in a long time so it was nice to show her all the improvements.
We are a work in progress!

This is my blogging spot tonight.
We are bracing for the storms as so many are.
It seems they sweep across the country from one coast to the other and then it starts all over again.
Other than closing the windows, I don't know what more we can do here.
At home we have an interior closet in the den that we have been known to huddle in while a storm has raged in recent years.
The good news is that after the storm passes we are in for some beautiful weather for the weekend.

So wherever you are  - batten down the hatches!

It's going to be a bumpy night!


  1. We are to get the storm Friday. Praying you will both be safe from the storm!! My, your camper looks huge in these pictures!

  2. Been following along the past several days, just not commenting. Had not been feeling well. I'm getting up and around better now. I've loved reading all your country adventures especially walking around and also feeding all the critters and getting fresh eggs!! You'e had some real pretty pictures up and I've enjoyed them. Your country home looks so safe, warm and cozy. Hope the storm has by now passed by and there was no damage. Hugs, my friend!

  3. Must be the season, but then storm season in the south lasts way too long. May it all have blown over and by without being a nuisance.

    I especially enjoyed seeing your blogging spot. Always nice to have a companion when whipping up a post. Sometimes, I’d even ask if my companion had anything to add. He often did. ☺️

    Glad that Summer got to see all the doings. I declare that her smile is still one of the best and brightest ever.

  4. Linda, I love that you and LD are reading' To Kill A Mockingbird" It's one of my favorites, I think partially because it was the first book I ever owned. I am so glad Summer came to visit you. We are having rain this Thursday morning. Suppose to rain maybe tomorrow also. I hate that, the basement will be wet in spots. Longing for a week of dry weather. Stay safe there. Blessings, xoxo,love, Susie

  5. Great reading! Summer is such a beautiful woman. She radiates joy! Take care in the storms!

  6. With our roller coaster weather we had our first tornado alert on this past Sunday. It'd warmed up and a cold front came through creating all kinds of havoc. Thankfully, we only got heavy rain out of it but others weren't so lucky. Until the weather straightens out and settles we'll be in for more storms too. I have no place really to go for safety here. The only thing I miss about my old house was that it had a basement where I'd go, but it will be what it will be. Keeping things straightened does make things look so much nicer. Glad you got some rest and some company too.

  7. We were supposed to have storms here last night but they ended up passing us by with just a few rumbles of thunder. Hope it was the same for you! When I see storms forecast for your neck of the woods I always pray for you and yours! Great choices for afternoon reading! Strawberry Girl and To Kill A Mockingbird take me back to my homeschooling days with my two boys! I might have to steal your idea and revisit them myself, they are both so good! Summer is looking great and like she is feeling so much better! Hope you all have a fantastic Thursday!

  8. I pray you two fare well today, dear Linda. Spring storms can be some of the most violent here in northern Indiana. Does the same hold true for you folks? Lake Michigan shields us pretty much from tornadoes and what the physiology behind that is I have no idea. As the lake shields us from tornadoes, it "treats us" to lake-effect snow in the winter. I guess we can't have our cake & eat it too! :-) Your precious Summer!! Her smile lights up the whole earth... we only think it's the sun!! Love & hope for an all-clear post soon, Andrea XOXO

  9. Stay safe - I hope the storm passes without issues.

  10. Hope you two are safe and sound! We are supposed to get sind and rain tomorrow night. Think I'll cook a couple of things this afternoon! Glad for your visit with Summer!

  11. After so much rain we finally have a beautiful warm spring day.
    I pray you are safe in that cozy place of yours.
    I'm finally feeling on the mend after some icky stomach flu..I don't wish that on anybody.
    I certainly hope none of the family we were visiting last week come down with it.
    Good choice for your afternoon readings. I love all the things you do together.

  12. Howdy there my friend and thank you for your sweet comments and compliments. Nope, I surely didn't match my nails to my bracelet, ha ha LOL, it was total accident! I always think I look a mess, hardly ever "match" in anything, and just throw on whatever! (mostly loose comfortable clothes, leggings under skirts to keep my legs WARM on chilly days!, clunky BOOTS, HA HA) --but you always give me sweet compliments, so thank you! On pictures made on Sundays, you might catch me looking DECENT. ha ha! LOL I wrote a post on the bracelet today, for you, so come on over when you get a chance...

  13. I just added another photo of the old purse too

  14. Hoping the storm isn't too bad. Stay safe

  15. Nice that you are both reading and enjoying the same books, Linda. I have not read those mentioned other than To Kill a Mockingbird which was many years ago. I’ve never seen the film and wondered if you plan to now. Hope you will be safe in the camper if storms come through your area.
