Monday, December 28, 2015

Here we are in Quadville!!

The weather around Texas has been really wild!

While we didn't see snow here in the DFW area - it WAS within an hour's drive away!

I woke up in Quadville this morning to the sound of Logan's voice as she was crouched down on the floor and yelling under the door, "MeeMAW!!! I'm awake!!!"

I had promised her last night when she went to bed that I would listen for her to wake up and I would come up and open her door. Their bedroom door knobs still have those child proof covers on them!

Trystan was awake as well so both of them came downstairs and got in bed with me - along with a few of their toys!

The quads do love their cat!!!
Breakfast was easy peasy! I buttered up a couple of plates of cinnamon rolls and poured up a large sipper cup of milk and they ate at their game table!

Louis Dean called me a little after 8:00 this morning so we could have coffee together via the phone!
Whenever we are apart, he calls me and I go get my cup of coffee and call him back and then we have our first cup together!!!

He was feeling SO much better after the cooler temps and rain had cleaned the air of whatever it was that was making him so sick! He said he was loading up and coming over!!
The quads were listening for his diesel truck and the moment they heard it they ran for the door!!

After waiting and waiting we decided to open the garage doors and there he was!!!

They do love their granddad!!!

His arrived was perfectly timed!!! We had just popped corn and was settling down to watch a Shawn the Sheep movie!

The kids dressed themselves this morning and they were so proud!!!
They have waited on their mommy - bringing her the crutches when she gets up and ice packs for her foot and anything else she needs!

Amber is still recovering from the 'Ten X' procedure on her right foot. She will have the same thing done on her left foot in due time. The doctor said it would be best NOT to do both at once!

She and Mike went to buy groceries and she was excited about going!!!
She had to agree to ride in one of the electric buggies but it was worth it.
It's crazy that a trip to the grocery store is looked upon as a TREAT!!!

While they were gone, Louis Dean fried up some chicken and made gravy while I made mashed potatoes.

Dinner was served and it was delicious!!!
While HE cleaned up the dishes, I gave the kids baths and shampoos!
By the time their parents got back with the groceries the kids were busy playing!
They all four asked me, "Can we play some more before we go night-night?"

Since we're spending the night Louis Dean brought Lucy with him this afternoon.
No kennel so she spends a lot of time in the guest room.
I let her out in the front yard and when she came in Bandit was all poised to run or attack or something! Lucy didn't bat an eye! She just ignored him and walked right past him in search of the kids. They have loved having her and she gets a lot more attention here than she does at home!

Louis Dean and I ended this evening with a glass of wine on the front porch.
It is cold outside and we were bundled up!
This reminded us of the time when we lived in our camper in Katy while we were helping Amber and Mike with four preemies! Seems like yesterday!

So this is where I am blogging from tonight!
The house is quiet and every one's in bed but Louis Dean and me and we are heading that way soon.

I'll close with a couple of pics from our last 'Christmas' gathering!

Sunday afternoon Megan and her two children came for a visit!
Megan is one of my all time favorite people in the whole wide world!
She was Amber's synchro coach for years and years and will always be one of our dearest friends!!
Her daughter, Payton, helped me work on the cardinal puzzle......

while her son, Brady, counted all my Christmas trees!!!

My house is still all decorated and I'm in no hurry to take it down just yet!
We'll be going home tomorrow and we will continue to enjoy how pretty everything looks.


  1. This was full of love and care - exactly like You are. :)

  2. Amber is so blessed to have you and Loise Dean to pitch in...hope her recovery goes well...

  3. Oh I am sure that you will continue to enjoy your beautiful decorations. By all means! Even I keep my tree and decorations up until January 6 and often days later depending on my mood.

    Amber is a trouper extraordinaire! It is not a surprise that the children love to tend to her and be good helpers.

    Praying that the weather down your way calms way down and for all those who must be busy rebuilding their lives.

  4. The spice of life is variety they say and you are willing to go and do at the drop of a hat:)

  5. How do you do it? The pictures of the quads are just darling! I am ever so happy to hear LD is feeling better and back to cooking and singing! Love to you all for New Year's 2016!

  6. I love to read your stories about your love ones and family, dogs and friends. You all are beautiful people. Your quads are so cute and adorable.

  7. So glad to hear LD is doing better. Now to get Amber up and about. Tell her to take it easy and keep off of that foot! Yes, keep your decorations up for awhile. I do. At least until Epiphany.

  8. Greatly relieved to hear Louis Dean is feeling a lot better. I've been expecting you to crash from exhaustion but guess there's not been time for that.

  9. Linda your posts always warm my heart, so much fun and never a dull moment and the huge bonus is spending time with those you love! Wish Amber well from me please and a speedy recovery and great to see LD at the stove doing his bit to help out, God bless his heart as well as yours! Have a wonderful day.

  10. Linda, I loved the way the children greeted granddad...they love him so much. Those little voice brought tears to my eyes. How did they get to be so big already. Bless sweet Amber's heart. Such a wonderful mommy. I am so glad that you are well enough to help her out now when she needs help. So glad to hear that LD is better also. Blessings to all of you, love you guys so much, Susie

  11. Great pictures! :-) Hope her foot heals quickly! My husband had foot surgery on both feet about 2 years ago and it was awful doing both at the same time. He was completely dependent on me and in a lot of pain. Hope you have a wonderful New year!


  12. Love your days with the quads. Always such a joy to see their sweet faces. Fried chicken, mashed potatoes....Why wasn't I invited..HaHa.

    Happy New Year.

  13. So glad LD is doing better. And wow, the quads are getting so big---but I say that every time I see them! lol!

    Have a great trip. Love and a Happy New Year!

    Jane x

  14. What a wonderful Christmas you had! Blessing upon Blessing!


  15. I love that you and LD share your morning coffee even when apart. That is very sweet X

  16. I love how the kids are so excited to see LD and you
