Thursday, November 5, 2015

Just a Thursday!

I may be having sympathy pains for my brother, Lonnie.
Or perhaps I am a bit envious of him having TWO good knees now!

At any rate, the nagging pain in my left knee kicked up a notch or two.
I wore my knee brace all day AND used some of this Chinese Liniment.

Lonnie is doing well. He's still in the hospital and they hope to go home tomorrow.
His wife said he got up and walked to the door of his hospital room and back and then sat down in a chair. Judging by what the doctor said, the pain he's in now isn't as bad as the pain he was in BEFORE surgery! 

I have a house to clean and a party to get ready for!
Saturday afternoon we are hosting our Cousins Gathering and I have lots to do.
I love to clean and I love to entertain so this is a Win! WIN!!

Louis Dean began the Great Clean Up - but I assured him I am NOT expecting it to be all done by Saturday! I AM hoping for the side deck and patio to be back to rights by Thanksgiving, though!
That's not all that far away, either!

We paused in the late afternoon for a glass of wine and a sit in the gazebo.
Rain was coming in so I'm not going to clean it up for company until tomorrow.

We had a guest join us! The geckos used to climb all over the screening but this year not so much!
It's kind of a game with us as to who spots one first and I spied THIS one!!

The rain DID come in but the tornadoes and high winds with some hail and really heavy rain stayed to the north of us. We got some fairly heavy rain for awhile - and wouldn't you know it - I forgot to pull out those drain spout extenders until it was pouring down and I got drenched in the process!
The den stayed dry!

I am so looking forward to the newest Bond movie!!!

I have loved them all.......

but Daniel Craig is my very favorite!


  1. Hello Linda, I recognized the bottle of Chinese Liniment that we used to rub for joint or muscle pain. I hope it works for you and that the pain will go away. So good to hear that Lonnie has his surgery and wish for his full recovery. Both you and your hubby are working so hard. Have a lovely weekend!

  2. Hello Linda, I recognized the bottle of Chinese Liniment that we used to rub for joint or muscle pain. I hope it works for you and that the pain will go away. So good to hear that Lonnie has his surgery and wish for his full recovery. Both you and your hubby are working so hard. Have a lovely weekend!

  3. Linda, I am so glad you did not get the storms. That rain had me worried. Your knee hurts, cause you are always working. If you got on ladders to hang the wall paper, that may have aggravated your knee. Ladders kill my ankle any more. I am hurting this morning from raking the back yard up. I just try and walk it off...all limpy at first. LOL. Hope Lonnie does well. LD is making a nice place there on the side. I love your pond lined with the rocks. Have a fun party. Blessings, love you guys, xoxo,Susie

  4. Oh surely you know the secret about geckos....they only visit palaces so you are indeed blessed.

  5. Oh sympathy pain is still very real. Let's pray that it is sympathy pain. Sounds as if all of Louis Dean's hard work is paying off since the den stayed dry. Phew! Have fun at your party and I hope that you are happily puttering with cleaning and preps today!

  6. Poor with an aching knee! We had a bit of a mist and wind....nothing like what you had! I must say I love stormy weather since I can watch that handsome Pete Delkus! Have a lovely family gathering this weekend..hugs!

  7. I didn't realize until this post that was a Bond Movie lol- learn something new everyday. I love entertaining too but not cleaning. Wish I could figure out how to love cleaning! Glad you all didn't get any of the bad stuff with the rain. Hope your knee feels better soon and still praying for a quick recovery for Lonnie!

  8. I think I read the new bond woman is 51, can you believe that!! I LOVE your new header, I don't think I have told you that. I have two boys, so it holds a special spot for me!!

  9. Funny--I love the process of cleaning and getting ready for company, too. It's gratifying.

    I hope you feel better soon.

    I know what you mean about wicked storms, I grew up in the prairies of Illinois and I've never the terrifying dark skies.

    Sending healing thoughts and have a terrific party!!

    Jane x

  10. I hope your knee is feeling better by this time. I never heard of Chinese Liniment. Praying for Lonnie and his quick recovery. I like to entertain but do NOT like the cleaning. That's why my house is always a mess. Have fun at your party.

  11. I love a clean and happy home, and I do think you have both, Linda. I know yor family is excited about coming. Oh. Isn't Daniel Craig quite delicious?! ;)

  12. If we never had company, our house would never get cleaned! And this is coming from a woman who owned a cleaning company...shoemakers kids and all that ;).

    I hope you both feel better soon Linda. It is no fun being in pain.

    I agree about Daniel. He's not handsome in the traditional sense, but I think that's what I love most about him. He's 'interesting'. Yeah....that's the ticket.


  13. My husband said the pain after knee surgery was nothing compared to the pain he had before! But both knees at one time is a challenge. Looking forward to seeing photos from your cousins party!!

  14. So glad your brother is doing well! Having them both done at once sounds horrific but then he is doing well to walk. I'd rather have one episode with my back than all these recurring issues. The cooler weather is absolutely wonderful but plays heck with my back & legs.

    I don't think there will ever be a "Bond, James Bond" better than Sean Connery! He still makes me swoon ~ :)

    Hope your party was fun!

  15. Craig over Connery? mmm ya think
