Thursday, November 6, 2014

Slow and Steady.....

Life slows down when you are sick. Mine has gone into crawl mode. 

We had a pasta salad for lunch today.....I put everything I could lay my hands on in it!
Three kinds of pasta....boiled eggs, cooked diced chicken, strawberries, celery, diced apples, an orange, corn relish, onion, mushrooms, sliced dried garlic.....and a hefty jar of Vidalia Onion dressing.

Topped with croutons and dried cranberries, it made for a healthy and tasty lunch.
I guess chopping all that stuff up wore me out because after we ate I went back to bed.

I spent most of the afternoon in the sewing room -
organizing thread and filling up all my bobbins.

My main accomplishment today was making a crib quilt for a baby shower.
I designed it last night and then sewed the top together this morning.

Normally I use a sheet as the backing but for this one I pieced together large pieces of denim.
I just barely got this one done in the nick of time!
It is in the dryer now!

I close with the Throw Back Thursday photo I used on Facebook today.
The year was 1991. I was 43 years old. Just look at little Amber!
She was 6!
Hard to believe she has FOUR children of her own now!
And they are all the SAME age!!!


  1. Amber is just adorable! And you look pretty, but you have gotten even prettier with age, you are beautiful now. Oh no, still sick, Bummer!! At least you are able to get some good sleep. Your quilt will be the best gift there. Not only because it is a pretty one of a kind, but it is something to keep forever and hand down in the family. I got your letter today and was totally thrilled! It made my day! Thank you, thank you!! Phil did not understand why I was bouncing up and down. I said "It's from The Quad Squad!" He looked at me like I was crazy and said "The Quad WHAT?" They are wonderful and beautiful and full of love. Love of the babies doing their art with grandma, and love in your finishing and sending!! Thanks again!!! And give the babies each a big kiss for me and tell them they are GOOD artists!

  2. Wow that is some salad! It is good you are resting. When I was sick a few weeks back that is all I did.

    The throwback picture is great!

  3. Oh Linda, I so enjoyed your 'throwback photo'!!

    And I tellya girl, if you're not feeling well, I would like to see just what you accomplish when you're feeling up to par! My goodness!

  4. Linda, I hope you feel better soon!

    I love how you just mentioned that you made a little quilt yesterday. :) You know that's not a small accomplishment!

  5. Linda, Even sick you amaze me. LOL I love that crib quilt , love it ! That was a crazy combination for lunch...but you know, some times that makes the best recipes. Getting your bobbins loaded with thread was a task in it's self. Beautiful picture of you and Amber. I like seeing those. Hope you are better this weekend. xoxo,Susie

  6. Glad that you are resting as needed. I'm all caught up on video viewing here...loved the laughter, dancing, and piano playing! The quads were very good not to interfere with their mama's piano time, too. Excellent!

  7. That is one mega pasta salad you made! I would've been tired from making it too. Love the quilt you made. So glad that you were able to finish it despite not feeling well. Homemade quilts are such a treasure! I loved the picture you shared of you and Amber. Wow! She was just a little girl then. In 1991, I didn't even have kids yet. I was married and working full time. That seems like a lifetime ago.

  8. Hope you feel better soon! Love the quilt!

  9. Its seems you keep going even when you are sick!! That salad looks sooo good!!.. Love that picture of you and Amber

  10. Hi Linda ~ I love your "Everything in sight" salad. I would love a bowl of that. I do the same thing. I've been pushing myself lately and I am feeling tired and need to pace myself. I'm a 90 MPH gal...and at 73 I need to slow it down to 73. HaHa.
    I'm taking a posting break, but will continue to visit and comment on my friends.

  11. All that and you consider it a "slow day"?! LOL. The quilt is so pretty! What a great Keepsake it will be. That hefty Pasta Salad sounds incredible. Yum! Girl, we've gotta get well. This bein' sick has gotta GO!!

  12. Hello Linda! I'm visiting from Susan's. I loved your feature! You've had such an interesting life. I'm a new follower. Hope you're feeling better. Enjoy your weekend.

  13. Linda you are such a busy lady! Love the baby quilt, and ypur pasta salad sounds delicious. X

  14. Take care of yourself! The prescription is lots of reading and tea :)

  15. Love the baby quilt idea backing and your salad sounds delicious. Think I'll add a little chopped salad to mine tonight! Nancy

  16. Hi Linda, love the throwback photo. I just visited your wonderful spotlight feature at Susan's and wanted to stop by and tell you I enjoyed it and what a blessing it was to read. And, I live right here in Texas too!! We are practically neighbors. I'm in Flower Mound.
    I am your newest follower.
    Hugs and Blessings!

  17. I read your feature on Spotlight Saturday. What a sweet post. Wonderful that we can enjoy every season. So glad you are outrageously happy!

  18. I'm from Susan's blog too. What a beautiful love story. You make such a cute couple. How exciting to have quads. I feel like we have triplets as we have three 8 year old grandchildren. They were all born to different parents but they are six weeks apart. That was a busy time. My DIL's sister does have triplets though.....but four wow.

  19. I was just over at Susan's reading your STORY! I am just a couple of years older than you, but I still have no grandchildren.

    I will be back to read more.

  20. What a lovely post, Linda!!! I am sorry to hear you weren't feeling well but I am glad it wasn't the flu. I know too well how it can be when we are sick. I was sick for the entire month of July this summer with C Difficile, which is a bacterial infection.

    Your photos, as always, are lovely and heartwarming, and the food looks really good.

    By the way, I always keep a supply of fresh lemons, fresh ginger and honey on hand...and there is a really good tea by Celestial Seasonings called "Bengal Spice". It has a picture of a tiger on the box and it is delicious and contains cinnamon and ginger, which are great for fighting colds or infection, or just as a tasty, refreshing and healthy hot beverage on a chilly evening. Sending you many warm hugs and much love.

  21. What a great salad! I love when we just decide to make something and use what you have ~ it always turns out good I think. The quilt is adorable! As I've said over & over, not sure where you get your energy but wish I had just some of it! :)

    I so hope you're feeling better every day!
