Monday, June 27, 2016

65 Days and Counting!!

I am counting down the days to my very FAVORITE day of the entire year - September 1st!!!
The temps have not yet reached the 100's but it IS hot in the Dallas/Fort Worth area!!
Several of my plants bit the dust while we were down at the camper. I like to shop Lowes garden section because they always have a 'Reduced Price' section where they sell the tired and somewhat less than perfect plants which I then scarf up!!

I seem to have better luck with these than the full price ones.
Perhaps they are a bit hardier since they were still hanging on when I bought them!

I came out with a couple of small gardenia bushes (which will live in the part sun/part shade under the elm tree), a boxwood (which will live in the otherwise vacant back planter next to the pile of wood LD cut from the section of elm that fell on our gazebo at Easter), 10 containers of marigolds (to replace the mums that roasted),and a couple of begonias and sweet potato vines. I forgot - one Mexican Heather! Only the last three were regular prices!

This was my first time out of the house since Tuesday and I may have been a bit overly ambitious!
I was so ready to get back in the truck under the A/C!!!

We stopped in at Braums to pick up some milk and decided to have a burger and fries while we were there.

We drove home, unloaded the plants, watered them and I went straight to bed!
While I am not in bed all day every day, I am still a frequent visitor!

I woke up to the distant sound of thunder and it was getting closer and closer!
Rain!!! FREE water!!!!!

We grabbed a bottle of wine and headed out to the gazebo to celebrate!!!

Louis Dean has been working on the foundation for a storage building and he was pleased as punch that he got the frame down before the rain arrived!

It doesn't rain often in Dallas in the summer so this was a real treat!

We always enjoy watching the geckos stalk their prey! This one got a big catch!!!

Cheap entertainment!!
Yes, we are easily amused!

I think this is a few second video and a photo snapshot - two, I think!
My camera does things I do not understand!!

The rain lasted the better part of an hour!!
We sat and enjoyed every minute of it!
I did a little repair on the handmade table covering.
It is hard to fathom the number of hours someone put into this.
Would you believe I bought it at Goodwill for less than $5?
Some things just cry to be taken home by someone who will cherish them.

After the rain, the ground was soft so what better time to plant our flowers and bushes?

The yellow leaves from the elm tree are scattered all around the gazebo.
Yes, it's summer but I am dreaming of FALL!!

Only 65 more days and a Wake UP!!!


  1. Your free water has come my way. It's been raining here all evening and I am so glad. My garden is parched. Hopefully this will bring some of my poor plants back to life. I loved the first video. I had to chuckle at LD saying "Hi y'all" after you did. Enjoy your summer. Fall will be here soon enough.

  2. Those elm leaves are so perfect and pretty that they look fake! We do not have geckos here, I see we are really missing some good fun! Mexican Heather! That interests me because one of my last posts was about Italian Heather! I love Lowe's garden center, too! You look so pretty in your red top today!

  3. I love free water for the garden and few plants that we have. I am thankful we don't have any at the moment, but I am also thankful that the humidity has dropped and the weather is perfect this morning.

  4. Lucky you....rain....for an hour straight!! Here, nothing but heat and humidity.

    You two DO keep busy.

  5. We got some rain yesterday too and it did cool things down a bit. But like you , I love fall so I will count along with you!!

  6. How I envy the rainfall you got! We had thunder, the umbrella ended up in the pool from wind, but no rain! Poo! Glad to see you are feeling better! I am so with you...I have already been gathering ideas for cannot come soon enough! Hugs for a great week!

  7. We had a lovely rain yesterday too!

    Okay, I'm going to ask why your favorite day is September 1st! Is it your birthday?

  8. Oh How I wish it would rain here like refreshing and what a wonderful way to enjoy it, sitting in your gazebo.

  9. Glad to hear you are so excited about my birthday, September 1. Daughter reports they were without electricity 5 hours last night where she lives. Saw a report this morning of a woman tubing down 7th st. I'll be excited to see you putting out your fall decorations. I always enjoyed fall decorations more than any other. I'd like to have another Braum's milkshake, maybe someday. Good for you for repairing the old piece of needlework. It breaks my heart to see all those thread crocheted items toss out like they were trash. Many of those were made by women with failing eyesight and only lamplight and they did amazing work. Thanks for saving that piece. High temps for us today will be in the 80s.

  10. The rain didn't get this far out, but we sure enjoyed the dark clouds and cool breezes that came off them!

  11. are already looking forward to fall...I am so enjoying summer...glad you got some rain..clouds are building up here this afternoon but don't think it's supposed to rain..we need it sooo bad.

  12. Linda, I had to come back to this post. As I was reading it yesterday, Ted yelled ,"let's go." So I had to get going. LOL. I loved hearing your rain and watching the gecko. That table cloth was awesome amount of work....thank you for loving it back into service. :) Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  13. I love that you are already looking forward to autumn. I know it is your favourite time of year. That table cloth is just lovely, I would have rescued it too, and thought of the hands that made it with such care X
