Wednesday, December 13, 2017

A Cup of Christmas Tea Party 2017

I am still basking in the glow of last night's tea party!
It started at 4:00 and I was ready!
The candles were all lit....

The table was laden with all sorts of food!

See that cake at the upper left corner??

A Buttermilk Sour Cream Pound Cake!
It was delicious!!

I had stacks of Christmas plates all ready to fill.

There were three kinds of iced tea as well as a tub filled with chilled bottles of wine.

Cinnamon and regular coffee, hot cider and assorted teas.

Louis Dean had his music all set up in the den.

I lit a fire log in the fireplace and had the fireplace DVD playing on TV.

It was time to party!

My first guest was a very special one.
Meet Jean - she lived across the street from the late 1960's through the 70's.
God knew we needed each other during that time and we shared both sorrows and joys with one another. We made lots of good memories back then and we made some new ones yesterday.

Stephanie is my dear friend and next door neighbor since 1987!
She's another angel God has given me.
Louis Dean keeps wanting to adopt her!
Stephanie was my personal cheerleader as I set about changing my world as I knew it back 15 years ago.

Mary Jo was my back yard neighbor for 24 years. 
She got a kick telling everyone about the first time she met me.
I moved here in 1967 and she and her husband, TC, moved here in 1968.
"I was in my back yard and could hear music coming from across the fence. I climbed up to peek over the top and saw Linda wearing a pink bikini, sunbathing on a chaise lounge, reading her Bible and listening to Tom Jones on the radio!"
We were friends from that moment on.
Summer and Jesse grew up with their five children.
They were then and are now an amazing family!
They were the family we wished we could be - my children and I.
Mary Jo was the kind of mother I aspired to be but never was. Summer remembers Mary Jo and TC's kindnesses and it was a touching and emotional moment when she hugged each one of them last night.
The world would be so much better off if there were more parents like Mary Jo and TC.

'Make new friends but keep the old.
One is silver and the other gold.'
Jessica and Jerry are our newest friends and they are such a sweet fun loving couple!
Someone was ringing the bell at the front door - and I mean there really is a real bell to ring as we do not have a door bell! Jerry went to open the door and told the arrival they had the wrong house!!!
I'm telling you, we are going to have so much fun together and are already planning on it!

My Sweet Summer has been having a hard time of it lately.
I love how she pulls herself together and smiles and laughs as if she didn't have a care in the world or a pain in her body!

Sabrina used to be a frequent visitor here but last night was the first visit in a very long time!
Too long!

I loved getting to see so many loved ones all in one evening!
Marie came for a little while with her husband and daughter.
I've known Marie and her twin sister, Mary, since they was 18 months old.
Thank you for making time in your evening to come see us!

Brenda (on the left) is another long time friend from church and then later, I worked in the State Farm office with her for a year or two. Ruth Ann is sitting beside Louis Dean and everyone knows how I feel about Ruth Ann!

Kimmy came with her mother, June.
I met Kimmy in the late 1960's or early 1970. She was my dentist's assistant.
I had to have a lot of dental work done back then and I was a basket case when it came to being in the dental chair. Kimmy would stay with me every single minute and hold my hand. We became very good friends and all four of my children love Kimmy and June like family. Kimmy came to Tuesday Night Art Class here - which is why my Tea Party is on a Tuesday night - and then later June came to paint with me. They have been such a huge part of our lives all these years and remain so to this day.

Everyone loves Mary Jo.
I think she is telling Sabrina some of her stories about when Summer and Jesse were growing up.

Ruth Ann was looking especially beautiful last night.
She has been at her farm for a few weeks and came back to town so as not to miss the party.
Last year I didn't give a Tea and she missed the one in 2015 so she was bound and determined to be at this one!

Jamie is another 'new' friend.
 I met her through Debbie whom I met through blogging. 
Debbie has the very best friends - they have all grown up together and they have graciously included me in their 'Fun Girl' group!
Jamie makes the most beautiful crocheted Christmas ornaments and I am blessed to have several on my tree. She puts them into her Christmas cards as 'tuck ins.' I love that word and I love Jamie!

You can see Debbie in the mirror - she's wearing the Christmas Lights necklace - along with Jamie and Charlotte.

Another shot of Jessica and Jerry.
They are the kind of people that you feel instantly comfortable with!

Thanks to Debbie W. for this photo of the tree.

We took a lot of photos by which to remember the evening.

It was a relaxing kind of party. Mingle and nibble. Sit, sip, and visit.

There were 30 people total and the house was happy to have so many visit the rooms!

Summer, me, June, and Sabrina.

Shirley is another long time friend.
She and I used to take mother/daughter trips together - 
with us being the daughters.
Shirley is one of the most creative people I have ever met and certainly one of the sweetest!

Brenda P. often came to play with Louis Dean in his jam sessions.
They picked right up where they left off!
Ilene is a dear friend of Brenda's and one of my neighbors around the corner which just goes to prove it is a small small world. I met Ilene one day when we were both out walking our dogs and discovered our mutual friend. We continue to visit each other when we get a chance. 
The last time the quads were over here for the day, Ilene happened to be walking and joined us on the driveway as we were sitting to watch the kids play.
Brenda brought along dear Lucy, a friend of hers who has included us in a few of HER friends' gatherings over the years. I guess friendships beget friendships.

Lynn and Maria are two dear friends from our Synchro Years - when our daughters all swam for the Pirouettes of Texas Synchronized Swim Team. Our daughters are all grown now but continue to be the best of friends and so do we.

It was a lovely evening.

We may be crazy but cleaning up after a party is a happy time for me and Louis Dean.

We talked about the night as we gathered up the plates and glasses and took out the trash, started the diswasher and put away the food. After all that was done, we sat in the living room with all the lights off except for the Christmas tree. I guess we were still having too much fun because at 1:00 this morning, Louis Dean fried us up a couple of ham and cheese sandwiches and we carried them to the den and watched an episode of 'Bull' on TV. It was 2:00 when we finally went to bed.
I guess it didn't surprise us that we were so tired today.
We had planned on going down to the ranch for the rest of the week but simply did not have the energy to pack up and go. So we went out to eat at King Buffet and did a little Christmas shopping before coming home and taking a nap. I didn't even bother making up the bed today.
I'm heading back to bed as soon as I spell check and proof read. Louis Dean is already there.

Thank you to every one who attended my Cup of Christmas Tea.
I didn't get a picture of Cathy and her daughter, Joy. Joy and Amber grew up together and have been friends since their days in the church nursery.
And how in the WORLD did I NOT get a pic of Val???
She took a good many pictures as did I as well as Debbie and yet I can't find her in any of them!
I think Val was still a teenager when her family moved to Texas.
She is such a cheerleader in Life! She just naturally encourages and comforts others and has for as long as I've known her! She has the most perfect job for her gifts....she works in a hospital greeting and caring for those who are about to have surgery.
Another dear friend who somehow managed to avoid the cameras is Virginia.
She and I went to church together for several years and we got to know each other through our Eat Love Pray meetings. We have met up from time to time over the years since and it is always as friends sharing our hearts with each other. she loves Goodwills and movies just like Ruth Ann and I do and we are planning on spending some Tuesdays all together in 2018.

 And to all who didn't get to come - 
you were truly missed!!! I love you all, my dear sweet friends, and am grateful for each and every one of you!
Good night!


  1. You look beautiful, and filled with love for your family and guests. Everything looked just wonderful, of course!
    I'm glad you and Louis Dean got some good rest today!

  2. What a wonderful party! This party is a gift to your friends, but also to you and Louis Dean! I can tell how much it means to you to see all these precious ones!

  3. You are stunning in this last photo, Linda, and you better frame it or I will!

    I was wondering how many people were invited when I looked at your spread! Now I can see how thirty guests could put that away. Did you make all of it, or were dishes contributed by guests?

    I envy you for having friends and neighbors going back that far. You must be, and I definitely know, you are good people!

    Happy Trails!

    Jane x

  4. Oh Linda, I so enjoyed seeing these pictures and reading the story of your good time last evening. I wish I lived close by. But I'm grateful for this blog post all the same. Thank you for sharing!! xxx

  5. Thank you for taking me to this wonderful party through your post. Such great pictures! I could almost hear all the cheerful voices and taste the good food. Someday I must make my way to Texas for one of your parties.

  6. oh my gosh what a beautiful party and it felt like I was right there with you!!Thank you so much for sharing this today,

  7. You look beautiful in these your last photo. I am sitting here imagining what that tea party must have been like. It is amazing that you have time to prepare all of that and that your friends show up.

  8. What a wonderful party you had. So nice to get together with so many good friends. You are blessed to have a multitude for sure ! All your efforts were well worth a lovely evening together!

  9. How wonderful to see everyone and hear all the stories Linda. I am sure everyone looks forward to your tea every year.

  10. A lot of work but such a special time for all. The last picture of you is beautiful...

  11. Linda, I am so glad all your friends came to enjoy the party with you and LD. So sweet he was your entertainment. I think it must have been nice listening to tales of days gone by. I wish I could have been there. Blessings to all of you, love, xoxo, Susie
    p.s. Hugs to Summer, such a brave girl.

  12. Your table is abundant, mouth watering, and gorgeous!! You really know how to throw a party! Gorgeous tree! I got the biggest kick out of how you met Mary Jo!!! She sounds like such fun!

  13. You home looks beautiful - glad the party went off so well. You inspired me to make fruit cake cookies this year and apparently they will be an annual thing now as they are so good!

  14. I'd love to be in that great C'mas tea party at your beautiful house. The cake looks delish as you say.
    Merry Christmas to you, your mom and LD.

  15. It all looks festive and lovely happy to hear you enjoyed yourself and visting with old friends and family!

  16. A pretty party all aglow with fun, food, and fellowship! You have some wonderful friends both old and new. Hope that you both have recovered well.

  17. A wonderful party! You all look so beautiful and full of joy. You are so blessed with so many good friends and you are also a blessing to them all.

  18. Hi Linda, Oh what a wonderful tea party and so festive with all the decorations, food, good friends and family. I know your heart is full of love after such a beautiful evening. Love seeing all the pics as you introduced each special person in your life. Thank you for sharing and passing on the excitement of the season. Thank you also for visiting my once a month post and your kind comment. I am blessed by your visit.
    Wishing you, LD and your dear family a very Merry Christmas xoxo

  19. You really out did yourself with a very nice party for so many. I'm sure everyone enjoyed your hospitality. What a spread of food and so much festive decor! Hope you are recuperating nicely!
