Thursday, February 19, 2015

Ready For an Adventure!!!

Louis Dean and I have enjoyed a slow and easy day!!!
EXTREMELY slow and easy!

We eased into the morning, strolled into the afternoon and then gently rolled through the evening.
I accomplished little more than to finish reading a book.
Only the odd and end household chore got my attention today.
I even took a nap.
It was wonderful to rest and relax - just because I COULD!

I want to be at my best for an adventure this weekend!!!

My bags are packed and I am ready to GO!!!
I have been counting down the days since January 9th!
Only a WAKE UP left!!!


  1. Sounds great, Linda, I hope you enjoy your time! :)

  2. OMG...did I miss where you are going? I will stay tuned (and I'm jealous!).

    Jane x

  3. I hope all goes well, and you are now over all your illnesses and ready to go!!

  4. Any day with you, my dear Linda is an adventure. Suitcase packed, Denim Jacket and your totes...Wherever it is, I can't wait to hear about it. Happy Trails...Sending love and hugs.

  5. Bon Voyage! Have fun, and take lots of photo's to show us when you get back X

  6. Safe travels! Can't wait to here all about it

  7. I can't wait to see what fun mischief you get into - have a great time!

  8. Hi Linda, Have fun! I'm looking forward to hearing about your adventure! ;)

  9. You're a tease, Linda! Have a great time!!

  10. LOVE those kind of days....WHERE are you going?! Can't wait to hear. Whatever it is...ENJOY!

  11. where oh where are you going? are you going alone? is LD going? will you return soon? will we see the photos you take? have fun

  12. Wait! Take me with you! Just kidding, have a great time, wherever it is... :)

  13. Linda, I have missed out on your trip plans.. I sure hope you have a wonderful safe time. I hope it's some place sure do not want to go where it's frigid. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  14. Hope you're having loads of fun!
