Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Tuesday: Haircut, Goodwill and House Guests!

The weather warmed up this afternoon so it was safe to leave the house!
Louis Dean dropped me off to get a haircut while he did a few other errands.
I tried to have longer hair but it was driving. me. crazy!
A hair cut makes everything better!!!

My handsome husband all dudded up in his denim shirt, his denim overalls, AND his heavy denim coat as we hit up Kroger for a few groceries.

We made one more stop at Goodwill.
 After all, this IS Tuesday! Or WAS Tuesday!!!
Guess I'm a little late in 'journaling' tonight. *I know! That's not a real word!*
Four red chargers and six bronze ones at fifty-nine cents each - less 25%!
The Liz Claiborne wallet will be put to good use!

I LOVE the tablecloth!! This will be perfect with my Texas theme plate settings!

We scurried on home so I could finish getting the house all clean and ready for our company!!!

After a LONG round of illness - for us as well as the quads - everyone is finally well.

They are still tired and run down from being sick so long but everyone is in good spirits!

Once again, our table is full and I love it!!!
Kailey noticed right away that the settings are different from the last time they were here.
She asked, "New table, MeeMaw???"

Granddad provided the after dinner entertainment while I did the dishes.
They are learning the different sounds they can make by strumming the guitar.

After baths we were ready for bed.
I read the first chapter of The Little House in the Big Woods to them before lights out.

They love each other so!!

Seeing them be so sweet to one another just makes my heart sing!!!
Now I am going to sleep as fast as I can!!
It's going to be a fun Wednesday!


  1. I'm so happy you are all feeling better! Let the fun begin!

  2. This is just darling LInda. I know they will always remember and treasure their story time with you. Hugs and blessings on this winter's day.

  3. So glad everyone is well again. It's been a long bout for all of you. It's nice to see them visiting you again. I love the Little House books and wish I had been introduced to them when I was a child. I discovered them when I was in my 40s!

  4. I am glad that awful weather missed you all and so good you are all getting better. Your GW store must be a good one, you always seem to find the best things.

  5. so glad the family is all well now... and that you could get out. when my hair gets long enough i can feel it on my head he has to cut it. i can't stand the back of it to catch in the pillow case.. i will say to Bob, i can FEEL my hair, i need a cut.

  6. I am glad to see the quads are recovered! I am home alone today as we await a winter snow storm giving us 4 to 6 inches of snow. Frankly, I am ready for spring!!

  7. So glad to hear that everyone is well again! It certainly looks like everyone was enjoying themselves. Who knows....maybe you will have a young musician on your hands???

  8. So glad to hear that everyone is well again! It certainly looks like everyone was enjoying themselves. Who knows....maybe you will have a young musician on your hands???

  9. Those hugs just melt my heart! The quads are getting to be so grownup, sitting at the table so nicely.
    I know what you mean about a haircut - I am due for one next weekend and I may not make it that long!

  10. It is so good to see the quads again, and know that everyone is getting better! The pictures of them hugging are just wonderful! And so adorable! Your chargers are gorgeous!!! i think Maddie likes your new tablecloth!! Now I am off to the city of Richmond, where they have 13 goodwills!!

  11. So cute. I love the pictures of the all tucked in and listening to you read. Blessings ties four. Glad you are all getting better.

  12. Lovely to see everyone all together again Linda, and those photo's of the quads hugging each other goodnight is just adorable. X

  13. What precious they linger....your little quads just melt my heart. Your table looks so nice and with all the kids and granddad. Love it.

    We are planning a trip to Oregon for Easter to see our little Tristan. He'll be 2 in June.

  14. Awww. my goodness, such sweetness! And a chapter book! Those children are advanced.

  15. Linda, the children are delightful, and I love that tablecloth!

  16. Glad they are now on the mend. Y'all have had a time of it and feeling bad.
    Love those pictures of them hugging. Sweet.
