Friday, April 13, 2018

My First Art Project for 2018 and Amber's Visit With Her Grandma....

I have never gone this far into a new year before doing art before.

This is my first finished piece.
Oil on burlap canvas.

It's already hanging on the wall of the front room.

It goes nicely with my Rooster lamp.
Louis Dean worked on his projects of organizing his tools and getting ready to put up the wall between the front room and the bathroom.

Earlier this evening we walked down to see what Dean and Sherry were up to.....

they have been working on the new and improved and much larger peacock pen!
Dean was locked in with the ducks! That's where they are putting the ducks at night for safe keeping until this pen is ready for the peacocks.

The little goslings aren't so little any more!

I have a lot of material down here for my art projects!
And they all seem to have such attitudes and personalities!
The red chicken that welcomed us here last Friday remains.
We have to get the broom and chase her out of the front room and then pour a bucket of sudsy water over where she pooped and clean it up. Still.....I kind of like having our own personal hen in residence. Next month Louis Dean will be hanging up the big red screen door I bought last year when we were just starting this new room. That will keep the chicken out as well as the flies, wasps, bees and bumble bees - as well as some other critters! Yesterday evening I saw cottontail bunny. Now that would be fun if he decided to come in for a little visit.

After visiting with Dean and Sherry, we walked on up to the big tank and sat in the rowboat for a few minutes just enjoying the evening.

While supper cooked, I started another art project and Louis Dean finished up whatever he was working on.

A terrible storm rolled in complete with heavy rain, hail, rolling thunder and lots of spectacular lightning displays! The camper shook a little bit but we rode it out from our chairs in the front room.
After it was over - and we never lost power - our dinner was done and we ate our country supper of beans, sliced onions and cornbread!

Louis Dean just went to bed and I am soon to follow.......
but I want to share Amber's visit this afternoon to her Grandma.

Mother was a happy camper when she arrived with chocolate milkshakes all around!

Mother was so happy to see Amber!

She was in her happy place with a milkshake, magnifying glass and new pictures of the quads.
Plus Amber had brought comfy new socks for them.....

We had told her all about Sweet Lillian and how blessed we all are that she is Mother's room mate.
Amber had shakes and socks for her as well.

Logan had made a card for GiGi and this is such a precious video.
I have watched it over and over this evening!

It was wonderful that Amber was able to visit!
Louis Dean and I will be driving up to see her on Sunday.

We have been in the country for one week today.
I have enjoyed every minute of it!


  1. Oh that is a precious, special video. Children have a way of saying a hard thing just right. Love the rooster painting! Yes, you have so much material to work with at the ranch...animals and fields of wildflowers and farm equipment...all good!

  2. Linda, Your Amber is a sweet girl. I know her being there to see your mom, meant so much. How kind to include Lillian , with milkshakes and comfy socks. Those visitations will be stimulating and good for your mom. I love your new painting , it does look so nice with the lamp. I am hoping to see a goat picture soon. :) Blessings to you and LD, be safe. xoxo,love you, Susie

  3. Okay...I need to see a pic of the rooster lamp now😃

  4. What a sweet girl your Amber is---a real blessing. I am glad that visit made your mom so happy.
    Love your picture, Linda. You are very talented...and it is nice to have the critters as your (un)posed subjects. lol

    I bet you will be thrilled to get that screen door in place.

    You have thunderstorms. We have 8" of snow so far this morning with up to 10" more coming. UGH...This is NOT spring weather to me! xo Diana

  5. We had our second huge hailstorm and thunderstorm last night, so my thoughts were with you down at the ranch...glad to hear you are going to see your Mother...she looks very comfortable and well cared for. Beautiful painting on the burlap....y'all be safe!

  6. Oh my goodness Linda your painting is beautiful! I love the burlap canvas too! You certainly have a gift! I'm glad that Amber's visit with her grandma went so well! Your mom looks happy and at peace! You and Louis Dean have a safe trip and a wonderful visit and weekend! My continued prayers are with all of you!

  7. Your painting is wonderful. I'm amazed to see that you got one done and have started another. Your time in the country has been well spent for both of you.

  8. You did a great painting of the rooster. It is fun to be living in the country! Your mom will be most happy to see you and LD. Amber is such a sweet girl!

  9. That is a beautiful rooster painting! Looks good in your front room!

    Such a precious video. Logan’s card said just the right thing.

  10. I love your rooster picture. Just right for the ranch. How did Dean get locked in the league ? Glad you were there to let him out. So nice of Amber to visit both your mom and Lillian. That card of Logan's just touched my heart. Children really know the heart of God.

  11. I think you have a guard chicken now - apparently you need one lol. Glad to see your Mother smiling with Amber

  12. Linda, your rooster is magnificent. I haven't done a large painting in so long. Just those little weekly scribbles that I do with Scribble Picnic. We are so small here....there is really no place to set up my art supplies.

    when we lived up north in the large parsonage, I had a room for my art, and could leave my table up and work on a project as I needed it.

    I do have large watercolors all over my house from year back. You inspire me with your beautiful work in oils.

    Can't believe how fast those little goslings are growing.

    Your life at home and on the farm is so out of a story book.

    Thanks for sharing and letting us take a peek into the way you live, love, and enjoy life.

  13. Your rooster is beautiful. The country is so calming. The note from Logan is amazing. Hugs

  14. Love your chicken - and the sacking background is inspired! Cheers

  15. your rooster is a beauty!! I love to visit you,, its always a joy!

  16. Your rooster is awesome. Need to do a billy goat. LOL
    That was a sweet visit with Amber and your Mom.

  17. You are so gifted! Beautiful painting. Glad you have had such a good week in the country...while Amber is checking up on your mom.

  18. warms my heart to see your mom, she is looking so well!! nice pictures of her with amber...and the rooster is beautiful!!
