Sunday, April 30, 2017

Taking A Blogging Break....

It's hard to believe I am doing a journal post with NO pictures!!

Okay! I simply can't do so I'll add just one!

Louis Dean has loaded the truck with his tools and materials as well as all the 'stuff' we take and we are heading down to the ranch and our camper this afternoon to begin what he says will most probably be his last building project! By closing in the deck, it will double our 'living space' and by adding a bonafide bathroom complete with shower, sink and toilet, it will greatly enhance our 'quality of life.'

We have to come back next Sunday because I have jury duty on Monday.
I plan on doing a lot of reading and writing which Louis Dean does a lot of working!
I am low on available data so I may not be able to blog this trip. We are looking into getting Internet down there pretty soon but not yet.

I will enjoy my time with the critters and visiting with Dean and helping LD in whatever way I can.
If you don't hear from me this week, don't worry! I'll be hanging out with the goats, chickens, peacocks, horses, geese and ducks!


  1. Quack, quack! Enjoy the time! And the peace. And rest.

  2. enjoy your break and hold those hammers and nails for the MAN

  3. Going to miss your blog posting especially the pictures,enjoy every minute:)

  4. Safe travels...have a marvelous time! I sure will miss hearing the life and loves of Linda!

  5. Thank goodness!! When you said "blog break" I thought of those really long breaks. I am glad it will just be short and temporary. Because we just HAVE to track his progress! Have saw, will travel! This sounds much, much more extensive than I had thought! Hope you have a great week in the country! But then again, you carry joy around with you!

  6. Linda,Please don't let LD over do it. One good thing , it's not that hot yet. I will miss your posts. I love you guys, take care of each other. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  7. You folks have a blessed and easy week...pace yourselves, enjoy the critters, the wildflowers, and all that makes the Ranch such a place of refreshing. Looking forward to when you'll be telling us all about it.

  8. Have a good week, Linda. Take good care and make sure LD paces himself. I never like to hear "this will probably be my last project"! Love to you and enjoy your time away from the online world. xo Diana

  9. Enjoy! Can't wait to see this project finished! Its going to be great!

  10. Happy trails! Love to you and LD!

    Jane x

  11. I already miss you, and want internet connections at the ranch!!!

  12. Jury duty. I've always wanted to do that! Have a nice time. Cheers

  13. I love the friends you are hanging out with!! The ranch is such a happy place.. Get some R & R and will look forward to your coming back and sharing your life. Love the photo of Louis Dean. Such a handsome guy.

  14. May must be a big Jury duty month for me and my friends. I have it on Thursday and 2 other folks in my office have jury duty too. Wow a bath, show and a closed in porch. That's a big undertaking. Maybe you and LD need to buy a piece of property in the country and move there. You seem to be in your element when you're there but then you fit in everywhere. Have great time.
