Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Amarillo, Texas! Wednesday....

Our last full vacation day! 
We started off as we so often do.....running around in circles.
As we were leaving Manitou Springs, we needed fuel.
It was $2.89 a gallon there so Louis Dean wanted us to drive on a bit to see if we could get it cheaper.
We were at 50 miles before empty but we drove on and finally saw a station, got off and all the pumps were occupied. We drove on down - by now we were in the area of the Broadmoor Hotel. I turned down another major street and found another station. This time cars were lined up for the pumps all the way out to the street! I drove on. We finally found fuel after using up a few gallons in the search! And, no, we didn't pay $2.89 a gallon for it! It cost us $2.94!!
 We just laughed about it!!
It doesn't do any good to get upset with each other as we both do silly things.
By this time we had driven in a great big circle and was just two blocks from the Interstate!
Win! WIN!!

I drove until we got to Des Moines, New Mexico where Louis Dean used to teach school.
He drove the rest of the way to our hotel in Amarillo.

It's good to be back!

The landscaped changed as we drove....
I25 to Raton and then Hwy 87 to Dalhart and 385 down to Hartley, Texas.
Usually we get on 87 to Dumas and then turn south on 287.
However, I had programed the navigation thing with our hotel address and it had us stay on 385 all the way down to Interstate 40 in Amarillo.

I had never been on this road before. Ever.
It was a two lane road so I couldn't get off to take pictures as the land changed.
We came in on the canyon side of Amarillo and it was so pretty with windmills and ranches.
We passed right by Cal Farley's Boys Ranch.

It was still daylight when we checked into our hotel.

Since we kept meaning to stop for a picnic but never did, Louis Dean mentioned how nice it would be if there was a Mexican restaurant next door.


There WAS!!!

I ordered a Dos Rita!
First time for me!

The server was a bit nervous about turning the bottle upside down in the margarita glass.
They have to do it at the table when the drink is served.

She did a good job!

It was a great dinner!

A perfect ending to our last vacation day!
Day #20! 

Louis Dean absolutely loved our server's T-shirt!!!
He laughed out loud!

It's been a great vacation!!

I was talking to Summer this afternoon and I really have been to lots and lots of places in my life.

But now I'm going home!


  1. Have a safe trip home tomorrow. You certainly have been a lot of places. But there really is no place like home.

  2. YES!!--THAT'S THE SONG I was telling you about! LOL I just love love love Johnny Cash! Loved all the pictures and oh my goodness that supper looked so delicious!!

  3. There IS no place like home! And I was thinking that even before I saw your quote at the end. The one picture of the sky is gorgeous! I have never heard of a drink like looks scary with the two big red X's on the bottle!!

  4. You guys have a ball at home---I can just imagine your vacations! Texas looks like you really have to grab the gas when you can. Those highways seem to stretch out forever.

    Never heard of that Margarita! I have to ask for it sometime here in Chicago!

    Gonna go catch up with your vacay!


  5. Have a safe trip home! I am so thankful that you have allowed us along for the trip.

  6. This was a great adventure Linda....welcome home!

  7. Your “running around in circles” stories are so much fun! Glad that you laugh about them, too, and don’t get upset with each other. So good that you have arrived in Texas and that home is just a skip and a hop and a day’s drive away. Traveling with you has been great fun!

  8. Linda, I am so happy you and LD are home. I have to admit I was worried for you to get home safe. Not to be out there wondering around lost for days on end. LOL I wish you had pictures of LD's old school. I listened to your Jonny Cash song, as he was one of my dad's favorites.:):) You have a seen many new places, and visited a few old familiar ones, the stories you have to tell. I am thankful you were treated so sweetly while on your trip. Give each other a big hug for me. Blessings to all, love you, xoxo, Susie

    p.s. now the laundry begins !!

  9. That T-Shirt made me laugh too! I like how you and LD chose good humor and not anger when things don't go as you planned!

    Mexican food is my favorite!

    Lindsay used that Johnny Cash song for a video she made years ago. Everywhere we went on trips, she would take photos of their converse shoes, and she made a video out of it! So fun!

    You'll be glad to sleep in your own bed tonight!

  10. It is always nice to see new places but I agree it is always good to get home again. I'm glad you had a wonderful last day of vacation. What a great trip you had !

  11. I am sure you are ready for your own bed by now but what an adventure you and LD have had!!

  12. You are so right, there is so many wonderful places to visit and see but there is no place like home. Safe travels tomorrow.

  13. Smiling at the shirt! What a great trip. Thanks for taking us all along with you. Welcome home!!!

  14. I'm laughing over the gas situation because many years ago we had one of our worst arguments over that. He was the daredevil who always thought we could make it to the next town. We were almost out of gas and driving on a highway where signposts warned that hitchhikers could be escaped convicts. I was a nervous Nellie! Glad you are almost home. Safe travels.

  15. Lovely. I didn't know there was more than one Des Moines - and then I find there is one in Washington State as well as Iowa. Are they all named after the river? Cheers

  16. I enjoyed your trip so much, thanks for bringing us along, it’s good to see you back home and what an end to an amazing adventure!

  17. It's always good to be back after a good holiday. That fuel incident had me in tears. At least you guys laughed about it at the end!❤

  18. Welcome Home, Linda, and thanks for taking us along on your wonderful trip. You are so right in saying there's no place like home because we felt the same way when we were once again back in NH after our nearly 50 days away!
