Thursday, August 24, 2017

Wednesday! Lunch With my Sister and AC Repairs! It's all in WHO You Know!!

  My sister, Luann, and I were long overdue for a good visit!

We met in Southlake at McAlister's for lunch and lingered long at the table as we caught up with each other and what's been going on in our lives.

From there we went a little ways down the street to Central Market where we caught the tail end of the Hatch Chili Festival.

They were still roasting the chili's when we got there!
I bought some fresh ones as well as some chips, salsa and queso - all flavored with hatch chili's!

We weren't through with our visiting so we decided to sit in the cafe after we had finished our shopping.

They serve WINE!!

I had a glass of Pinot Grigio while Luann had some flavored tea!
We could have sat there and talked for hours but the day was getting away with us and we had one more stop.....

The SampleHouse and CandleShop!
There used to be one within walking distance from my house back in the day - as in the 80's!

We sniffed our way through the entire shop!

I am so proud of my sister!
She's lost 62 pounds in the last 2 months!
She's also taking care of herself! 
Often we are so involved in the caretaking of others that we neglect ourselves.

We enjoyed our visit and our browsing around together and are making plans to do this once a month!

When I woke up this morning, I heard the outside AC unit 'squealing' in discomfort!
I turned it off and turned on all of our window units. We have four and they will keep the house relatively cool. Today was not as hot as yesterday, thank goodness!

Louis Dean called our neighbor, who just happens to be my Cousin Joe.
He came over about 5:00 and checked the AC unit out and said, yes, the fan motor was a goner!
He just so happened to have one in his truck! (He's in the AC business!) Within an hour he had our AC back up and running!
I tell you - it's all in WHO you know and we are so glad we know JOE!!

It's been a good day for me.
I love connecting with my sister. While we didn't grow up together, we still share quite a few experiences. Our roots are planted very close to each other.

I spent the afternoon and evening at home doing what I love to do......
clean and decorate.
Louis Dean is chomping at the bit to 'Get out of Dodge' as he calls it.
That means he is wanting to go to the ranch.
I do, too, but I don't want to miss September First and all the specialness that day brings me.
So I continue to bring in arm fulls of debris from the storage building and scatter it all over the place! I have a special Fall Fragrance home spray that I am saving for the first. And special candles to light and a special coffee cup AND coffee!
I think I am enjoying these days leading up to September first more than I have any other year.
If I wait another 2 minutes - it will be 7 days until I can celebrate my favorite day of the year.
Oh, look! It's midnight!!!!


  1. I love your Texas pillow, and candle with beautiful wreath around it! What a super fun day you have had!! Does Luann live very close?

  2. Nope, I'm not getting between the two of you on when to "get out of dodge. However, if I were a betting woman I'd bet on you greeting September 1 in Irving. September and October should be two good months for living the country life.

  3. So glad you got time with your sister! Enjoy the first at home then head to the ranch!

  4. The ranch will be beautiful in those fall months. I am the kind that enjoys fall but hates to see the arrival of it. I have noticed a few of the leaves here changing.

  5. Sisters are special people for sure. I too am counting down to September. It is very cool and fall like here this morning!

  6. What a nice day! I love the Sample House and Central Market! I stocked up on Hatch chilies from Whole Foods last week. My friend downstairs separated them for me and used the Food Saver to seal in packets for me. Really helps with freezer space! I can't wait for Sept 1st but October is my favorite month. :)


  7. Enjoy the first at home then head to the ranch!

