Friday, February 10, 2017

Thursday and Friday......

Thursday was wonderful from beginning to end!
Summer had an early morning appointment for injections that would block the nerves that have kept her in such pain for so long. Amber had a busy morning of work - editing - she is a professional writer with her own freelance company. I just had my morning - coffee and reading and getting dressed. 

We all met for lunch at a bistro on Preston Road.

Any opportunity to spend time with my daughters is golden!!

I had not seen Sabrina in a good while, either!
Win! WIN!!

Summer was pain free and it was wonderful to see her feeling so well!

She and Amber both had the soup and a Caesar salad....
Sabrina had the quiche and I had tomato basil soup and a Caesar and the best Apricot Tea!!!
While the food good, I was really impressed with the Ladies Room!!

They had Sun Coast Scrub and Lotion and it made even my rough hands feel silky smooth!

It was good to be together again!

Summer and Sabrina headed for home so Summer could enjoy a day of 'real' life!
They didn't know how long the injections would last - a day? A week? A month?
These were temporary 
but, if they worked, she could get permanent ones.

I went over to Quadville after lunch and it was almost time to pick the quads up from school!

They had done a Valentine craft at school and Harrison had made his for Aunt Deanie!

Harrison is reading and I am just so excited about that!!
He's not even five years old yet!

I think he is taking after his mama!
Amber has loved words from a tiny child.
She liked the way they were arranged in paragraphs in books.
She was just like Harrison - sounding things out and reading early.
It's no surprise that she majored in journalism in college and that she has written SOMETHING nearly every single day since she was four!

Logan is looking so grown up these days.
Just look at those cute boots!

We were off to the library later that afternoon.

(My videos are are not loading up but the quads were jamming out to some good music!)

The library was hosting a Valentine Craft Session!

It was great!!
All the supplies were ready and it was an easy peasy way for the kids to make some sweet valentines!
The first activity was decorating cookies.

They took that very seriously!

Next was Valentine Cards.
The staff supplied everything from sequins to heart shapes, stickers to doilies, scissors and glue, to pom poms and markers!

You can see they were totally absorbed in their work!

When we got back to Quadville, I took them out to play in their backyard playground.

Harrison was demonstrating his skill with the hula hoop!

Four years ago yesterday, I was at Deanie's and she had a weighted hula hoop - which I had to try!!
We were living in our camper down in Katy, Texas at the time and I was on my monthly visit home.
We laughed and laughed and laughed!!

I should show this to Harrison!

We decided to go out to the front yard because the kids wanted to show me a bird's nest they had found in a tree.

Sadly, it was no longer there!
When did these kids get to be so BIG???

The sun was setting and it was such a beautiful evening!

I love seeing the world through their eyes!

The moon and the stars were just beginning to shine.
We all spied ONE star and I taught them the little verse......

We all went inside and pitched in to clean up the playroom.
Kailey had asked me earlier in the day if I would help.
She was in charge so I took my orders from her.
I was instructed to pick up all kitchen stuff and put in the cupboards.
Then I was to put all the books on the bookshelves.
I got busy because I take my work seriously. However, I noticed Kailey just watching me. I asked her what SHE was going to do. She said, "Supervise!" NOT! Once she learned if SHE didn't work, I wouldn't either, she started in on collecting all the Legos. After awhile I needed to rest so Harrison pulled up one of their small chairs for me to sit on and then he got another one for me to prop my feet up. Then he got two chairs for him to do the same thing. Soon he was off to do something else and Kailey came over and sat where he had been. In a couple of minutes she asked, "Don't you think your break is over now?" Haha! Back to work we went!!
No pictures of any of this because she kept me too busy!

After dinner Harrison read to us some more.
Sorry about none of my videos loading.
I use my mini iPad so next time I'll use my camera.

We ended the evening watching Fixer Upper together!
It had been such a good day - start to finish!

Alas, just as I was going to bed, I saw a post on Summer's Facebook page:

This morning I was at the doctor at 8:20 and ready for the lumbar facet injection on both surgery sides. How nice to be woken up after the quick procedure and feel almost pain free. Met my Mom and Amber for lunch and enjoyed the entire lunch with no pain. Even the car ride was enjoyable. It was short lived as the pain began returning in the late afternoon. Everyone is in bed but I'm medicating and hopefully will be able to sleep shortly. Pain seems to have paralyzed my life, my body, and my spirit. Sometimes I say and do things I would not normally say or do. The pain is changing me and not in a good way.

My heart hurts for my daughter......

I talked to her a couple of times today and she is still in pain.
To know Summer is to love her and we are all praying that this is NOT her 'new normal.'

Friends and family have been a very real source of encouragement for her today:
 Oh Summer Davis surely there is something out there that will help. Don't stop looking, my sweet friend and don't loose hope, do you hear me? I tell people this every single day. Keep digging to see what the latest and greatest thing is on the market. You will find your answer, keep on pushing!!! Hugs and love you much!!!!! xxx 
Many others offer words of comfort and it meant so much to her.
She replied:
Thank you so much for these words of encouragement. My spirit is low and I know God is my Comforter but I feel so alone and discouraged. I had no idea you dealt with all that you do. Gives me hope. I've been doing some crafts; making cards and working puzzles and now listing items to sell on the net. I need purpose and I need value. Just struggling and scared. Thank you for sharing, my  is encouraged!

Today has been a 'Home' Day for both Louis Dean and myself.
He was 'home alone' all day yesterday. When I asked him last night if he enjoyed it, he said, "Well, I missed you!" I told him no worries! I'm BAAAACKK!

I call this photo 'Love in a Bottle.'
The gazebo was the very first 'room' we decorated for Christmas and it is the very first one we are decorating for spring. It's an important place since we spend some of nearly every day out there!
LD loves the colored lights but I insisted we needed to take them down. If it weren't for him, I would ONLY use white lights at Christmas and all year!

Not only did he take them down, he put up the new ones for me.
The day wasn't long enough for me to do everything I wanted to do.
Housework got done! Clean sheets on both our bed and the guest room bed.
Laundry - Done!
Lunch was a simple sandwich and dinner was served at nearly 9:00.
I am calling it a day but am already looking forward to getting back out in the gazebo in the morning and putting up all my finishing touches.


  1. My heart breaks for Summer. I know what it is to be in constant pain and it's not fun. I hope someone can find something to help her.

    The quads are growing up quickly. They are not babies any more. I started reading around 4 years old and read anything and everything because I loved it so much. I hope they all have that love of reading too.

  2. Love & prayers for you Summer Dee...

  3. I always get a smile on my face when I visit you, Linda. What a great day to see both Amber and Summer, and Sabrina---and then the 'Fantabulous Foursome', who show their different personalities each time you share them with us! Girl, they are growing.

    I'm trying to get rid of a kidney infection and the headache that always joins them. Sure do hope my Coumadin levels get between 2 and 3 soon! Then perhaps have cataract surgery so I can see to read, craft and blog again.
    It has been so long since I stopped blogging my other blog, I have forgotten so much and just can't seem to come up with the cheerful, lovely blogs you and others do. But I remain hopeful I'll be able to get the eye surgery done soon and feel "alive" again. I know envy is a bad thing, but every blog I read, I just admire!
    Have a great weekend, you and Louis Dean!

  4. Goodness, Kailey wound you up and you're still on the move.🏃‍♀️ I like your picture treatments. Praying for Summer. Back pain is a horrid misery. I like how her friends encouraged her.

  5. What beautiful photos of the quads. Love the way they view life! Pain can just wear you down..poor Summer. I will put this bistro on our list to try soon. Loved this fun post today Linda!

  6. Oh- There is nothing worse than long-term pain. Been there- it is like there is no reprieve and it is easy to lose hope. Tell her to hang in there and try anything and everything-even things that sound 'quackish' (providing they are not dangerous).
    The quads are getting so big! Hard to believe how fast they are growing. I had a couple of early readers, too, and a granddaughter that is reading at a high school level in 4th grade...and LOVES words.
    Hope you and Louis Dean have a wonderful weekend. IF you have time pop by and see my new "FRIDAY FUN" post. xo Diana

  7. So sorry to hear the pain relief was temporary I know so many who live with chronic pain and I do not know how they bear it. And as i looked at the photos of the quads, I thought to myself, they are looking so grown up lately. Cherish the moment...we never know what the future holds for us.

  8. Linda, So good that Summer felt good while with all of you at lunch. I pray for her . I know what she means about the pain making her can make us grumpy or snappy...and we don't want to be. The children are such grown up kids now. I am amazed at all Amber does...I also know that you and LD are a huge positive influence in their lives. Blessings to all, love, xoxo, Susie

  9. Love the 'bottle photo frames'! Always fun to see your quads. Sounds like a good day...but so sorry for your daughter's pain.

  10. sounds perfect!! i am happy that you recorded the day with so many amazing, creative photos!! fingers crossed for summer, that she continues to have relief from her pain!!

  11. I am very distressed to hear the injections didn't work out for Summer. Has she had prior back surgeries? Back pain is so awful. That's very exciting that Harrison is reading, the others probably won't be far behind. Our grandson would never let me read to him and that's always made me sad. He only let two people read to him, his mother because she reads Japanese books, and his dad. He's 15 now and he and his dad still read to each other every evening.

  12. Poor Summer! I'm praying for some wisdom for the doctors and for Summer. There has to be something that will help!

    I like home days, I get stuff done! :)

    Those quads are cute, and smart! growing up so fast!

  13. Oh NO!! Poor summer, this is a awful disappointment. I hope she does not lose hope, and knows that somehow there is something out there that will help her. I hope she can keep her spirits up, that can be tough. God DOES answer prayer, I have seen it countless times, and I AM praying for her. Harrison is a sweet and kind little boy! My favorites here are Louis Dean in the golden light inside the bottle. He is your very own Genie! All of your daughters are so beautiful. The library event looks like so much fun! Last night I made Valentines with our granddaughters! That will be in a future mid-week post!

  14. Your photography is delightful! I need to be more clever with mine!

  15. I particularly like your photography! You'll have to do a tutorial one day! (Translated please do one!)

    I'm so sorry about Summer's pain. It's not fair, and chronic pain does affect lives! I hope she finds a doctor or specialist who can help her.

    Our local library has a lot of activities and programs for kids. My grandsons love spending time there, and that's a good thing!

    Thank you for your kind words on my blog. I really like your corner of the "cyberworld!"
