Thursday, December 11, 2014

Let me take you through our 'Quad' day!

We woke up excited this morning! The quads were coming!!!
We did our morning routine and then went in to check our little Maddie!

She was doing just fine.
Clipping her nails may well be all we need to do!
While we kept the door closed to the guest room last night, she HAS been wandering around the house some today. I think she is making herself right at home.
I spent a few minutes decorating the tree in there until the quads arrived.

Here they came!!!!
As soon as everyone was in, we headed into the guest room to meet 'Maggie!'

Trystan loved the decorations in there - as I was expecting!!

Harrison climbed right up on the bed and started brushing Maddie!

Love how Logan says 'Santa Claus!'

We spent some time with the cat and then the kids were ready to go outside with Granddad!
We brought their toy trunk out there and while they played,  Louis Dean cracked and shelled pecans!

Logan proved to be a very good helper!!!

They loved being outside!!!

The kids helped me make tea biscuits - one of those wonderful little mixes that you only have to add 1/2 cup of milk, mix and bake!!! Kailey went to the drawer that holds their plastic plates and brought them out to serve the biscuits on.

All the girls helped me bag up some leaves!
I asked Harrison if he would like a bag and help and he politely said, "No, thank you!"

I smile all the way through a blog post as I remember these sweet moments with these sweet children!!
And these children ARE sweet!!! They say 'please' and 'thank you' and 'sorry'.......
They are kind and thoughtful of each other and always thank me for anything I hand to them or do for them. Now - don't misunderstand! They are still children and fuss and fret with one another on occasion and with us from time to time. STILL!!! I have never met better behaved two year olds!
Not even my OWN children were this good!!!

Granddad held down the fort and they all watched Paw Patrol while I got lunch ready.

Store bought chicken pot pies, grapes and cheese....and milk!

Naps followed. We did a big group nap in the den with each one having their own blanket, pillow and cover while Louis Dean slept on one couch and I on the other. Harrrison and Trystan were asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillows!! Eventually we ALL slept - even Granddad and I!

Our afternoon went as follows.....

An art project!!!
We made picket fence Scarecrows for the fall so why not Santas for Christmas??
We started them today and will finish them next Wednesday!

An afternoon tea party using real cups and a silver tea pot that was a gift from my niece, Leah!
The kids felt so special!!
They really loved it when I plugged up the lights!

We played outside until it was dark! They helped me string up more lights and kept saying, "One more!" Meaning - one more strand. Another way the quads helped me - they opened the lights - box by box - and pulled them out so I could snip off the white tags at either end. 

While dinner cooked we played in the den.

I had purchased some games and a sticker pad (Melissa and Doug) of faces where you stick all the features on! They loved them!!

This is what was cooking!
I love a pot roast with veggies!

Dinner was served!

Grace was said.

This whole eating at a table with the grown ups is a new thing for the quads.
They still have their quad table at home.
Notice they all have their hands in their laps?
They are already learning manners!

Baths followed and by this time Louis Dean and I were beginning to limp!!!
I'm not kidding you - it's a tough day and one that you must prepare for!
We always do lots of preparation ahead of time so we can spend the day just taking care of the quads.
Amber tells us this is THE greatest gift that we could ever give her......a DAY! She looks forward to this every week!!
Amber is 29 years old and we are in our 60's and 70's.
It's hard for all of us but OH, SO WORTH IT!!
These days will vanish like a vapor - but the the memories, the blessings, the bonds we are forming -
will last the rest of our lives!

That being said, when we handed the four off to their mother - I told her she was a four star GENERAL!!!!!

So that was our day!!!
Louis Dean and I are headed to bed and I bet we sleep like babies tonight!!!!


  1. What a wonderfully busy day!!! Great memories to treasure ...😄

  2. I love that you put so many videos in your post. It's like having a little visit with you. The quads get bigger and able to do more things each time I see them. Hard to believe that in 5 months they will be 3 years old. Where did the time go?

    Today should be a day of rest for Grandma and Granddad after that day yesterday. But like you said, it is so worth it.

  3. Wonderful memories for all are being made....

  4. You and Louis Dean are troopers!! My husband and I realize more and more why God gives you children while you are young!lol Our five grands are great but they can wear us out!!

  5. That was some day! Did I miss the part where everyone had a nap? LOL

  6. LOL- Yes- she is a four star general...but I guess that would make you a FIVE STAR Admiral! lol What a lot of fun for all of you. That pot roast looks delicious! xo Diana

  7. The quads talked about their day all the way home! They LOVE spending time with you and Louis Dean. Y'all hold such a special place in their little hearts. They are already talking about the "next Wednesday..."

  8. So cute - looks like a fun day. They will always remember this when they grow up.

  9. Linda dear, you pack more into ONE day that most pack in a week or more. I haven't made pot roast for a while, and I think I could smell yours. I love that you have fresh rosemary on it. I love rosemary and still use my rosemary salt, and olive oil. Love your new kitty Maddie. Posted cats myself today. Love and Hugs

  10. They are very well behaved children! It is my belief that children live up to your expectations of them so when we expect them to behave well, and teach them to do so, they do!

    Your daughter and her husband are doing a wonderful job with them! How special too, that you and Louis Dean take a whole day with them, teaching them things, letting them help, napping etc.

    You all are storing up fabulous memories!


  11. She is amazing and don't forget who raised the general! Louis Dean is amazing, too! I smiled throughout your post and am grinning now to see the gold chargers beneath their child-size dinner plates. Here's to next Wednesday!

  12. I am tingling all over from reading your sweet blog today, it is the best EVER! Maybe it is because we are ALL grandparents, and both in our 60's and 70's. LOVE the quads running into your house and looking at everything, especially the tree. We are there IN your house to watch them run in! Making their own tea cakes is brilliant! And it also teaches them where food comes from. Maddie fits in so perfectly, she is so gentle and perfectly happy to be there and have all the attention; lonely NO more. She was waiting for only YOU and it was meant to be. I agree, when ours come over, I have to have every minute planned so the day is filled with structure and fun. The sepia toned pecan picture is great, it is beautiful. So, you had a wonderful bonding day with the quads, and Amber gets to have a day of peace, totally to herself. As you say WIN WIN!

  13. Oh what fun... and you are right...those days will be over before you can blink...good for you guys!!!

  14. Linda, I almost missed this post...came back to check it out. I love how well behaved the children are. I know they get tire and fussy but they do very well. You and LD do a fabulous job with them. Blessings to all, Susie

  15. They are so well behaved! Kudos to the General and their dad. :) I know that you and LD help too but having 4 little ones be so sweet is amazing. I also realize how tiring a full day can be as we "mature", however, you're creating such beautiful memories. The only thing I can say is that time passes too quickly so continue what you're doing and enjoy each moment.


  16. I love your attitude to life Linda, and this post just sums it up perfectly; your energy, commitment, and your great love and appreciation of your family. They must totally adore you and Louis Dean too. X

  17. Such good little helpers. Better than your own... LOL You don't notice it now since you're the grandmother and not the mother.
    Y'all such an awesome family
