Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Mr and Mrs and They Lived Happily Ever After......

Louis Dean and I do not get up early in the morning without a really good reason!!!

The quads had their end of year school program at 9:30 this morning so that counted as a really good reason! Trystan, Kailey, Harrison and Logan would not know what to think if MeeMaw and Granddad did not come to SEE them perform!!!

I took dozens of photos and a full dozen videos but I spared you in just posting ONE video and a FEW pics!!! Logan was the start of the show - as my blogging friend, Linda, would point out!!
She knew all the songs, all the words and all the actions!!!
Trystan was tired and thought the whole thing was nonsense and Harrison was charming and cute!
Kailey told her mama the other day that the teacher told them if they didn't remember the WORDS just do the OCEANS!!!! Translated that meant 'MOTIONS!!!'
I do so love these kids!!!

They have personality!!!!!

And they dearly love each other!!!

My dear Amber and Mike and the quads!!
This is SUCH a sweet family and I thank God every single day for them!!!!

SINCE we got up so early.....and I told Louis Dean
 I don't want to go......as in get up early and GO somewhere!!!
(LD went in his music room and played this as I was getting ready!! He DOES have such a good sense of humor!!!)......................

anyway! I suggested we stop for breakfast at Mama's Diner!!!
We did, indeed, get an attitude adjustment with our cups of coffee and omelet for him and toast for me! I'm on a diet, remember??? I MAY have had some breakfast potatoes but I SHARED them!!!

On our way back home, we stopped at the Goodwill on Midway and I scored big with two tops and a purse. I keep buying purses even though none of them really work for me!!!

This white cotton and lace tablecloth is now gracing my bathroom as a curtain on my make up bench!

This Vino vignette is on the lower wall in the dining room.

We came home and by this time my toe was really bothering me. I should have taken Advil or something when I got up - but I didn't.  I make a glass of tea, took a dose of Advil and picked Ruth Ann up for a trip to our local Goodwill and Aldi!

These are three metal plates or trays and are reproductions of famous 1790's porcelain saucers. 
I also bought some seasonal  textiles and I admit it! I was too tired to take pictures!

We take turns bringing dinner on art class nights and Sherry brought some delicious steaks and cheese dinner rolls - compliments of her niece, Tori!!! Tori is a chef in training and we are the lucky recipients of her work!!! Sabrina brought a marvelous salad and I had  a rum punch for our cocktails.
Win!! WIN!!! 

Sabrina is done with her Bluebonnet painting!!! WELL done, I might add!!!

Ruth Ann has one more session on hers but it is looking very good!!!

While WE did art - LD and Sherry worked on the gazebo 'walls.'
These are railings from our very first gazebo we had and Louis Dean has used it in the subsequent ones since! They add 'walls' which I love!!! They also make it so much sturdier!!!

It's been a good day. I had to come home early after our ALDI trip and rest with my feet propped up.
As I write, my feet are feeling better but I know I am in serious trouble with them now. I no longer can even walk the 1.7 mile 'snake' in our neighborhood since one slight turn or movement can make it painful to take even one more step. I am looking forward to Thursday when I will see the foot and ankle specialist. When I wake up in the morning, I am going to take Advil first thing!!!  I have things to do!!!

For tonight, though, I am fine and I close with this plaque I bought at Goodwill.
I will be hanging it in our bedroom tomorrow and I believe this tells our story!!!
No matter what - Louis Dean and I are living our lives 'happily ever after!!!'

I believe this with all my heart!!!


  1. Good post. I needed that. Love seeing the girls kiss on Harrison. He is such a sweetie. He will certainly have tales to tell when he's grown. Not at all surprised to hear the good report on Logan. She is a star in many ways. I also love purses and also never find the right one. The gazebo is really looking nice. It's been a lot of work but it looks darn good. Now, I am very concerned about your feed. Knowing you've already had a joint replacement in that big toe just makes me cringe when I think about you injuring it. Problems with your feet can make you sick all over. I'll be anxious to see what the doctor says about your situation.

  2. Even with a really sore toe you managed to have a very GOOD day. Loved seeing the kids at their concert, thank you Linda. Sure hope your foot doctor can do something to fix your toe. LD and his excellent helpers did a wonderful job today. Hugs.

  3. Those babies are precious ! Aren't we blessed to be able to enjoy all the special moments with our grandbabies! I hope the Dr can help with your toe❤️

  4. Linda, I am praying the dr. can help your feet. There is nothing worse than foot troubles...it's had to take care of ourselves , even, if we can't get going. LD is really doing well on that Gazebo. Get photos. You are one heck of an art teacher....I loved all the paintings. I liked Harrison's wiggle dance in the film clip. No wonder you were laughing. I think LD has a fun sense of humor...playing music to get you going. Oh by the way...tell him, Trump cleaned up here in Indiana. . Blessings to all, xoxo, Susie
    p.s. wait, wait...I always think of one more thing to say.LOL. I love the picture of Mike, Amber and the children...it's adorable.

  5. We got such a kick out of Harrison's moves and Trystan's disdain. Ha!

    Very glad that you have an appointment with the doc tomorrow. You will not be happy to lie low that's for sure.

    Another happy day to you!

  6. maybe you should stay off your feet until you visit the doc, you may have broken a toe or something else and be doing damage to it..... i love that family pic of all of them and am glad to hear they are still singing deep and wide. i sung that as a child, my kids did 50 years ago and now they still do. of course the beat is a tad different...

  7. Oh sweet friend, I do hope your toe gets better, but the fun with the cuties is there. Beautiful family you ALL are!
    The quads are going on the school vacay !
    Blessings to all and take care.

  8. What a beautiful, sentimental post Linda!!
    Altho, the art, the Goodwill finds, the work on the wall and gazebo and the quads program, I must say....truly....I LOVE the family portrait best of all.

  9. Linda, I haven't got to visit you for awhile. Spending a lot of time at the nursing home dealing with issues. Your quads are so adorable and I love every minute of your videos. I am like you I don't get up early unless I have a good reason. I hope you haven't broke your toe. Have you checked it out? Have a wonderful day and I am off to check on hubby. Take care. Hugs and Prayers from your Missouri friend Shirley

  10. This post is so upbeat it was fun to read. You have a lot of energy and I hope you get your foot or toe problem fixed soon. Your quads have lots of energy and talent.

  11. I love the video of Kids ! Harrison has the moves down !
    I'm so sorry you're in pain. Hope the specialist can help !

  12. What a sweet program! These are the best times, aren't they? Our preschool grandson will have his next week and our 1st grade granddaughter had hers last night. It was a hoot! Praying that you will be able to get some relief from pain and some answers at your doctor's appointment.

  13. Wow! Quads! They must be a hoot to watch. My youngest brother and sister are twins and boy did we have to run after them. Still hoping for some relief for the pain in your toe! My google comment link will take you to my collaborative blog with 9 others (Mennonite Girls Can Cook) My personal blog doesn't come up in the comment choices. I'm The Happy Wonderer at https://happywonderer.com/

  14. How great the kids look and how fun ...
    I believe your signs, too.

  15. Ooh Linda! That poor wee toe! Take care, even you might have to slow down a little til it is seen and sorted X
