Saturday, February 21, 2015

Sights and Sounds of Saturday in San Antonio!!!

Try saying THAT six TIMES!
Deanie and I were all ready for our day in San Antonio!
We both slept so well last night!!! Deanie was especially exhausted and really needed some good sound sleep! She slept from midnight to 10:15 this morning!!

Here she is all rested and pretty!

Lots to see around here!

Our hotel is just 2 blocks from Market Square.

It was fun like a PARTY here!!!

Ours first stop was for coffee!
The little cafe downstairs in our hotel closed at 11:00 so we missed that one!

Mi Tierra was worth waiting for that first cup!
We also had a pumpkin turnover and a cream cheese pastry - and we split both of them between us.

We had a little shopping to do in Market Plaza.

There was a lot going on with all sorts of live entertainment!

Music everywhere!

San Antonio has so many historical places.....

and cool architecture.

Deanie and I have lived in Texas our entire lives so we have seen and toured just about every notable place in this great state!
Our plan for this trip was simply to spend some time together, and that we did!!

We are both Goodwill fans so there just HAPPENED to be a super nice one right across the street!
I was thrilled to find a new scare crow to replace the one that bit the dust last year!!

I also found a Cold Water Creek jacket - just my size!

Just a few other finds......

all with great labels!

This Karen Scott top is for Mother.
She will LOVE it!!

NOW - for the Piece de resistance!!!

I scored BIG on these two feathered trees!!

They are embellished with a few peacock feathers - just to make them EXTRA special!!

Here's my scare crow can SEE what a big boy he is!!!

Louis Dean is going to be THRILLED when he sees all this new 'Debris' being unloaded when I get home!

I can't tell you how much I love my sister and how blessed I am to get to spend this time with her!

From the Goodwill, we headed to Alamo Heights to meet up with my friend, Candie.

Candie was Amber's very first swim coach and Candie's daughter, Megan, coached her a few years later and remained the coach for Amber's team, The Pirouettes of Texas, for the remainder of Amber's 11 years of competing in Synchronized Swimming.


Megan is now head coach of  the University of the Incarnate Word Synchronized Swim Team!
She is an AMAZING coach and has been involved with the sport since she was 13 years old.

Now her daughter is in a swimmer for the Cygnets of San Antonio.

This is the Cygnets A Team practicing for an upcoming meet.

And THIS is Megan's little 10 year old working on her 'figures' - following right along in her mother's footsteps!!!

We got back to our hotel - stopping at a HEB grocery store for just a few things on our way.
I had the bright idea of just WALKING to Mi Tierra! We were ONLY two blocks away from Market Square!!! Deanie agreed so off we went - on foot.
My only problem was I led us in  the wrong direction.
We walked through FOUR blocks of pretty desolate streets!
We walked by court buildings and noticed a few 'interesting' people so we picked up our pace.
Finally we came to a place that is just across the street from our hotel - but we couldn't get to the hotel because it was industrial looking fencing and some warehouses. Deanie said, "Linda, Linda, LINDA!!!!! Mi Tierra is NEXT TO THE HIGHWAY!!!!" SO, we walked in THAT direction and sure enough! We found it!!

We were meeting Candie and the kids there for dinner!! They were already seated by the time we arrived!!! Thank goodness! That place was PACKED!!!
The drinks, the food, the fellowship, the atmosphere - we just felt like we had partied all day long!

Deanie is carrying the three DOZEN pastries we are bringing back with us!
No one asked for souvenirs! They just want pastries from Mi Tierra!!!

Candie and her two sweet grands and I!
Those are the BEST little kids!!
Just look at that sweet 10 year old swimmer standing there!
She's taller than I am!!!
Thank you, Candie, for driving us back to our hotel - the whole two blocks!!!
Deanie simply didn't trust me when I pointed and said I knew the way!!!

We are BACK in our hotel room now all safe and sound.
It's been a wonderful day and I have enjoyed every single minute of it!


  1. You could be a tour guide. What fun and what finds. That Coldwater Creek jacket is so cute. Glad you gals are having so much fun.

  2. Fun Fun Fun!!! What a great sisters getaway! Your Coldwater Creek jacket is gorgeous! And the feathered trees are so special, I wonder if they are homemade? The food and drinks look wonderful You two need to do this on a regular basis, maybe once a month or so.

  3. Linda, what a fun post...but then again, all your posts are fun. :) I love your Coldwater Creek jacket and the top you got for your mom, and I also love the blue top with the white palm trees...well, it looks like palm trees. What a great time you both had. :)

  4. Glad you are having such a special time with your sis! You scored on your "finds."

  5. this is some day out for the two of you, i love all that architecture in the photos and that would be enough for me to wonder you chose San Antonio for your mini vacation. i always wanted a sister... this makes me want one more.

  6. My goodness- You and your sister certainly crammed A LOT into a short time! How fun you got to see the coach and spend some time with her You found some really cute those trees.
    Have a great Sunday- xo Diana

  7. Linda, What a fun day and busy too. Deanie is going to re-name you "wrong way Chapman" if you aren't careful. LOL I had to laugh..been there and done that. LOL. You may want to sneak your finds into the shed. Blessings to you and Deanie, xoxo,Susie

  8. Thank The Lord Deanie didn't trust you! Heaven knows where you might have wound up! Weekends like yours are exhilarating and provide the fun memories of life. You will be laughing over them for years to come. Hope that those pastries make it home...

  9. So happy you Girls are having fun!

  10. Looks like such fun. Great finds at Goodwill, but I have to say, those feather trees are my favorite!

  11. Glad you're having such a great time!

  12. Love that you are bringing us all along with you on your road trip Linda X

  13. What fun. Your long walk sounds like a book I read, can't remember the name. I love your scary mans shoes. Enjoy.

  14. What fun... !!! You deserve it!!!

    ....... but I think you are having to many margarita's:)))

  15. It sounds like tyou are having way too much fun in SanAntonio! I love that city...and spending time at the Riverwalk!

  16. What a fun trip and time spent with your sister! I enjoyed following along. My sister used to live in San Antonio, and it's an interesting and beautiful city. Glad you had this fun trip, Linda! :)

  17. What a wonderful trip. Great pictures. LOL I can't believe you went goodwill shopping. Look at all that debris. I love that term and how LD lovingly calls the stuff you bring home debris.
