Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Tuesday Treasures and Good News Wednesday!!

The last two days have been chock full of good things!
I was up early Tuesday and dropping things off at Goodwill before 10:00!
And then I went in and bought up as much as I dropped off - but it wasn't all for me!

I was wending my way to Dallas by 11:15 and Amber and I drove to Frisco to take in a movie at noon. Our movie of choice was only showing at one theater within our time frame - so we were off to Frisco! To the newest Cinemark around!

Cinemark has long been Amber and Mike's favorite theater and this Cut! Cinemark has only been open for two weeks! We smelled the 'new' as soon as we walked in!
It is a full service dine in theater or you can buy refreshments from the concession stand.
Amber had a popcorn bucket that they honor there and the server brought her a huge classy style  bowl of fresh popcorn with a side container of popcorn salt.
I ordered a Ghost Margarita......

Mine was served with two tiny green chili peppers.....
I ordered a Caesar Salad and put the peppers in that and ate them!
Amber had the blackened chicken sandwich and rosemary fries. Perfect!!!
We shared our food but the margarita was all mine!!!

We both really loved this movie!!!
That's three in a row for us lately!'
A Star is Born - LOVED that one!
The Upside - my kind of movie and really good!
Now Green Book! 

Any time a grown up 'child' wants to spend time with us is incredibly precious.
Such was our afternoon together.
Amber and I make this a doesn't just happen.
Now days things must be planned and on purpose. That's just the times we live in.
I am so grateful for the precious gift of purposing to spend time with me from my daughter.

We got out of the movie and went straight to school pickup!

I did art with the quads - that would be Trystan, Kailey, Harrison and Logan.
They pretty much finished their canvases except for a few highlight details for the next session.
As impressed as I am with their artistic talent.......

they do not compare with their mother's artistic ability at their age!
Amber did this mixed media painting when she was 7 years old.
She combined oils, acrylic, fabric and dimension paint and fabric.
She chose her beloved Snowball to paint and she dearly loved that cat for all of her 20 years!

I snapped a picture of the amazing sunset on my home last night.
I see sunsets at the ranch but not at this one was special.

Here are my Tuesday Treasures!
Lots of bedding for Lillian and what she doesn't use can be shared with Margaret.
I'm doing the linen laundry and changing the sheets every visit.
When I am out at the ranch - I want to leave extra bedding in their closets and then they can leave the laundry until I come back.

Lillian and Margaret only have the home's big plastic mug for ice and water and that's really good.
I bought two pretty plastic glasses for our lunches together - for Lillian's Creme Soda and Margaret's Diet Cokes. Plus cool unbreakable thermal cups for their coffee.
I scored big on the pair of red Donkeys mud boots!
$6! I will wear these a lot this spring in the country!

I do love my tiny candle lights!
These may go  to the ranch.....a light in the front windows.....

I even found a few treasures for me!
New candles, a cute top and a pretty necklace.

And one more cool top.
Summer heat is coming and this will be a good thing to wear then!

I came home Tuesday night in time to pick Louis Dean up and go to the Center to walk.
It's hard to walk at night.
Much easier in the afternoon but we DID it!!

I got up early this Wednesday morning and turned the coffee on, changed out the laundry from the washer to the dryer, folded and put up a load of clothes, made up the bed, put fresh sheets on the bed in the guest room, and had our devotional Bible reading. AND got showered and dressed and arrived at the cardiologist's office before 9:30 this morning!

No wonder we look like we are still in a stupor!
It was a good visit with Louis Dean getting a good report!!
Her main concern is from the stress test that he did very well on but showed he has a bit of an 'electrical' problem. No blockage concerns which is wonderful! She said he does not need a pacemaker at this time but she will continue to monitor him and the next appointment is in 6 months! Win! WIN!!!

So of course we kept to our exercise routine and was walking on the treadmill at the Heritage Senior Citizen Center this afternoon!

Thumbs up for keeping up with the program!! 

You gotta admit - Louis Dean is so cute!!

Another piece of good news this day .......

Summer was winging her way back to Texas from the very early hours of morning in Puerto Rico!
It was not a direct flight so her first take off was at 3:45 this morning....Puerto Rico time.
She had a connecting flight in Ft. Lauderdale and just barely made it - with no help from the airlines!
Still - she smiles!

Here she is at DFW airport waiting for me to pick her up!
It's so good to have her back!
She's in the guest room as I write tonight.
She came in and after we visited a bit she went in to take a nap.
She had been up for a very long time.
I took a nap, too!

Tonight I have been busy cooking and baking in preparation for a visit to Trail Lake Nursing Home tomorrow. Summer is planning on going with me and it should be a fun day.
I'm taking lunch - which I have cooked and prepped tonight - salmon croquettes, mashed potatoes, green peas, salad, watermelon, tea, coffee, and lemon crack cake!
That was also our supper tonight!

I'm really looking forward to tomorrow!

So that's what I am going to do!!


  1. I was so glad to hear the good news about Louis Dean!! Amber's mixed media art she made as a child is amazing!! It looks like she painted on stained glass. She is very talented in so many ways. PLUS being super organized! You got an entire day's work done; all before your morning doctor appointment! I am impressed.

  2. Loved seeing Amber's artwork, and hearing you had time with her.❤
    Lots of great stuff, busy-bee!

  3. What a busy bee you are! It must mean the world to have you visit the nursing home and taking good food and treasures! Sounds as if you will return to the ranch in new red rain boots very soon! We enjoyed all three of those movies marvelous to attend the cinema with your daughter! Enjoy your weekend!

  4. Here I just took all the candles out of my windows now that spring has arrived and you are going to put some up. I like your idea better!

    I never have any trouble admitting that Louis Dean is cute. Ahem...just sayin’ Course you’re as cute as a button, too!

    My goodness, Amber’s artwork really was amazing for a seven year old. My daughter began painting at seven as well.

    Glad that Summer is safely home and will make the trip to see Lillian with you today. The dinner sounds delicious. You’ll heat it up there or take it hot? ( I purchased some gizmo bowls that are insulated and supposedly keep food either hot or cold for six hours. Not. So disappointed in it. Judy’s home is slightly annoyed that she does not like the food and therefore are not exactly accomodating. They do not allow family to even use the kitchenette. Such a difference from the last home.) Summer’s smile still lights up a room!

  5. Linda, I know how you feel having time with your daughters. I love every minute of my time with my girls. Great news about LD. Summer looks so happy. I hope she is doing much better with her health. Wow, the grands are little artist, taking after mee-maw. Amber little painting is adorable. Ted and I are going to buy that movie to watch this weekend. Blessings to you stay strong, love you, xoxo, Susie

  6. Great news about Louis Dean! I think and I don't know how you do it - you make time for everyone. You are like the Energizer Bunny.

  7. Two daughters and two very happy days! I only have one but am very thankful for her and her brothers too. But daughters are so different, and she is very special. Hope all goes well at the nursing home. I'm sure they will appreciate your treasures and the food. It's also good to know that Louis Dean is doing well and that they'll continue to keep an eye on him. You are very blessed and show just how thankful you are by all you do!

  8. Excellent news about Louis Dean!

    I love your quote at the end of this post! You have changed the lives of several people at the nursing home, and what a blessing to them that is! Have a great time with Summer and with your visit today at the nursing home.

  9. You are an angel for those sweet ladies, Linda. I know they are so glad to have you in their lives. And Summer is looking so good. I can tell she has lost some weight...hope that has helped with her pain issues. She is always smiling....her attitude is great. Good for LD....glad he is keeping up with the doctor's orders. Have a blessed day.

  10. Amber's painting when she was only 7 is amazing and I am surprised she doesn't do more now as an adult, she is clearly talented. Oh how blessed Lillian and Margaret are to be adopted by you and LD. Great finds at the Goodwill this time and of course the most fun is finding them. Glad Summer is there for a visit, it has been a while. Good news from the Dr. YEA!

  11. I am so happy to hear LD got the clear for 6 months. You are so good to Lillian, she is blessed to have you as a friend. You are right, you can help change her world for the better. She was good to your Mother and she tried her best to live with her. Have fun with Summer, I am sure you will.

  12. I love how busy you are--I like being busy, too. I think it keeps us young(er) feeling.
    Glad Summer is home safe and sound and that LD got a good report. That is always a relief, I know.
    You found some great things thrifting!!!!
    I hope your day at the nursing home is a good one...glad Summer can join you.
    Have a great day, Linda. xo Diana

  13. there will be many stars in your crown for all you do with such a giving heart.
    Good news about your Dearest. Keep walking!

  14. When I read all that you do for others, I'm proud to have you for my friend. I'm thankful to have you on MY side! You really make a difference in so many lives! Sweet sweet hugs, Diane

  15. Hi Linda :) That's great news about Louis Dean's medical report! Keep up the good work! Your Summer is so sweet looking with her smile. :) Lovely sunset! And the Ghost Margarita, I'm in!!! Cheers!!! :)

  16. Does Amber still do art? I've now ordered Green Book from the library - at the end of a long queue. Cheers

  17. You are full of good news! I am so excited that LD's checkup was so good and I am thankful that Summer is again back home. Life seems good in Texas at the moment.
