Monday, October 16, 2017

A 'Summer' Day With Fall Weather!

I am LOVING this fall like weather we are having!
We slept with the back door open, the attic fan on and two comfy blankets on top of our regular bedding. It was bliss!

I'm happy to say I have spent a most contented day.
After our gazebo time with coffee and reading, I set about filling in my Country Diary.
I was about a dozen days short with a couple days from July, several in August and some in September and even two for earlier in October!

Summer arrived shortly after noon and we sat and visited in the gazebo awhile longer before we went in to the sewing room.I did some mending for her while she used the laptop to take care of some business.

I love to mend. I love to redeem something or restore anything.
Redemption and restoration.
It's a spiritual experience as well as a practical thing to do.

For lunch I made a Suddenly Salad all jazzed up.
I just so happened to have taco meat left over from the other night and it was the perfect addition to this salad.

We ate in the den while we watched a couple of episodes of Chesapeake.
Summer and I seem to be cloned at times.
She sat where Louis Dean usually sits and I sat in my usual place.
We crossed our feet at the very same moment. We sigh at the same time. 
When she saw some stick light bulbs on the table, I gave her one. I showed her the lamp I had put one of them in and took off the dark shade so she could see how bright it was. 
We both said 'wow' at the very same time.
I'm telling you - it's spooky!!!

She left before traffic and I went back to my 'rat killing.' That's we call what we are doing.
Is that what YOU call it? I cleaned the den which means that my whole entire house has had some attention paid to it. I can't say it's all clean because - in this house - that would be impossible!
But it's good enough that I can say we will come home to a clean house after our week at the ranch.
We leave on Wednesday. Dental appointments tomorrow or we would have left today.
It will be 23 days since we have been there. Not bad since it was 37 days between July and September's visit. We missed August all together!

From Dean's Facebook Page

Dean has been busy with chicken houses and peacock pens and I can't wait to get down there!

We had a garden this year and now it is time to pull up and clean up all the dry vines and such.
Louis Dean brought in this watermelon! What a surprise!

We planted both watermelon and cantaloupe and we saw them grow but something always ate part of them before they had a chance to get ripe.
This watermelon was a three bite treat and I threw the rest away.
Still - it was three bites of a home grown watermelon!
Maybe next year we will do better!

Last night I did, indeed, finish the Sledding Santa for the Give Away.

Now he will dry while we are gone to the ranch and then I will glaze him when we get home.
He should be dry by November first when Louis Dean will draw the winning name.

I am pleasantly surprised at the number of comments left on last night's journal entry.
It was more than I have ever had before!
By the way, the painting is a 12 inch square and I painted the sides of the canvas because you cannot easily buy a ready made frame that size and a custom one is pretty pricey. Since it will only hang during the Christmas holidays, you won't necessarily have to frame it.

Louis Dean is watching a little TV while I am going to the art table and work on my Chimney Santa.
He's been loading the truck for our trip to the ranch.
We are both so excited!!


  1. Wow, you posted early. I know you must be dying get back to the country. You comments counted. I can't remember last time I didn't--but if you can, put my name for colorful sledding Santa!

  2. For a chance to get that painting and you're surprised at the response ? It is a treasure believe me

  3. Love that you had a relaxing day with Summer! She always looks so happy in your photos!

    I'm wondering how you get your Country Diary. I used to get them every year and then slacked off. Can you help?

    I'm trying to de-clutter for my granddaughter's first birthday party here. My daughter and son in law are doing much outdoor work (the party is in my backyard),but my home is a reflection of me and I want it to look organized. But I'm breaking my back. One or two more projects and it is what it is!

    Gorgeous watermelon! Please share what else you grew!

    Jane x

  4. Summer's smile is a winner. I hope she is seeing some improvement in the pain. Marvin heads back to the spine doctor today in hopes of scheduling some surgery that we hope will stop his pain...or make it bearable. My heart aches for those with chronic pain. Have fun at the least the temps are nicer now!!

  5. Sounds like you had a great day and you and Summer do seem to be like two peas in a pod. I have a sewing machine but rarely make anything these days, but it is good to have for mending. Like you I like to restore rather than get new. Seems like you just got home and now you're packing up to go again. Sounds like some exciting days ahead for you both! Have a terrific Tuesday!

  6. I can feel your excitement of the coming country home visit and tell Dean I LOVE that chicken coop. I have a mission, should you decide to take it. Paint a mural on that door on the coop. paint it gray and add some big beautiful chickens or sunflowers. can't wait to see it. hope I win the santa

  7. Your Summer and you are like my daughter--we will look at each other and burst out laughing because we both had the same thought at the same time. lol It is a bit eerie,isn't it?

    Have a good time while you are gone. Those moments away are precious and I know you love every minute you spend camping down there.

    Blessings and safe travels- xo Diana

  8. Good to see that smile on Summer's face. As a mom, I know you are so happy they're all back here close to you.
    Enjoy your time at the ranch, the only thing you probably miss down there is seeing your kids and grands. You have everything else, especially the views!

  9. Happy times at the ranch! It does not seem as if you have been home that long. Seems as if you just left the ranch a day or so ago. Tempus fugit! Your time with Summer sounds very companionable...lovely.

  10. Linda I love that you and Summer are alike. I am that way with my girls too. They are part of us after all. :):) I have to say you certainly can whip up something to eat in no time. :):) I wish I could make myself sew again...maybe after cataract surgery. LOL Wishing you and LD quick dental treatments and painless preferably. Safe trip to the ranch and some fun while you are there. Blessings, love you guys, xoxo, Susie
    p.s. Love the painting. :)

  11. What a wonderful day!! So nice for you to have the ranch to go to !!! But I am glad it's not me going to the dentist:)

  12. Exciting about the giveaway, and the ranch!! It is so fun watching the progress of the building! Happy days.

  13. Enjoy your trip to the ranch! Glad you and Summer had some time to enjoy each other. She really is a treasure. :)

  14. Summer's smile just lights up your it must anywhere she is. It amazes me despite the pain I know she is in, how she is smiling. Bless her!
