Tuesday, July 12, 2016

An Unspoken Prayer Request......

Are you familiar with that expression?
I remember it from my Baptist Wednesday Night Prayer Meetings.
While my life tends to be an open book, one must always be mindful of and respect the privacy of others.
I never mean to be secretive but I do have a very important prayer request that must remain unspoken at this time.
Thank you in advance for your understanding and - most important - for your prayers.


  1. I am praying for you and your unspoken prayer request.

  2. Done! I am the prayer line lady at church, so I get these all the time, usually several a week.

  3. Prayers are lifted up for you and your family that God will lead you through it.

  4. I well remember those unspoken prayer requests. May the Lord supply all that is needed in whatever you are asking from Him and give you the peace and strength needed as you wait on Him.

  5. Happy to lift up your request Linda.

  6. Understanding and saying a prayer for you.

  7. Oh I think we are all familiar with those...lifting you all up to Him and asking that He would keep His hand on you all and for His added comfort, grace, guidance and love while you wait on Him. In Jesus name!

  8. I know what an unspoken request is. I had one myself last week. Lifting your request up in prayer.

  9. I completely understand. I will gladly say a prayer for whatever is troubling you or someone else that affects you. God bless!

  10. Linda, I am praying for all in need. Holding you in my thoughts and prayers. Blessings to all, xoxo, love, Susie

  11. I will be praying for all--clear minds, wisdom, and God's peace for all. It's in my prayer journal...

    Blessings, dear one!

    Joan in Portland

  12. It doesn't matter if we know the particulars because God knows. Praying health and blessing on all in your sphere.

    Philippians 4:6-7 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

  13. Done! I hope it all works out as best It can :)

  14. I pray that God to do His will in your life/situation.I am in an agreement with everyone praying for you & thanking God for what He already has in action and that His ultimate goal is to bless you, heal you , comfort you & deliver you !!! !!! In Jesus Name, Amen (((hugs)))

  15. Prayers have been sent

  16. Adding my prayers to others who are praying in this behalf.

  17. I will certainly be praying as well.
