Saturday, February 3, 2018

Fort Worth Friday.....

Summer and I planned to drive over to Fort Worth late this morning but things don't always go as planned. No worries. We're flexible.
Summer was in a lot of pain this morning and had some calls she needed to make.
One bit of good news was a call from the rheumatologist. 
Summer does not have Polymyalgia Rheumatica.
Also her liver, kidneys and thyroid are all normal.
Summer has little inflammation and her joints are good.
Her diagnosis is all fibromyalgia.
I'm learning more about this condition every day.

It was after 1:00 when we got on George Bush Toll Road for Fort Worth.
Our first stop was to see Deanie.

Our Cousin Pam saw this plaque and bought it for Deanie.
I love it!
Deanie and I put on lipstick - Summer just wears a smile!
She smiles as often as she can and it is contagious.
We had a nice catch up visit with Deanie and then we got a bonus when Uncle Charlie came home before we left. Charlie gives the best hugs and Summer was in need of one!
I picked up Mother's clean laundry Dean had done before I left so we could take it to her.

Our next stop was to see Mother at the nursing home and we wanted to take her and Lillian a hamburger. Lillian prefers McDonald's so that's where we went and then decided to eat a late lunch ourselves before we went.

Summer continued her gluten free diet and ate a cheeseburger with  lettuce wrap.
She's learning more every day about what is and is not gluten free.
We enjoyed our time at McDonald's and I was surprised at the menu they have now.
I haven't really eaten there since my kids were young.
They have a good salad selection and - while it wasn't delicious - it was more than okay.
Summer's holding her instapot cookbook. She found a gluten free recipe for baked beans she wants to try for the Super Bowl Party we are having on Sunday.

This is the ceiling in one of the dining areas there at the Benbrook McDonald location.

It was 4:00 when we arrived at the nursing home.
Mother was SO excited to see Summer!
Lillian has been ill (not contagious, though) and she was in a different room for the last few days.
We suspect she just needed some alone time. I know how that is.

Back in September 2005, Mother had a stroke.
After she had recovered some, 
she gave me a big box of papers, photographs, mementos and her Bible. 
Today I took her Bible back to her.
She pointed to her name label on the front.
I need to take tape next visit and repair it.

She was so happy to see it again.
The church bulletins were still in there just as she had left them.

I also found this poem that I had copied out for her.
This must be from the 1970's.
My handwriting has changed so much I wouldn't even have recognized this as being mine.
I had laminated the front of the paper way back then and there was a tiny hole where she had, at one time, thumb tacked it to a wall.

She teared up when she saw it.
I read it out loud to her.

I tacked it up on her wall before we left.

The nightgown Summer gave Mother at Christmas didn't work out for her so Summer bought her several pair of pajamas.

Mother liked some of them and some of them she didn't.

The bag beside Mother's chair is filled with snack goodies from Aldi.
I bought a matching bag full for Lillian and took it down to her room along with the burger and milk shake. We really love and appreciate Lillian. She lost her husband last January.
Life doesn't always turn out like we think it will.
She has two daughters and one lives far away and doesn't get to visit.
We make a special point to visit and give Lillian treats just as we do for Mother.
When we told her goodbye tonight, she gave both of us several hugs - going from me to Summer and then back to me and then back to Summer.
I thought this was a gift from God.
He knew Summer needed hugs today.

Deanie had fixed up a photo grouping so I hung it up tonight.
We have a couple more pics to add but Mother was super happy with them.

I hung the old photos of her parents and grandparents and siblings above her bed.

Our last stop was to Nita and Mike's house to drop off the few pieces of dirty laundry and get in a quick visit with them. 
Nita was telling us about how Lady GaGa has been sharing how fibromyalgia has affected her life and how she lives with the condition. Knowledge is valuable.
While there is no cure, I am praying that Summer will be able to live a more normal life in spite of this illness. Step by step. Apparently stress plays a huge role in it and exercise seems to be a really important part of the treatment. Summer has tried acupuncture - which didn't help - as well as a few other things. I'm sure there will be a big learning curve as she reads and learns more of how to deal with this.

It was after 8:00 when we got home and Summer went straight to bed.
We are going to stay home all day tomorrow and hopefully she can get some rest.

All in all, it's been a good day.
I can't count how many hugs Summer got today.
She needed every single one of them.

Thank you, all my friends and family, for your kindness and prayers.


  1. Hi Linda, could you ask LD to give Summer a hug from me tomorrow - and also can you give Summer a hug from me tomorrow too. Hugs to you all.

  2. I'm so glad that your daughter has found a diagnosis. You must feel relieved.

  3. Linda, I got to have a lipstick too. Never go without it. One of my friends, who has never worn make-up, made a remark about old ladies wearing lipstick. I told her as we age we sometimes look washed out, we need a bit. It's not like we are putting on grease paint for the stage. LOL
    So nice you and Summer had a day out. Good to see the pictures of your mother.
    Good news that Summer now has a diagnosis , she will be able to get her pain in control. Knowledge is our power. Praying for sweet Summer. Blessings to all of you, love, xoxo, Susie

  4. You may have got a late start, but certainly had a busy and very good day. Hugs are wonderful! I know they make a big difference. All the people you give and get them from make life wonderful. Hope you are getting a day of rest. We all need one now and then for sure !

  5. Another avenue to research is yoga, great stress reliever and gentle exercise. Loved all the pictures in your Mom's room and how you take care of her friend as well. Blessings...

  6. It was fun to see how diplomatic you can be...”while it wasn’t delicious...”

    So glad for the report; although when properly diagnosed, PR is a quick fix and can be cured. Summer is always wearing a smile. She is a beautiful woman.

    What a fun gift Deanie made up for your mom. I know that makes her feel even more at home to have photos of her peeps all around.

    Exquisite penmanship, Linda!

  7. You are so sweet to care for Miss Lillian as well as your mom. I know it was a blessing to her to see yall yesterday. You are diplomatic Linda...I like how you said your mom liked some of the pjs and some she did I hope Summer can find some relief...just knowing what it is NOT, is helpful to keep from fretting over that. Gaining knowledge on Fibromyalgia is good and hopefully will produce results.

  8. I am glad Summer now knows what is her problem. I must say you had a very busy day yesterday with all you did. Coming home tired, but it is a good tired with all that you accomplished. Have a great weekend. Hugs and Prayers from your Missouri Friend Shirley

  9. Ga Ga has cancelled her entire tour because of the fibro. It is such a good thing she has shared this. She is so rich and famous that maybe she will be the one to find something close to a cure. If so, I hope she shares it!! You are such a blessing to both Lillian and your mom! You seem to spread joy wherever you go! Gluten free isn't so bad if you can eat hamburgers. And the stores around here have several shelves of gluten free foods now. Tell Summer that my fibro is lots better than it was. I was lucky and once I suspected, the first doctor I went to diagnosed me. I think I read that most people have to go to about a dozen doctors before they get diagnosed.

  10. I am so thrilled that you have 'adopted' Lillian -God brought you into her life because she needed you. It is nice to know that you can share some precious time and memories with your mom.

    Yes- as Summer learns more about fibro she will feel like she is more in charge and not feel so helpless and/or hopeless about her condition. Good luck going gluten-free. I know it is not easy but I know it is worth the struggle to find a plan that works!

    Blessings and I hope you have a wonderful weekend- xo Diana

  11. I meant to put it in your last post but something that truly helps both Mom and I with fibro is heat...a hot pad, in my case an electric blanket. When my skin hurts I crawl under there and feel better in no time :) Knowing what you have is half the battle.

  12. I find a little gentle swimming helps in a whole lot of ways. Cheers
    PS did you see the quote I posted that made me think of you?

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  14. I'm so glad for your good news for Summer and am hopeful she will have good results from her treatments. So sweet to see your mother seeing what you wrote way back then. I love that you are being so kind to Lillian. It is so sad for the people who have no one or no one close by to visit.

  15. Hoping she will be able to manage her illness ..with her being young, maybe that is in her favor.
    Your mom is such a pretty older old is she?
    Glad you got to spend time with family....xoxo
