Monday, August 14, 2017

We Arrived!

We made it through Mississippi and on into Alabama, arriving at our destination just as the sun was starting to  go down. The kids and parents had just gone down to the beach so their excitement was still new!

We are all so happy to be here!


It's late and I'm really tired and they do say that a picture is worth a thousand words.....

Tomorrow will be our first full beach day!


  1. I can see the excitement in the pictures ! What a great experience and family time !

  2. Linda, Such a beautiful family. I did not know you were going all the way to Ala. for beach fun. My brother George lives in Ala. Harrison looks to be totally in love with that sand. The three girls facing the water is a charming shot. Blessings to all of you, xoxo,love you, Susie

  3. Enjoy...Alabama is a pretty nice place despite our bad

  4. I totally missed the part that the quad family was going with you. I thought it was just the two of you. beautiful pics of lots of fun. enjoy

  5. Yes, the pictures said it all, Linda. Have a WONDERFUL time!! Blessings~ Andrea

  6. Glad you arrived safe and am sure it will be a wonderful time.

  7. Beautiful post, Linda! Looking forward to reading more about your beach adventure as the days go by!

  8. Excitement everywhere! And big smiles....I agree all your photos are worth 1000 words each. Fun, fun, fun!!

    Looking forward to more of your adventures.

  9. Hurray! Now I just bet that Harrison filled that dump truck with sand. I adore your starfish bowl! Where did you get it? I want one to display my shells.

  10. How wonderful to vacation together! Enjoy that beautiful beach!

  11. Hi Linda, wishing you a wonderful vacation at the beach. Love the first day pics. Have fun!! xo
