Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch.......

Louis Dean and I were pulling out of our driveway at exactly noon today heading down to his son's ranch! It's close to Waco so it's I35 South for just a couple of hours and we are THERE!!

It was a glorious day to take a road trip!

The only place I wanted to stop was Collin Street Bakery!
I have been wanting an apricot pie for WEEKS  and now I have one!!!

LD and I have a routine. He unloads and I put it all up.
You wouldn't think we would have much to pack since our camper is all stocked and ready for us.
Food, books, projects (denim to cut up, art, music, my notes for writing), our critters - Lucy and Maddie, clothes, all adds up!

Louis Dean couldn't WAIT to kick his shoes off and settle back in his chair!
He said he felt like Pa Kettle as I continued to buzz around putting things up and setting up house!

Louis Dean's favorite thing to do down here is look at the sky!
He loves watching the clouds and birds streaking across the heavens by day and the stars by night.
He even loves to watch the planes flying high overhead!

My favorite things are the critters!
These girls are in the neighboring place just in front of our camper so we get to enjoy seeing them without any of the work of caring for them!

We WILL be caring for my step son's critters while we are here - at least for a few days.
He has gone to a Martial Arts event and our job is to feed and water the chickens and goats until he returns. I'm looking forward to it!

So far I have only taken one small bite out that apricot pie!!
Maybe I'll freeze part of it so I can enjoy it when we go home next week!

So this is where I am sitting tonight!
Guess where Louis Dean is?
You got it! Outside on the deck watching the night sky!


  1. I didn't realize the ranch was so close to you. It sounds easy to get to. So glad you have your apricot pie. Oh, go ahead and eat it. You can get another one on the way home. Have fun at the ranch!

  2. Have fun!! Is the cotton all gone yet from the sides of the interstate? I love right at the split of I35 going south that there's usually cotton on both sides of the highway. Might be gone now though. Enjoy your pie...I love their chicken salad sandwiches.

  3. It always makes me grin to think of you at the ranch! Have some fun now!

  4. Oh the Texas sky....isn't it just magical? What a perfect spot to reconnect with God and all his glory....I love those cows!!! Y'all enjoy and now I need an apricot pie!!!!!

  5. Knowing you're there put's a smile on my face...I know you will enjoy every minute.

  6. The cabin we are planning to build is about three hours away. All interstate and four lane so it is not too bad. I love yall's deck and I see LD is taking full advantage of it. I love his reference to the Kettles. My children loved those movies when they were little. My mother found some on VHF and they loved to watch them at Grandma's house. And that pie...lovely. Have fun on the ranch!!

  7. Linda, So glad you are safely there at the ranch. I know you like those animals. :) You pie looks very tasty., I can see it's tempting. LOL I thought LD would be on the deck strumming his guitar and writing cowboy tunes in his head. I am wishing you very good weather for your stay there. Be careful. Blessings, love you, Susie

  8. I know you love the ranch, and what fun to "ranch sit" for a few days! We have chickens and horses here so I know what you'll be doing. You'll still have time for all the deck sitting and reading and writing! Sounds so good!


  9. How wonderful that in just two hours you can be in the country enjoying the simple life.

  10. You visiting the ranch makes me think of us visiting the dairy and farms. We are thinking of having a single wide on their property some day when hubby retires. Though we are sixteen hours away!! IF we were only 2 we'd be there every other week I have a feeling. But I know just what you mean. Getting out in the country is such an adventure and difference. Enjoy!

  11. It looks so nice and peaceful there. Plus, your animals love it - so nice you get to take them with you.

  12. You are making me want to rent a camper and go somewhere to sit under the stars.

  13. So cozy...home away from home!! Have a relaxed and fun visit!!

  14. Enjoy! I love seeing the stars at night when out of the city.


  15. Don't freeze it - eat it and buy another one on you way home! Cheers from carole's Chatter

  16. Enjoy your pie. I know what you mean about looking at the sky and clouds. it is priceless.

  17. You guys enjoy! Looks like Louis Dean is one happy camper :)

  18. I'd probably be with LD outside.
