Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Tuesday Things.....

This morning I got right out of bed and headed to the kitchen to make up a batch of goodies to take to the doctor. It was a routine appointment for me and I love to give them some kind of special treat.
I have taken Pumpkin Spice muffins to him before and remembered how much he liked them, so that's what I took today. I really do appreciate Dr. Bloom and I told him so this afternoon. He has certainly helped me with my chronic UTI situation and I'm now enjoying a much better quailty of life.

I left the medical offices at Baylor and was about to turn onto Highway 183 when I thought about Union Gospel Mission being just ahead on Story Road - so  that's where I went!

Tuesday is Senior Citizens Day and everything is 30% off.
I spotted these hand painted fall leaf plates right away.

And, LO, and BEHOLD, just LOOK at all the sunflowers!
Okay, I did throw in a few mums and such but they all seemed to want to stay together so I brought them ALL home!

I did a few errands and swung by The Goodwill where I bought this smaller scaled lamp and shade for our foyer. Much better!

Things around here are looking like blank canvasses to me as I put away more things to prepare the way for September.

I found this basket at Union Gospel Mission for just $4.

I clumped all the flowers in the other basket I bought, 

lit the candles in the living room,  sat back with a glass of sparkling wine with my feet propped up and listened to Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman sing Time to Say Goodbye.
 Sometimes you just need a few minutes to unwind and relax before going on to the next adventure of the day.

Tuesday is ART day and I haven't painted in weeks.
Ruth Ann and Sherry arrived with dinner for all of us. I've missed them and we enjoyed catching up and making plans and being together again.

It was time to crack open the turpentine and start dabbling in the paint!

No telling when this painting will be finished.
I have worked on the sky three times now. It's definitely darker than it was. Funny how you paint darker when you are feeling deeper emotions or experiences. It's always good to get the darks in for then the lights will show up better. I suppose it works that way in life, as well. 

While Ruth Ann and I painted, Sherry did needle art.

She finds designs she likes and draws them on the tea towels.
No iron on or embroidery instructions for her.
She has talent and serious skills with a needle and thread!

I would go cross eyed if I tried to do this!

Truly one of a kind!

She started with this one because it looked 'easy!'

She must have the patience to match her determination in stitching these designs.

We all visited as we painted and stitched.

It felt good to have an art night again!

What did Louis Dean do while I was busy today?

He baked!!!
The house smells so good!
65 cinnamon rolls!
Tonight I frosted them and put them in tins for tomorrow.
Dr. Bloom was a bit sad when I told him the rolls weren't ready when I had to leave for my appointment with him. My next visit will be in February and that's a good month for warm cinnamon rolls!


  1. Sherry's embroidery is gorgeous! And that she draws it all herself, she is a real artist! I am amazed and impressed. You really made an awesome haul!! My favorite is the fall leaf plates. Your painting is already beautiful!

  2. It's back to your Tuesdays and I love it! Good report from the doctor, thrift store shopping, art and cinnamon buns. What could be better?

  3. You certainly had a productive day, Linda. Love your finds at the Mission and Goodwill. and I am happy you got back to your painting. Sometimes it just takes friends urging us on to get us back on the right track.

  4. Linda, Honestly, I would eat a delicious cinnamon roll on the hottest day. LD did a fine job. You ladies are so talented. I bet it was nice to get back to some normal routines. Love the plates and your fall items. I am thinking our summer's been so blasted hot that we may be longing for autumn...but oh girlfriend, I know that winter will follow fall and I am never ready for that. Blessings to all. Love you, xoxo, Susie

  5. You found treasure at that mission store! Great find on the silk flowers! And your lamp is wonderful.

    Glad you had an art night again, and how wonderful for Ruthanne and Sherry to bring dinner!

  6. So many different works of art here! The needlework art is amazing! You find more goodies wherever you go and those cinnamon rolls, oh my goodness. I could scarf those down in a hurry.
    This post makes me want to go shopping!

  7. How sweet (pun?) that you take goodies to your doctor's office. That art night and the sparkling wine sound fun.

  8. I really love Sherry's needlework. Is she maybe using silk thread? She needs to move on to art that can be framed or made into pillows. I would like to be able to sink my teeth into one of LD's cinnamon rolls. Small lamps always make a room look warm in my opinion. Keep going with that fall decorating, you're getting there.

  9. comment lost...nice comment...long comment...no energy to rewrite...I loved your post, Louis Dean's beautiful rolls, and Sherry's embroidery.

  10. Love this-I think the sky looks just perfect right now. You are so right- the darks make the light/bright pop even more.
    You friend, Sherry, is very talented, too. And LD is such a good guy! You're a lucky gal- but you know that- xo Diana

  11. Oh my. You were busy. Those rolls look amazing. I have a weakness for cinnamon rolls. That needlework is fantastic as is your painting. It sounds like a great night.

  12. mmmmm I can smell those cinnamon buns!!

  13. As a needleworker, I have to say that those Tea Towels are just GORGEOUS. I may steal her idea and try that myself.

  14. Your painting is so beautiful! You need to make more time for your wonderful talent.
