Thursday, September 22, 2016

Catching Up! Tuesday and Wednesday......

Tuesday Treasures!!
Ruth Ann and I hit up a couple of thrift stores, did a few errands and shopped Aldi all on Tuesday afternoon. We weren't out for more than 3 hours but we got a lot done!

I was pleased with my treasures!
Left to right - 
3 napkins to match place mats bought there a few weeks ago - $0.75
3 more napkins that match the tablecloth in the den - $0.75
Barely A. Bear - brand new and in the box - $2.99 less 25%.
2 coffee mugs from Crate and Barrel - $0.45 each.
2 Fall trays - $1.50 for both.

A twin size sheet for Harrison - $.75

Cool woven bag - $1.75

Pad for Louis Dean's chair in the gazebo - $4.00

A banner I will embellish with buttons and stitching for next summer - $0.75

It was pretty hot Tuesday but NOT as hot as Monday!
Still, Ruth Ann and I have to pace ourselves these days.
We plan to start walking again - as soon as it cools off.
Oh, FALL, where art thou??

Tuesday night we painted!
Ruth Ann brought over dinner and it was delicious!
Chicken salad on croissants, fresh watermelon and cantalope, chips and dips....
We even ate in the den at the game table and still I forgot to take a photo!

We freeze our palettes from week to week so I pulled this one out and started to paint.
It saves a lot of time not having to lay a fresh pallete every session!

Just a few more detail touches and these are done.

The sunflowers have been so much fun to paint!

All four of these are destined to be gifts or for the Family Reunion Auction but I am already planning at least two more canvases so I will have them to keep for ME!

The last of my Birthday Boxes from Summer arrived Tuesday night after art.

One held an assortment of scones mixes, fancy specialty teas and flavored honey stix!

The other box was a set of cardinal flannel sheets!
I am still contemplating a cardinal painting for this Christmas.
Summer has been so thoughtful with each and every gift.
She knows her mama well.
Sadly, Summer had to go home from work Monday noon in great pain.
Her back has caused her problems for years now but injections had been helping. Apparently, they have totally worn off and she just turned at her desk and pain shot through her like a knife.
The pain has been so bad that even strong medication hasn't held it at bay yet.
She's to see a specialist Friday morning and my hopes and prayers are that she finds some relief and they can do the injections again soon.
It hurts a mother's heart to see their child in matter how old that child is.
I went to sleep with a prayer on my heart for her.

This morning I woke up all excited! I was getting my bandages off!

This left toe has been so much easier than the right one!!
To celebrate, Louis Dean and I took ourselves out to lunch!

This place is the same age I am!

LD was a happy man!

It's been awhile since we have been out and about.
We had a good time and I even stopped in at a resale shop a few doors down from Big State and picked up a couple of bargains.

As soon as I got home, I polished my toenails!
TWO good feet!!
I'm still hobbling around a bit but the hard part's over!
Then I promptly went back to bed and took a 3 hour nap!
I really am taking things easier.
I don't know if it's because I am about to have a birthday or what -
but I am bordering on feeling 'elderly.'
While I do not want to miss out on adventures and living, I am learning that scaling back will be what allows me to live life a little longer than if I run myself into the ground.
That old high energy metabolism isn't what it used to be!
Still, as I tell my daughters, THIS is as good as it gets!
Whatever age you are - a few years from now you will look back on photos and think, "My goodness! Look how YOUNG I was!" I learned this around the age of 50 and I try to keep this in mind!
The wrinkles are NOT going just embrace the changes and be grateful for what you have!! That's what I try to do. Just think - 20 years from now I will look at the pictures from today and marvel!

Did you know that Olivia de Havilland is 100 years old?
And she is STILL beautiful?
This gives me hope and encouragement!

Tonight I did another session of arts and crafts while Louis Dean worked on his music.....

This was a day to truly appreciate!!


  1. Hugs Linda, you are being such a good 'recovery healer', so happy to see your painted nails on your repaired toes.

  2. ... and I commented from my 'other blog', love your sunflowers, so lush and cheerful and your thrifted finds too.

  3. It is so romantic to have a husband who cooks for you and serenades you! Your sunflowers are glorious! They are perfect in every way and so beautiful. When you worked, you must have been an art teacher. I love those trays! And the Cars sheet. The cardinal flannel sheets are beautiful! Poor summer, I have prayed for her. Let us know what the doctor says. Seems people are getting back trouble younger and younger.

  4. You should paint Santa driving the old red truck from the back-- with a Christmas tree in the bed of the truck! It would be so cool!

    1. Sounds wonderful!!! Where did you find that?

  5. What a wonderful day you had. Thrifting, lunch out, art and most importantly getting those bandages off. I am still praying for Summer. I know only too well how those backs are. Hope she gets relief quickly.

  6. Linda, Here's to cheerfulness and contentment....for we want to look as good as we can for as long as we can. I hope I have more smiling wrinkles than frowning ones. LOL I am loving the sunflower paints. Please try to show us each lady's painting when they are done. I like to see the differences. LD does indeed look happy. You found some great buys. Blessings for a bit cooler weather there. xoxo,love, Susie

  7. I love that quote at the end! It's so very true! I may have to share that on FB!

    I think you're right about pacing yourself. Life is not a competition and the only thing we need to do is walk with the Lord and love others.

  8. So glad this toe is behaving and so sorry to hear about Summer. You are right, we mamas worry about our children no matter their ages. Those Sunflowers are gorgeous. I just ordered a Sunflower bag from an artist friend of mine. I thought of you right away. I will post it on my blog one day next week.

  9. So glad that this surgery has been easier and you have been good to rest more this time:)

  10. I'm so sorry to hear that Summer has been in pain. I've had my fair share of back pain in my life so I really empathize with her. I hope that the doctors can get her feeling better soon! So glad that your toes are doing better. When your feet hurt, your whole body hurts! I like the advice you gave about aging. I remember my mil saying something similar about not hating how you look because when you get older and look back, you'll be surprised at how great you really looked! You'll be mad at yourself for thinking otherwise. Ha! I do think you gain more perspective about your age in your 50's. I'm almost 52 and was not too happy about turning 50. It sounded like an old age. But older people say I'm still young. I guess it's all how you look at it. Hope you continue to feel well and take good care of yourself. Have a great weekend!

  11. So glad you now have two good feet. Now you can really run fast. You are obviously an extrovert, a people person. It's very hard for people like you to slow down. Doesn't come naturally. You'll have to constantly monitor yourself. I once worked for a doctor who ran at full speed 24/7 until one day she would hit a brick wall and sleep for 2 or 3 days and she was off and running again. Not the best way to enjoy life. Also wears out the people around you. I do hope by now Summer has found some relief for her back pain. The flannel sheets with the cardinals are beautiful. I think cardinals work well for Christmas debri.

  12. I hope Summer can find some relief from her pain. My son-in-law has the back injections too. So glad your foot is healing well and you're able to enjoy getting out. Happy first day of Fall!

  13. Well my apron is off, and I'm trying to catch up on my lost days.
    You are amazing...but then how many times I have told you that, along with a number of others.

    You have beautiful feet and toes, and I'm so glad you can have pain free walking and dancing!!

    You Thrift Store finds are amazing too. And your painting class of sunflowers are beautiful.

    I haven't painted for a while...need to get that motivation back too. If I lived close to you I would join your group in a flash!!!! Although I've never done anything but watercolor.

    Have a great day, dear and beautiful Linda.

  14. Linda, your toes are bionic now! But even bionic women need to take it easy now and again. Cheers from Carole's Chatter

  15. Sounds like deserved a 3 hour nap. How my goodness! Are those chairs in your feet? I'm sure you have had some more kind of recovery process. Your paintings are gorgeous! My mom started painting at 55. I'm 56, do you think I coud learn or is it a natural talent. Wow! You are awesome!

  16. I am sorry to read about Summer's back...nothing more miserable than chronic back pain. Praying for her.

    So glad that these surgeries are behind you and that you are doing so much better this time around.

    Loved the pep talk! I am feeling more ancient and unattractive by the day. You, my dear, are lovely!

  17. Came over from Annie and I to love thrift store. I do inhome care and tomorow we wil check out a few yard sales.
    Coffee is on

  18. I'm so sorry about Summer's back ~ I totally understand! I hope she can find a resolution quickly. You know, it's so difficult to acknowledge our physical changes when mentally we feel we can still do anything! Not so ~ :) Like you, I treasure each day I'm given! There's a difference in acting old and I don't want to do that. Glad you're doing better and progressing well!


  19. Love that you painted your toe nails as soon as the bandages came off! I agree 100% with accepting how we look, and I realised that when I was about 50 too. After that itnis unusual to look better with each passing year, so I try not to feel low about saggy bits and wrinkly bits and just think 'I look better now than I will next year so let's just get on with it' !

  20. Your cup is never half empty it's always half full. Love your attitude. Love Love the sunflower painting. You are so good.
