Thursday, September 7, 2017

We Are in the COUNTRY!!!!

We are so happy to be in the COUNTRY tonight!
This morning we had our coffee and Bible reading and then closed up the house.
It took only an hour and a half before we were IN the truck.
I mailed a box to Puerto Rico, picked up two prescriptions at Walgreens, stopped by to visit Reaoma and then dropped off Fruitcake Cookies and Pumpkin Muffins to Kimmy and June - and then drove down Shady Grove to Loop 12 and on to Spur 408 to I20 to I35 and on to Hillsboro!

Lone Star Cafe and a delicious Margarita!!!

Louis Dean and I relaxed and enjoyed a good meal.
We had been looking forward to this moment!
From Hillsboro, we drove the back country roads to Mart.

I really got excited when I saw the cotton fields full of COTTON!!!!

My knight in shining armor cut me a small bouquet!

We stopped at the neighbor next to the ranch to drop off some pumpkin muffins and tell them how much we enjoy our picture perfect view of their cows every evening!

Then we drove through the gates to the ranch and we were BACK!!!
We were gone 37 days.
Today was Day #38.

As soon as we came in to the new room, Louis Dean said, "LOOK at the COTTON!!!"
I thought he was talking about the small bouquet he had cut - but NO!
Dean and Sherry had left a REAL bouquet of cotton as a Welcome Home gift!!
SO perfect!!!

I put my cotton in the camper.

This beauty is in the new room!
I will probably be taking it home with me at the end of the month!
We unloaded some and then rested some.

I stretched out in the girl bunk and visited with my siblings on our messenger thread.
Then I unpacked the wine!

Can you see the jug of wine by Louis Dean's chair?
 He said he didn't need a glass!
I brought him one anyway!

It has been a perfect country evening!
Louis Dean built us a beautiful campfire.
He said, "We may as well do this up right!"
Dean and Sherry brought down a delicious chicken fajita dinner with ALL the trimmings.
It's good to be here.
I'm going back out to join Louis Dean in some star gazing before we go to bed.
It's 65 degrees so I am going to 'have' to put on a light sweater!
I LOVE that!!!
Tonight will be in the 50's so the AC is off and the windows are open and I am already looking forward to hearing the roosters crow in the morning!

I think I am a Country Girl in my heart!!!
And now in real life!!!


  1. Hurray! That weather is great! I sat outside with Tim tonight and needed a blanket since my light sweater wasn't keeping me warm!

    Enjoy it all!

  2. I'm so jealous of the cool weather as it is hot and muggy here in PR. Thankfully we are using a small portable A/C at night to sleep. ❤️ The idea of making a cotton wreath - we may have to explore that together. Enjoy your ranch time and I look forward to your post. Rayne can't wait for FaceTime to see the critters.

  3. So happy for you!! NOW, on to peace, quiet, animals, and FUN! And I just know the stars are brighter there than anywhere else.

  4. You two are in your happy place together right now - wonderful!
    I love the pictures of cotton. Never seen cotton in real. Is it soft?
    Wish you many many great moments! ✨👩🏼‍🌾

  5. Ahh yes, cotton. Before I read what you'd written about that photo I knew it was cotton. Sounds like the fun has begun. I look forward to seeing you use the egg apron.

  6. Looks so pretty and so relaxing and love the pretty cotton bouquets! Y'all enjoy yourselves, ya hear!? Your temps sound nice and cool, perfect for that campfire!

  7. I am thankful that you made it to the country. I hope you have a fabulous time!

  8. It's all so perfect..have a lovely time...sweater weather...can you believe it?

  9. Linda, Wishing you and LD a great time while you are in your country home. NO AC...hey that sounds so good. It's been in the 40's here in Indy in the morning hours. I like sweater weather. Those cotton bouquets and wreaths are pricy up here. Stay safe there. Blessings, xoxo,love you guys, Susie

  10. I am enjoying a cool September morning with fog hovering over the pond! Have fun at the ranch. We go home on Sunday.

  11. It's cool here too. It was 49 this morning when I got up but we're to warm up to 70 today and sun is shining! Hooray! How wonderful to have a place in the country. I'm a city girl, but love it out in the country. Cotton is not something we have here, but I enjoyed seeing your bouquets! They will last and last and can be enjoyed for some time to come!

  12. What a great day and glad you arrived safely.

  13. Ahh, that weather sounds lovely. Glad you had such a good time.

  14. your joy is infectious and you can tell us about your day like no one else can!! i am glad you are in the country, which is starting to sound more like "home"!!!

  15. can you believe - I've never seen any cotton growing - how sheltered we are down the other end of the world. Have a great time
