Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Merry Christmas Eve's Eve!!!!

Louis Dean loves nothing better in this whole world than BAKING!!!
Even though he had a VERY rough time last night with his asthma and ended up sleeping most of the night in the den in a semi reclining position - he was still gung ho for making cinnamon rolls this morning!!

He is a cute thing - posing with all his stainless steel mixing bowls!!!

While the dough was 'proofing' we ate a late breakfast or early lunch!
Rice with milk, butter and sugar + toast and sausage patties.
As a matter of fact that was our only meal of the day!
But we didn't go hungry this evening! We had lots and lots of cinnamon rolls to choose from!!!
Plus you eat a good bit as you pry them from the pans and frost them.
No, we aren't the least bit hungry tonight!

See that counter LD is working from??? I went in this morning and cleared it all OFF!!!
He would love for me to leave it that way - but I won't!!
I do love my clutter AND that discourages him from spending too much time in the kitchen!

As much as he loves baking - it really does tire him out! And me, TOO!!
All that cleaning up is not for sissies!!!

However, the results are worth it all!!!
This basket is piled high with individually wrapped rolls - except for when I got tired of bagging and started putting two to a bag!!!
We send some home with everyone on Christmas Eve so they will have an easy Christmas morning breakfast!

This tray will go to Fort Worth on Christmas morning to be shared with my siblings, our mother and any of our children who can come! 

There's always enough for everyone to take home a few!

Louis Dean had just pulled the last tray of rolls from the oven when we had a special little visitor.

This is Lana and she is the beautiful daughter of my beautiful friend, Marie.
Marie's mom and I have been good friends since Marie and her twin sister, Mary, were little bitty girls!! I asked Lana to pick out six rolls to take home with her for her family to eat on Christmas Eve morning!

Then Marie, Lana and I all ate one - okay! Lana ate TWO! - while we sat and visited in the gazebo tonight!

It was a fun visit!!!
Lana counted all my Christmas Trees and Wreaths in the entire house and outside!!!
29 trees (this includes all manner of trees!) and over 50 wreaths which includes non Christmas wreaths as well!!!

Well, as I close out this day I am happy to report the kitchen is clean once again!
He had control over it for 8 solid hours!!!
When he told me he wanted to bake up a batch of dinner rolls, I almost had a conniption fit!!!!
I will be going to the store tomorrow. Crisis averted!

The tables are all set for dinner tomorrow night.
This table is for the quads. I will bring their little green chairs in and they will eat in the den.
I raised the table up a bit by putting some Christmas books under each table leg.
Instead of stemmed glassware, the quads will drink their milk from Christmas coffee cups.

I didn't put the centerpiece together yet. Thought I would let them help me.
The apple turns into a Santa when you stick the head, arms and legs in!

The older grands will sit at this table.

I am looking forward to seeing all my children around the table tomorrow evening.
It makes me smile tonight just thinking about them!!
It's a warm night here in Texas and we just may have to turn our A/C on!
Can you BELIEVE that??

Wherever you are and whatever your weather -
Merry Christmas to YOU!!!!


  1. O wow linda your louis Dean a gem! He is a keeper for sure. The cinnamon rolls look so good!i made your saltine crackers SO GOOD!cant stop at one. Have a blessed christmas with family n friends. A special time of year our dear Saviours birth. Love to you n yours.

  2. You are really blessed to have Louis Dean as your hubby and helper. He bakes so well! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  3. Linda, That LD is one sexy man !! Cooking and cleaning...hubba-hubba. When you said you ate rice with milk and gosh, that took me back. When we were growing up, we ate a lot of rice like that, and oatmeal. Your home looks wonderful and all set for your dinner with family. I want to wish you all Christmas blessings, Love you, Susie

  4. Merry Christmas Eve to you and yours.

  5. Your table looks beautiful...have a wonderful Christmas!

  6. My mother's Christmas tradition clear back as far as I can remember was making and giving cinnamon rolls to everyone she knew practically to enjoy on Christmas morning. I remember the house for days it seemed smelling of yeast and sugar and cinnamon and my mom hard at work. As we got older she tried to get one of us to catch the fever of making them but no one really we all regret that now as of course the tradition is gone with her. She kept it up till the second to the last Christmas she had here on this earth. Cinnamon rolls ALWAYS ALWAYS make me think of mom. Enjoy yours! Wishing you and Louis Dean a very merry and blessed Christmas!

  7. looks like a wonderful place to spend christmas!! merry christmas linda....i LOVE ld's smile!!!

  8. Looking forward to Christmas morning breakfast. Those cinnamon rolls look mighty good !

  9. Wow...what a labour of love...baking and packaging all those yummy rolls! Wishing you and yours a most wonderful and blessed Christmas!

  10. Lana told Tony all about your house and how it was decorated and the cinnamon rolls. We both had a great visit. And the cinnamon rolls were delicious with our coffee this morning.

  11. Merry Christmas, Darlings! I need some of Louis Dean's energy. I am just starting my baking tonight! Those cinnamon rolls look amazing as do your beautiful table settings for all the grands.

  12. Merry Christmas!
    Your cinnamon rolls look delicious!

    White Spray Paint

  13. I so admire LD's making that many cinnamon rolls! :) I make them for Christmas too but not that many. I was going to ask how in the world he was able to cook/bake with no counter space! LOL Glad you had a fun evening.


  14. LD looks so proud amongst all his baking equipment in the kitchen, and boy can that man work! Those cinnamon rolls look absolutely amazing, I can almost smell them from here! X

  15. You know I'd have a hard time not wanting to keep the counter clean knowing the man wanted to cook that meant I wouldn't have too. Holy cow 29 trees and 50 wreaths. I knew you had a lot but not that many.LOL My mouth is drooling just looking at those rolls and I do remember how tasty they are from the Christmas you were down here and I got to sample them.
